Chapter 1373 Spirit Puppet!

At this moment, Tang Zhong was staring at the sea shark like a ghost!

Haisha fell to the ground, clutching the wound on his arm, looking at Tang Zhong, his eyes filled with endless fear, he had never been so afraid, even facing those who were stronger than him, he never wanted to live like this today!

Compared with this person, others are really playing tricks!

The people around are even more afraid to speak!

People from this inferior galaxy are definitely not ordinary people, but real murderers!
"No, I don't want it!" Sea Shark said in horror.

"Oh, this is good!" Tang Zhong smiled, but still stabbed out with the magic sword in his hand: "It's too late!"

The tip of the sword directly pierced the sea shark's chest!

Sea Shark's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Are you aware of being afraid at this time? If I had been weak before, I would be the one who fell here now!"

Then he saw Tang Zhong suddenly withdraw the sword in his hand.

I saw the blade being pulled out directly from the sea shark's chest.

The coercion of huge power exploded in an instant, and the body of the sea shark was shattered into pieces, turning into a puddle of blood!
The people in the Atlantis galaxy saw that their boss died like this, and they didn't even dare to speak.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at the people around him, raised the world key in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Who among you still want this key now, I will give it to whoever wants it now!"

No one dared to say anything. The scene of the sea shark's death just now was something they would never forget in their lifetime. This seemingly benign person is simply a peerless murderer.

"Since you don't want it, I'll go first!"

Tang Zhong's aura began to dissipate, and then he put away the magic sword, and returned to his previous normal appearance. He turned to Hong Ye and said, "Let's go!"

Hong Ye was completely dumbfounded, and when he heard Tang Zhong's words, he quickly responded: "Yes, big brother!"

He hurriedly followed behind Tang Zhong.

In order to besiege Tang Zhong, people from the major galaxies blocked the door tightly, but seeing Tang Zhong coming at this time, they quickly moved out of the way!
Tang Zhong and Hong Ye walked out slowly and disappeared from everyone's eyes!
It took a long time for someone to react.

After confirming that Tang Zhong was far away, someone said: "That guy actually killed people from the Atlantis galaxy and the Tianyang galaxy. The news here will spread soon. That person is dead!"


When they usually taunt, they all have sneers on their faces, but now when they taunt, they don't have much confidence anymore.

And what happened in the Twelve Cities Auction was quickly spread!

Rumors are everywhere!

"What did you say, someone killed people from the Atlantis galaxy and the Tianyang galaxy, what kind of person is that?"

"I heard it's a person from an inferior galaxy!"

"It's so bold!"

"This may not be hot news, do you know? That person still has the world key, and I don't know what strange means he used to deceive him!"

"What, the key to enter the world's treasure, that thing, I want!"

In an instant, more people from the galaxy went to the Twelve Cities, looking for Tang Zhong's whereabouts.

But Tang Zhong at this moment has already appeared in other places.

What needs to be done now is to protect the world key before the world treasure is opened, and not let others snatch it away. This is the most important thing to do, and nothing else is important.

In a valley, Hong Ye had already gone out to inquire about the news. After all, Tang Zhong was the protagonist in the previous incident. Once he went out, he would definitely cause a sensation.

When Hong Ye goes out, basically not many people can know him!

And Tang Zhong stayed in the valley to practice alone.

It would be a lie to say that fighting Sea Shark and Xia Huang was easy before.

At least after Tang Zhong only used the Lei Yan Body, he was unable to fight against the two of them, and he finally won the opponent after using the Tianyang Golden Soul.

So now Tang Zhong still needs to practice.

Practice the Lei Yan Body repeatedly, and just like this, Tang Zhong's aura is constantly exploding!

From time to time, there were explosions in this valley.

Finally, Tang Zhong was covered in sweat, and he stopped after he had practiced almost, and sat down on the ground!

"Boy, why are you working so hard all of a sudden?" The ten flame dragon soldiers turned into little golden dragons and flew around Tang Zhong!

"How can I become stronger?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Cultivation, as for the Lei Yan body, you only have the first level of Astral Rank, so you can only burst out this kind of power. If you want to develop more, you can only do it after your cultivation is stronger!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"More powerful?" Tang Zhong frowned.

Martial skills can be practiced continuously, but the cultivation base has to be done slowly, and you can't remember it at all, otherwise Tang Zhong will have to finish playing if he gets mad.

"However, if you want to strengthen your own strength, you don't have to just strengthen yourself!" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers said.

"How do you say that?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's very simple, just strengthen whatever you have in your hands, such as your magic sword, and of course those corpse soldiers in your evil eyes!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"The magic sword is impossible. I've just mastered it now. As for this corpse there any way to cultivate it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers said: "Corpse soldiers can be transformed into spirit puppets in succession. Spirit puppets are a higher level of corpse soldiers. They have spiritual intelligence initially, but it is somewhat difficult to refine them!"

"Isn't it okay to be in the evil eye?" Tang Zhong asked.

All his corpse soldiers sucked the corpses into the evil eyes, and used the evil energy to refine the corpses into corpse soldiers!
He knew very little about this.

"Of course not. The scale of the evil eye is too small now. If you want to refine corpse soldiers into spirit puppets, you must use very powerful flames. It is best to use the flames transformed from cosmic energy. The purer the flames, the better the flames are." The spirit puppets that are refined will be more powerful!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

Tang Zhong frowned, where should such flames be found?

But he reacted quickly, because the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers would never tell him this for no reason, they must know some solution!
"Do you know where it is?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" The ten flame dragon soldiers smiled mysteriously.

"Then what are you waiting for, tell me quickly!" Tang Zhong said excitedly.

"I can feel a trace of power, it's in this first world area, but I don't know exactly where it is!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

It is impossible for him to cultivate now, he can only follow the method mentioned by the Ten Dao Yanlong Bing, but as long as he is in this first world area, then he can find it.

But now you have to see how many corpse soldiers you have!
(End of this chapter)

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