Chapter 1375 Teaching!

Tang Zhong was going to go and have a look first.

After passing through the hordes of camps, the picture ahead appeared in Tang Zhong's eyes.

Thick smoke is billowing ahead, and the sky is full of flames!
Something like molten lava flowed down from the mountain, blocking the way forward!

Tang Zhong understood why this happened. It seems that there really is a treasure here, so there is such a difference between heaven and earth!

"That feeling is in this valley!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"I know!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists.

Let's go into this valley first, we will definitely find that kind of flame transformed from cosmic energy, and first refine the corpse soldiers into spirit puppets!

Then he took Hong Ye to find a place where no one was around, and stopped the camp there!
Then Tang Zhong started to practice directly.

On the contrary, Hong Ye was very frightened at this time, and kept staring at the surroundings vigilantly, for fear of being targeted by people from the surrounding galaxy.

Tang Zhong sat cross-legged, without opening his eyes, and said, "Indifferently, the most dangerous place is the safest place, although everyone is looking for the two of us, believe it or not, even if you say you are Hong Ye, I'm afraid no one believes it, understand?"

"Brother Tang, how is that possible?" Hong Ye didn't believe it.

Tang Zhong shook his head, and then shouted: "Tang Zhong is here, he has the world key!"

When Hong Ye heard it, he secretly thought that something was wrong, why did Brother Tang announce his name, but he found that the people around him didn't seem to have heard them, and some people seemed to have heard them, but they just looked back They glanced at each other, then yelled and cursed for being crazy, and then said nothing.

Hong Ye was quite shocked that no one paid any attention to them.

"See, the most dangerous place is the safest place, so just practice with peace of mind. Hong Ye, do you want to practice Tianyang Golden Soul?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Me?" Hong Ye was taken aback, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to ask such a question at all, he wanted to practice, but he was too stupid, and said with a smile: "Brother Tang, forget it, I'm too stupid!"

"No... For me, there is no fool. As long as I teach you, you will be stronger than that Xia Huang!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

"Really?" Hong Ye looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief.

"Of course!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Although the Tianyang Golden Soul is powerful, it is not unique to him, and although Hong Ye has not been with him for a long time, he is very loyal!
Naturally, Tang Zhong would not treat the other party badly, and Hong Ye's strength is also a great benefit to him!

"Go, go to a place where no one is there!" Tang Zhong said.

The two got up directly and went to find a place where there was no one.

In this place, people from more galaxies are currently camping on the only way to enter the valley, and they don't want to miss the best opportunity to enter this valley!
But they just got up, at this time, from the road, there was a golden tent, and outside the tent, there were people wearing golden armor, looking carefully, those people were people from the Tianyang galaxy!
It seems that people from the Tianyang Galaxy have also come here.

The prince of the Tianyang galaxy should be in it too!

"Be careful, Brother Tang, we must not be discovered!" Hong Ye said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not be discovered by others!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

And at this moment, in the tent of the Tianyang galaxy.

I saw a man in golden armor wearing armor, sitting on the top, he was the prince of the Tianyang Galaxy!

In front of him, there were many men in golden armor kneeling, all with their heads bowed!
"Waste, what a waste, the Tianyang Golden Soul of our Tianyang galaxy was taken away by someone, and it was actually killed. This is trash, what use does our Tianyang galaxy need you for?" the Tianyang prince roared angrily.

"Prince, calm down, prince, calm down, we have already searched, but we have not been able to find the one named Tang Zhong!" The following panicked.

"Keep looking, we must not let them escape!" Prince Tianyang roared angrily.


"Let's look for it after this expedition to the ruins is over, so show us a good performance in the ruins this time, otherwise, everyone will die!" Prince Tianyang roared.


Afterwards, Prince Tianyang became condensed: "The guy who doesn't know how to live or die, a bitch from an inferior galaxy, dares to resist our Tianyang galaxy, wait, wait, when I catch you, I will definitely chop you up!"

At the same time, Tang Zhong and Hong Ye had reached a place where no one was around, and took off their cloaks at the same time.

Tang Zhong decided to teach Hong Ye Tianyang Golden Soul!

"Are you ready?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" Hong Ye nodded.

Tang Zhong explained to Hong Ye all the Tianyang Golden Soul that had been simplified by the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers before, and Hong Ye was also listening carefully. After finishing speaking, Tang Zhong asked: "How is it? I understand. ?"

"En!" Hong Ye nodded.

His memory is also good, but comprehension and success in cultivation are two different levels. As expected, Hong Ye started to use his strength, but found that he didn't move at all.

Tianyang Golden Soul is to draw out the power in the body, and use the power of martial arts to strengthen its own strength.

For the first time, Hong Ye didn't respond at all.

"Brother Tang, I'm afraid I can't do it!" Hong Ye said.

"It's okay, as long as you continue to practice!" Tang Zhong said: "I will guide you after you have a little fluctuation in your practice!"

"Yes!" Hong Ye didn't bother Tang Zhongxiu, and went directly to the corner, where he was practicing alone.

Tang Zhong ignored him.

"It's the first time I've discovered how generous you are, the golden soul of Tianyang may be your strongest martial skill now, but you actually gave it to someone else!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"Others will treat you the same way you treat others, and Hong Ye is a loyal person, so naturally I will not treat him badly!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he calmed down and began to practice.

"Come on, whatever you say makes sense, I won't tell you anymore!" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers stopped talking.

Next to him, Hong Ye has been practicing and sweating on his forehead. He knows that he is weak, but Brother Tang said just now that there are no weak people with him, which means that Brother Tang has great confidence in him. Naturally, Hong Ye would not disappoint Tang Zhong!
Time passed little by little, and night began to fall.

Tang Zhong had almost practiced before looking back, and saw Hong Ye still practicing in the distance.

"That kid, you might not be able to succeed today!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"It's not necessarily true. Only when you suffer hardships can you become a master, and he can suffer a lot!" Tang Zhong said.

"Those words are all lies, talent and strength are the most important thing!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"I want to lie or not, I will know soon!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier was about to speak.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed behind them.

A statuette appeared.

Immediately, Hong Ye's voice came out: "I succeeded, Brother Tang!"

(End of this chapter)

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