Chapter 1376 Breaking the Boundary!

"Brother Tang, I'm done!" Hong Ye next to him said excitedly.

When the ten flame dragon soldiers heard this, they immediately shut up.

"Hard work is more useful than talent!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Even so, his talent is still relatively weak, so I don't like him!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"With me, there is no talent or not. With me, there is only hard work or not!" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "Hong Ye's Tianyang Golden Soul I can teach him better than that person from the Tianyang galaxy. Be great!"

Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers stopped talking again, in short, Tang Zhong is really too perverted, he has seen it many times.

At this moment, a loud voice came from the front.

"The lava ahead has given way, let's go quickly, we must enter this ruin as soon as possible!"

"Everyone in Jupiter's galaxy, let me go!"


More and more advance orders came out.

That must be the magma that blocked the way of these people is gone now.

"Brother Tang, you can move forward!" Hong Ye went out to inquire about the news soon after hearing the voice, and now that he had confirmed it, he immediately came to report to Tang Zhong.

"Then let's go!" Tang Zhong got up now.

The two lowered their black robes to cover their faces, and then quickly joined the crowd.

Among the crowd, there are all kinds of human beings.

There are giants about three meters tall, fat people with huge axes in their hands, and people covered in flames all over their bodies!
It seems that this time the ruins really attracted a lot of people!

Another half-day walk.

The ten flame dragon soldiers walked all the way, felt all the way, and suddenly, he shouted: "That kind of flame is inside!"

Tang Zhong looked at the burning mountain in front of him, and he clenched his fists. Since he was inside, he had to enter it no matter what!

"There are several very powerful auras in here!" Ten Yanlong soldiers said suddenly.

Tang Zhong knew that he was talking about the crowd.

"What kind of strength do they have?" Tang Zhong asked.

Know the strength of the enemy, so that you can do things better!
"There are a lot of eighth and ninth star stars. It seems that this time, there are not only people from high-level galaxies, but there must also be people from high-level galaxies. You have to be careful, a few of them have a strong aura!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang nodded heavily, and then looked around.

I saw a black sedan chair, which was carried by four green-skinned goblins, walking forward slowly at the moment.

Tang Zhong felt strange that there were still people who participated in the Star Wind Domain assessment and sat in sedan chairs.

"Where does the breath come from, that person should be careful for a while, and that sedan chair is not made by manpower, but a treasure!" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers said.

Tang Zhong couldn't help being shocked. He had to say that the background of people in this high-level galaxy is relatively large, and he doesn't know who is there!

"Is there anything else that needs attention?" Tang Zhong continued to ask.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you when I realize it!" The Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers suddenly said again: "Wait a minute, it seems that the ruins have arrived!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he looked intently and saw the strangeness ahead.

I saw a cliff ahead.

On the other side of the cliff, there is a mountain burning with flames, and the appearance of the mountain cannot be seen clearly, giving people a vague feeling. The sky above the mountain is extremely dark, and a swirling dark vortex is above, isn't it? There were fireballs rumbling down, and besides that, there were also red thunderbolts rumbling down.

At this time, other people who were going forward had also stopped.

"There is a cliff ahead, how can we move forward?" Tang Zhong asked ten Yanlong soldiers.

"This is a barrier, you can only enter after breaking the barrier!" The ten flame dragon soldiers said: "The ruins that can form a barrier, it seems that this time there are some things in it that are not simple!"

This aroused Tang Zhong's heart even more!
"How to break the boundary?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Everyone must attack this enchantment together, open the gap, and then go in!" The ten flame dragon soldiers said: "Don't worry, someone will understand!"

Don nodded his head.

Don't act like an early bird, there are still so many people present anyway.

If you can enter the ruins and search for things silently, that would be great!
Sure enough, people from several large galaxies at the front were all gathered together, as if they were discussing something.

No matter what they discussed, Tang Zhong was still curious about the person inside the sedan chair. He looked back at the sedan chair carried by the goblin, and really wanted to know who was inside the sedan chair!

At this time, the people from the large galaxies in front seemed to have reached a conclusion.

I saw a man with the appearance of a giant shouting directly at the people in all the galaxies present: "Anyone who wants to enter the ruins, please listen to me. This is our chance. This place has not been used by other people." The people from the high-level galaxy and the Starwind Domain official found that as long as they come, we will definitely have no chance to snatch the contents inside, so we must act as soon as possible. The ruins ahead seem to have an enchantment. Now I need help from everyone With the power to break through the barrier ahead, do you have any objections?"

"No!" Everyone present responded.

"Then let's begin!" said the giant-looking human.

Immediately, he saw a man with the appearance of a giant, making a move directly, the ax in his hand flashed red light, and then shot out a red beam of light, impacting towards the barrier in front of him!

I saw a wave wall appearing in front of me, and after the red light on the ax fell on it, it stopped!
As a result, the people around all started to shine, and all moved towards the wave wall!
Swish swish!
There are pillars of light everywhere!

Tang Zhong is hiding among the crowd at this moment, it seems that he has not been discovered by more advanced galaxies, and the speed of entering must be faster at that time.

He didn't make a move, just hide in the crowd, and just mix it up when the time comes.

At this moment, when countless rays of light hit the huge wave wall in front of it, it trembled violently, and there was a strong sense of distortion on it, as if being pulled!
It is about to see a rotating black hole appearing in the very center, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and endless flames are gushing out from it!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew out from it, sweeping around.

Many people who blew quickly covered their eyes!

I saw the giant who took the lead before, directly raised the huge axe, and shouted: "We have opened the barrier, go in and grab the treasure!"

Immediately, the whole person rushed directly towards the rotating gap, and his body was quickly swallowed up.

Others followed closely behind, obviously those who had entered the ruins before!

The crowd began to sprint into the ruins!

"Brother Tang, shall we go in too?" Hong Ye asked, blocking the way.

Looking at the huge rotating black hole, Tang Zhong grinned: "Go in, why don't you go in?"

(End of this chapter)

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