Chapter 1377 Grave!

"Of course it went in!" Tang Zhong said.

Then immediately follow the crowd.
Let's enter the ruins first. After all, I heard from the giant that if the Starwind Domain officials come here, they will confiscate all the assets here, and then they will have no chance!
Hong Ye followed behind him.

Tang Zhong must be responsible for Hong Ye's safety: "After entering the ruins for a while, follow me. If you really get lost with me, you must pay attention to your own safety!"

Hong Ye nodded, knowing what he should do.

At this time, they were getting closer and closer to the entrance of the rotating black hole. As soon as they approached, they were sucked in.

Tang Zhong only felt a darkness in front of his eyes, and when he realized his whole body, he found that he had entered a more illusory place.

Like an ancient tomb, there are many passages in it!

After the other people came in, they ran straight ahead, regardless of the passage, just go in by themselves!
Seeing Tang Zhong not moving, Hong Ye quickly asked, "Brother Tang, don't we leave now?"

"Wait!" Tang Zhong said!

He is now waiting for Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing to show the way, because Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing said that after entering here, everything will follow his arrangement!

Those who came in later than Tang Zhong and the others found that Tang Zhong and the others were blocking the way, and directly shouted: "Go away, don't block the way if you don't go away!"

"Go to the cave in the direction of your seven o'clock, don't worry about other people, this should be an ancient tomb!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong didn't hesitate at all, and went directly in the direction Shidao Yanlongbing said!

Hong Ye followed immediately.

Because there are literally too many entryways.

It is obvious that there are very few people in the passage they walked through.

"Brother Tang, I think they all took that passage, could it be that we went wrong?" Hong Ye asked.

"Don't pay attention to other people!" Tang Zhong said.

Sure enough, after passing through this passage, they came to a stone room.

This stone chamber is very large, and a powerful wave of power blooms inside.

They are all like crystal blocks.

"Coral crystal, haha, I'm going to get rich this time!" Some people who came in earlier than Tang Zhong said excitedly after seeing the crystal block.

"Brother Tang, you are so amazing, you know all of this!" Hong Ye said excitedly, really unbelievable.

By this time, others had left some mining the stone while others moved on.

In front of this stone room, there are still nine passages!

I only saw those who came first, chose a passage and went in.

Tang Zhong glanced at the coral crystals, the power contained in these things is indeed good!
"Don't be distracted here, keep going, these things are not very valuable, and the valuable ones are behind!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang Zhong naturally knew: "Then take that passage!"

"The passage on the far left!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong didn't think about it, and just rushed forward!
"Brother Tang, what are you doing here?" Hong Ye asked hurriedly when he saw Tang Zhong was leaving.

"Go deeper, do you want to follow me?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Brother Tang, I won't follow you anymore. I always feel that following you is a burden to me. The coral crystal here is already very good!" Hong Ye said.

"Okay!" Tang nodded emphatically, he had to move on.

"That guy actually knows how to be content, this is already better than many people!" Ten Daoyan Longbing praised Hong Ye once in a rare time.

In the passage, Tang Zhong was the only one this time.

After all, when I first entered the ancient tomb, there were too many passages, so they were all scattered to different places.

"Will I meet those people from before?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course not. This is an ancient tomb. It must have been specially made by the owner of the tomb. I have to say that this tomb was carefully made. The previous owner of the tomb is not simple. He designed so many entrances to the tomb. If If there is no accident, only one is correct, and some other caves may put people to death!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang Zhong was so frightened: "Then we are going this way, isn't it right?"

"Guess!" Ten Daoyan Longbing asked with a smile.


After a while, Tang Zhong came to another stone room.

In this stone room, there are still coral crystals inside!
Ahead is another passage.

Shi Daoyan dragon soldiers pointed to a way forward, and Tang Zhong continued to move forward.

In this way, after walking for an unknown number of passages, the next stone room changed. Before entering, Tang Zhong felt a rushing force. When he entered the stone room, Tang Zhong saw even more The quintessential crystal stones, with a faint golden light blooming on those stones, are obviously not ordinary!
"Golden Flame Stone!" Shouted out the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier, it found that Tang Zhong was in a daze, and quickly shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up, this thing is definitely a good material for refining interstellar weapons. If you go out, one can sell for a very high price!"

Hearing the price, Tang Zhong quickly took out Xieyan and pocketed all these Jinyan Stones.

You must know that these are money.

Interstellar weapon Tang Zhong knows what it is. Before Shake and the sea shark in the Atlantis galaxy, the weapons in their hands can be called interstellar weapons. Of course, the magic sword in his hand can also be called !
"This thing can refine interstellar weapons, so can it repair the magic sword?" Tang Zhong asked.

The magic sword was incomplete at first glance, but Tang Zhong couldn't see why.

"No, the Demon Sword is a Demon Sword, with demon energy soaring to the sky, and this Golden Flame Stone is a masculine stone. If you dare to fuse the power of this stone into the Demon Sword, your Demon Sword will be scrapped sooner or later!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "This magic sword of yours is flawed, you must use the dark stone to repair it, otherwise it will not work at all!"

"I understand!" Tang Zhong said.

He immediately collected Jin Yanshi!

"No, there's someone!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said suddenly.

Sure enough, I saw four people walking in from the back passage. These people were all orcs, and they all looked fierce. They saw Jin Yanshi at a glance, and immediately someone shouted: "I'm going, so many Jin Yan Stone!"

"Going to get rich!"

At the same time, the four of them also saw Tang Zhong, their faces were directly ugly, and they shouted: "Boy, are you from that galaxy?"

It was not surprising for Tang Zhong to see four people. Now that these four people asked about his galaxy, they must be afraid that he is a person from a powerful galaxy. Don't worry about them, but accept his own Jin Yanshi.

When the four people saw that Tang Zhong didn't answer their words, and saw Tang Zhong taking the Jinyan Stone, their expressions were directly ugly: "Boy, put down the Jinyan Stone in your hand, those things belong to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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