Chapter 1378 Competition for the Tomb!

"Boy, let go of the Golden Flame Stone in your hand, that thing belongs to us!" The four orcs yelled at Tang Zhong as soon as they entered.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at the four orcs, knowing that they had malicious intentions, he said, "I'm afraid I'm the first to come in here!"

"Whether you came in first or not, if you are sensible, get out, otherwise, die!" The four orcs said fiercely.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about!" Tang Zhong said coldly, and then slowly took out the magic sword.

If there is nothing to talk about, then kill it!
Seeing Tang Zhong take out his weapon, the four of them laughed just after seeing it: "What? You are taking out your weapon to resist us now? Do you think you can defeat the four of us by yourself?"

As they spoke, mace-like weapons appeared in the hands of the four of them!

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The magic sword was slashed by him, and he retracted the sword at the same time!

I didn't even see how the sword energy flew over!

Just as the four orcs took out their maces, they still had excited expressions on their faces. Suddenly, their expressions froze.

Immediately afterwards, fresh blood gushed out from the skin, and they saw their bodies burst apart, turning into a pile of flesh and blood, and directly paralyzed on the ground.

Maybe these orcs don't know how they died!

Tang Zhong put away the magic sword, and continued to collect Jinyan stones!

"I didn't expect that I looked up to the owner of this tomb. It seems that these passages are interconnected, similar to a maze. Be careful, you may encounter enemies later!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang nodded his head, Jin Yanshi collected almost all of them, but he heard disorderly steps coming from outside the stone gate again, obviously many people have come here now!

"Let's go!" Shouted the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier.

Without saying a word, Tang Zhong went straight into the passage!

Sure enough, as soon as Tang Zhong left, an orc rushed out from the passage behind, and shouted when he saw his compatriots who died underground: "Chasing, you must catch the person who killed my beast galaxy!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong has been quickly shuttled through various passages under the reminder of the Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers.

Collect treasures!

Sometimes, you can still meet someone inside. Tang Zhong's philosophy is that if people don't attack me, I will definitely not offend them. There are many treasures, but they are definitely not something that one person can collect!
After entering a stone gate, Tang Zhong was dumbfounded, it was full of pills, and he could smell the fragrance brought by the pills. Tang Zhong didn't ask what kind of pills it was, but he could smell the pills and it would definitely work. Improve his strength.

Just getting ready to go!
Unexpectedly, Shi Daoyan's voice came out: "Don't go there!"

"Why?" Tang Zhong was puzzled!
"Those pills, there is a problem!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing murmured: "Look at the pills, there is a layer of black breath, those black breaths are poison, if you just approached in the past, you will definitely be killed." The poison is poisoned to death!"

"This..." Tang Zhong couldn't believe it, but it was said by Shi Dao Yanlong Bing. He believed it. He didn't see any black aura just now. The first floor is very hidden, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

"Some masters of the tomb, in order to prevent other people from intruding into the tomb, designed difficulties and obstacles, such as the current pill!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Who knew that he had just finished speaking.

A few people rushed out from the entrance of the passage next to it. Those people saw a large group of pills at a glance, their eyes lit up, and then they saw Tang Zhong, and their expressions changed instantly: "Boy, get out of here, or die!"

Tang Zhong didn't rob him, and then stepped back slightly!

Seeing Tang Zhong being so witty, those few people immediately grinned: "Stinky boy, you have good eyesight!"

Then they looked at those pills, and stretched out their hands to grab them, but when their hands just touched those pills, the black breath from the pills rushed up to their bodies, and began to turn into black flames and burn.

The miserable screams came out, and those people almost touched each other, and the flames swept across their bodies in an instant, they were in great pain, and their faces were extremely ugly!
"No...what's the matter with this pill?"


"how so!"

At this time, the eyes of those few people fell on Tang Zhong who was in the distance. They also understood why they left after they shouted. The other party must have already noticed it!

Unwilling eyes were in the pupils.

The whole body fell limply to the ground, in unbearable pain, and finally turned into a pile of burned bones!
Tang Zhong glanced at it, the poisonous gas was really amazing, if there were no Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers today, he might be the one who died here today.

The owner of the tomb is really despicable, you can't ask for this thing.

Tang Zhong can only continue to move forward now, to get more things in the shortest time, this is what he should do most now.

Not long after gone.

At this time, a stone gate appeared in front, and many marks appeared on this stone gate!
Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to push the door, but found that the stone door didn't move at all!
"Why can't this stone door be opened?" Tang Zhong asked.

The stone door that I encountered earlier was simply opened with a push.

"You are stupid, there is a mark on it, the stone gate has been sealed, you must use a strong attack, otherwise it will not work at all!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"That's easy!" Tang Zhong replied, took a step back, raised his fist, covered with flames, and punched Shimen!

With a bang, the stone door was directly opened.

The dust inside filled up, and Tang Zhong was the first to rush in.

Immediately shocked by the scene in front of him, this is a small stone room, and there are many people standing in the stone room!
All of these people have their eyes closed!

When Tang Zhong first entered, he was really shocked!

"Don't be afraid, they are all dead, and they are all corpse soldiers. You seem to be developed!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was an enemy, not because he was afraid of others, but because these guys appeared so abruptly.

However, this scene made Tang Zhong's pupils light up. If he took away so many corpse soldiers, it would definitely be a very good choice!
Go quickly!

"Wait a minute!" Ten Daoyan Longbing suddenly felt that something was wrong and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"These corpse soldiers... are not right, let me see their true colors!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said seriously.

Tang Zhong was even more dazed, he never thought that Shi Dao Yanlong Bing would be so serious, this was definitely the first time he saw it.

Seeing the Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers appearing in the form of little golden dragons, approaching those corpse soldiers, they suddenly became terrified: "How is it possible, how could these people be refined into corpse soldiers?"

(End of this chapter)

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