Chapter 1379 Dark Jihad!

"How could all these people be refined into corpse soldiers?" Shi Daoyan Longbing said in horror.

Tang Zhong glanced at the front, do these people Shidao Yanlong Bing know?You should know, otherwise Shi Dao Yan Long Bing would never say such a thing!

"Do you know the original identities of these corpse soldiers?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

But when he said it, he realized something was wrong. This is the first world area, which used to be a battlefield, and the Shidaoyan dragon soldiers came from a place higher than this. How could they know who these people are?

"I know!" The voice of Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers was trembling: "These people are soldiers from the Second Cosmic War. Look at the clothes they are wearing, they are all uniform warrior uniforms!"

Tang Zhong glanced away, and saw that the clothes of these corpse soldiers were all armor, and they all looked the same, but the soldiers of the Second Space War?When did the Second Space War happen?
Tang Zhong had also heard Shidaoyan Longbing talk about this before, but Shidaoyan Longbing didn't explain it at that time, and Tang Zhong didn't ask again!
Tang Zhong thought that the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing would not say anything this time, but who knew that the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing said, "The Second Cosmic War is a catastrophe in the universe, and it can also be called the Dark Jihad, although it is not as good as The scope of the First Space War was large, but the impact it had at that time was enormous!"

Tang Zhong listened quietly at the side, this kind of thing is indeed a bit far away for him.

"That dark jihad was launched by a magician in the universe. He distributed a certain virus that could turn humans into bloodthirsty people who feed on blood, and this virus can also be transmitted!" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers said.

"So crazy?" Tang Zhong couldn't believe it was true!
"That's true. At that time, there were virtual universe companies, and the Universe Star University. At that time, the universe was still very primitive. There were the Knights of the Universe, the Association of Great Magicians, and the Association of Priests. At that time, half In order to resist, the whole universe started a battle with the bloodthirsty people. In the end, the cosmic people won, and they killed all the cosmic people infected with the bloodthirsty virus. At the same time, the great magician was also sealed, and the dark The jihad is over!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"The great magician who sent out the virus is still alive?" Tang Zhong was shocked.

"If he is sealed, that means he is dead!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"Oh!" Tang nodded, but felt that something was wrong: "Since the great magician was killed, how could these fighters who participated in the dark jihad be refined into soldiers and stay here? By the way, How long has it been since that dark jihad?"

"It's too many to count, it's been a lot of light years!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was stunned. It must have been a long time ago. At that time, did the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers exist?
And the ten daoyan dragon soldiers are in the body of the dragon. Could it be that the dragon existed during the dark jihad?
"What are you thinking? If you want to know why I know this, then I can only tell you that these are not my experience, but the memory of the dragon!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said: "After all, I am only one of the dragons. It’s just the dragon spine of a clone, after he died, I was really awakened, I just inherited some memory fragments from him, and I know about this dark jihad!”

"Oh!" Tang nodded his head!
In the universe, it is truly amazing!

Then Tang Zhong turned around and stared at the corpse soldiers in front of him. He was also very curious. According to what Shi Daoyan Longbing said, these soldiers won the holy war and should leave here. How could they be refined into corpse soldiers!
"Go and have a look!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

He just approached those soldiers, walked to one of them, and found that the other soldier had his eyes closed tightly, and his body was covered in dust.

Tang Zhong wanted to see the soldier's face clearly, so he blew wind from his mouth.

The dust on the soldier's face was also blown away slowly, and his appearance appeared in Tang Zhong's eyes.

That's an elf!
"It should be an elf warrior. The elves have also participated in the dark jihad!" Shidaoyan Longbing explained.

Tang Zhong was even more puzzled, he looked at the other fighters, strange to say, the formation of these people is really neat!

When Tang Zhong was looking at other people, he didn't expect it at all. Suddenly, the elf warrior in front of him opened his eyes, which were glowing with blood!
"Be careful!" Shidaoyan Longbing noticed it immediately and shouted out.

Only then did Tang Zhong react, but the elf warrior had already made a move. He was so crazy that he grabbed Tang Zhong directly!

Tang Zhong rushed over with a punch, preparing for the elf warrior to fight back, but who knew that when his fist hit the opponent's hand, the opponent ignored it, which means that his attack was useless at all, just like an egg hitting a stone On the same!
"How come?" Tang Zhong's pupils widened!
At this moment, the elf warrior reached out and grabbed Tang Zhong's throat, and suddenly raised it up!

Tang Zhong had no chance to resist at all, he was grabbed by the throat, struggling hard, his face flushed suddenly.

"Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing, what is going on with this man..." Tang Zhong shouted with all his strength.

"This...these people are the ones infected with the bloodthirsty virus!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said in shock: "Didn't they all be killed during the dark jihad?"

"I don't want to know if they were killed right now, I just want to know how to get rid of this person's hand!" Tang Zhong said with difficulty.

"Giant dragon clone, giant dragon clone!" Ten Daoyan dragon soldiers shouted hastily.

Tang Zhong quickly operated the power in his body, and saw that his whole body began to change, turning into the appearance of a dragon clone, and a golden light bloomed on his body!
Just when he had just changed, the elf warrior who contracted the bloodthirsty virus immediately let go of his hand.

Only then was Tang Zhong released, and he moved his neck. He was almost suffocated just now.

Then he looked at the elf warrior in front of him: "Is this person who has the bloodthirsty virus so fierce? How do we control this person now?"

"Use your strongest move, he is afraid of the power of the dragon!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong immediately knew what to do, and directly attacked the elf warrior in front of him. The dragon claw stretched out, and the flame was burning on the tip of the claw, and grabbed towards the elf warrior!

The elf warrior seemed to have seen the nemesis, and was torn into pieces as soon as Tang Zhong's claws passed by!
Tang Zhong never imagined that he couldn't even compete with the attack of the elf warrior just now, and now he can kill him instantly with one claw, which is amazing to him!

"Don't be shocked, the other corpse soldiers, don't move now, lest they all come back to life!" Shidao Yanlong said.

(I perfected the plot today. This plot is about dragons, it is also related to the ending, and it is also related to the next book!)
(End of this chapter)

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