Chapter 1381 Success!

At this time, Tang Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed the light armor!

Who knows!

humming sound.

Just when Tang Zhong's palm was about to grab the light armor, a holy power burst out from the light armor, shaking Tang Zhong's hand away!

Seeing that the light armor actually resisted him, Tang Zhong was shocked, and decided that the light armor was not ordinary. It seems that Shidao Yanlongbing could really tell that this thing is good at a glance.

However, it was fruitless, but Tang Zhong couldn't help but give up on this thing, and continued to reach out to grab it.

But at this moment, more violent fluctuations came from behind him, making his face darken, and when he turned his head, he saw the four people attacking him together, their eyes were extremely fierce.

"Boy, that thing is not something you can get your hands on!"

Seeing the menacing looks of those people, Tang Zhong sneered directly, and didn't say any nonsense. Since the light armor is avoiding by himself now, let's get rid of these people first.

The two fists bombarded directly, and the surging flames opened a way in front of him, blocking the opponent's attack at once.

At this time, those four people also rushed out, using powerful methods towards Tang Zhong.

The four of them seemed to know each other well, and they were going to snatch the light armor after finishing Tang Zhong together.

When Tang Zhong saw this, he sneered, so let's kill the four of them first, and they can't be discovered by others.

In an instant, the four of them had already rushed in front of Tang Zhong, with disgusted expressions on their faces, as if they were about to kill Tang Zhong!
But what they didn't know was how excited Tang Zhong was at this moment. In an instant, his hand directly turned into a dragon's claw. Ordinary fists couldn't kill the opponent at all, and his power condensed on the dragon's claw.

The person closest to Tang Zhong didn't expect such a scene at all, and his face suddenly turned ugly: "You..."

The giant dragon avatar is Tang Zhong's hole card. It is absolutely impossible for others to discover it. In an instant, the powerful dragon claws pierced the man's heart!
The power of the dragon claw directly penetrated the opponent's skin, grabbed it suddenly, pierced through the chest directly, and a beating heart appeared in the hand.

The man fell to the ground unwillingly, unable to speak.

But the other three people didn't expect that person to fall down. At this time, they were all stunned, thinking that the person just didn't pay attention, so they were killed by the other party, so all three of them became vigilant.

But they are really too close to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also knew that this was the best time to kill them, he moved his whole body, tearing apart the three people in front with his claws!

At the same time, the blood soul claw was used!

I saw the bloody light shining on the claws!
The three of them didn't see clearly what Tang Zhong had done at all, they only felt a sharp pain in their chest. At that moment, their body was torn into two halves, and they fell to the ground, turning into a puddle of blood!
Tang Zhong quickly returned to normal methods, looked around, and found that everyone was robbing the treasure, and no one noticed him at all.

"Are you so cautious in using it?" Shi Daoyan Longbing asked.

"If I'm not careful, I think I may die many times now!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

Then his gaze fell on the light armor, and he immediately reached out to grab it.

But who knows, at this time, someone came to snatch him again.

It was the Tianyang Prince!

"Boy, get out of here. People from the Tianyang galaxy want this thing. I advise you not to cause trouble!" the Yang prince roared that day.

He is in a very bad mood right now.

Just now he fell in love with a gun-shaped treasure, but several people stronger than him were robbing that thing, so he had to retreat and looked at many things, but when he saw the opponent who was snatching it, he had no choice but to give up, and then fixed his eyes on it. Putting on this light armor, when he saw the opponent alone, he immediately shot to snatch it.

Prince Tianyang!

Tang Zhong took a look. This person was stronger than those four people just now. He was thinking about taking risks.

I saw that Prince Tianyang looked at Tang Zhong calmly at this moment, the sense of threat in his eyes was extremely strong, obviously he was persuading him not to move around.

"Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier, is that thing good?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Very good!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "That battle armor is the armor of the saint during the dark jihad, but because it has been too long, there have been many cracks on it, but the defense ability will never be low !"

"Then I know!" Tang Zhong said, according to Shi Daoyan Longbing said that this thing has potential, so it's okay to take a risk.

If he can't instantly kill Prince Tianyang with one move, then the existence of the giant dragon avatar cannot be exposed, so he must think of a way, but there is no time to think about it now, because Prince Tianyang has already gone to win the treasure.

At this moment, Prince Tianyang jumped up and grabbed the light armor.

The light armor started to move, and Prince Tianyang grabbed an empty space: "I want to escape the palm of my prince, dreaming!"

Then reach out and grab again.

"Do it!" Tang Zhong jumped up directly, this thing belongs to him.

I saw Prince Tianyang grabbing towards the light armor again, this time there was a blue light flashing on his hand, obviously using his strength to grab the light armor in his hand.

Seeing that he was about to catch him, Tang Zhong attacked and blocked Prince Tianyang.

Originally, Prince Tianyang had a smile on his face, but now it's hard to see, his teeth clenched together tightly: "You're courting death!"

Immediately, he directly attacked Tang Zhong. His fist seemed to be covered with a layer of gold, and he attacked Tang Zhong. The strength of this fist might be tens of thousands of catties!
Tang Zhong also punched him.

With a bang, they collided with Prince Tianyang.

That moment.

Both of them were shocked!

Tang Zhong can feel the opponent's strength. If he fights with the opponent, without the power of the dragon clone, he will definitely lose both sides. He still can't get the light armor. Now getting the treasure is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary Regardless of Prince Tianyang, Tang Zhong turned around and stretched out his hand towards Qingjia.

This time he also used his power, since it is the armor of a saint, he must get it.

Sure enough, as soon as his hand approached the light armor, the light armor was ready to dodge, but Tang Zhong was already prepared, and when he stretched out his hand to grab it, a powerful grasping force appeared in his hand: "Stop!"

The light armor was still about to escape, but it seemed that Tang Zhong had controlled it, and it couldn't move now, this is the opportunity!
Tang Zhong grabs forward fiercely, and in an instant, he directly grabs the light armor in his hand. The light armor is still trembling, but under Tang Zhong's powerful pressure, the light armor stabilizes.

"I got it!" Tang Zhong said with a happy face.

(End of this chapter)

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