Chapter 1382 The sword is like a rainbow!

"Get it!" Tang Zhong said excitedly.

This is definitely his first such light armor!

At this time, the fluctuations on the light armor also dissipated. It is obvious that he is surrendering to Tang Zhong now. Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong's heart is full of joy!

"That thing is mine. You dare to resist my majesty. If you don't hand over this thing to me today, I will definitely make it impossible for you to get out of this place!" Seeing Prince Tianyang's face gloomy, he said.

He can't rob others, but he still has the confidence to face this person. If he can't even compare with this person, then what majesty will he have for Prince Tianyang in the future to compete with others in this star wind field genius battle? ?

Hearing the voice, Tang Zhong's face remained unchanged, he turned to look at Prince Tianyang, and said lightly: "This kind of treasure is something that has no owner. Who can get it? Whose ability is that? Why? You Prince Tianyang Do you want to snatch it by force?"

Prince Tianyang smiled coldly: "You have said it all, this treasure is something that has no owner, whoever can get it is whose ability, so, whether you can protect it, that is also your ability!"

After finishing speaking, a golden stick appeared in the hands of Prince Tianyang. On the stick, golden light bloomed, obviously it was a treasure.

"Sure enough, people in the Tianyang galaxy are more greedy than one!" Tang Zhong grinned.

" know the Tianyang galaxy?" Prince Tianyang was startled, but he quickly realized that he looked Tang Zhong carefully, and the expression on his face immediately turned cold: "Where are the people from the Tianyang galaxy, recently Was massacred by a person, according to the news brought back, that person has yellow skin, I have never seen a person with yellow skin in all these years, I think it is you!"

"That's right, it's me!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

"You killed my people, and you dare to appear in front of me and snatch my treasure. You can be brave, but it's a pity that you have to die!" Prince Tianyang said coldly.

He kept saying let Tang Zhong die, Tang Zhong couldn't tolerate this person long ago, and when he looked back, there were people snatching treasures everywhere, it is the most cost-effective to expose the dragon avatar here, find a place where no one is there!

But at this time, Prince Tianyang had already held the stick in his hand and blasted towards Tang Zhong.

A blow to Tang Zhong's head.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Tang Zhong dodged immediately, and the wing steps under his feet changed from side to side.

The golden stick passed by his side, and he could feel the pressure on the stick!
It is even more determined that Tang Zhong can't beat the opponent without the dragon clone!
Immediately Tang Zhong turned around and walked towards the place where no one was there. If the light armor was in his hands now, Prince Yang would definitely follow him.

Prince Tianyang saw Tang Zhong fleeing, and immediately sneered: "Escape? Even if you escape to the horizon, you will die!"

In front, Tang Zhong ran fast.

Passing through one passage after another, it would be very easy for him to get rid of Prince Tianyang.

But he wasn't about to ditch the other side.

After passing through several passages.

Tang Zhong saw a big hall appearing in front of him, and there were very few people in this big hall!

at once!

Tang Zhong stopped his body.

Prince Tianyang has been following Tang Zhong behind him, and when he saw Tang Zhong staying behind, he also stopped, with a cold smile on his face; "Run, keep running, I see where you can go?"

Tang Zhong turned around, looked at Prince Tianyang, and grinned: "I'm not going to run away, because I want to kill you!"

"Kill me?" Prince Tianyang was stunned, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing: "Come on, how can a person of the first rank of star rank kill me?"

"But didn't I kill Xia Ke and Xia Huang?" Tang Zhong grinned.

Prince Tianyang was slightly taken aback, but this reminded him: "I don't care what means you use, but you are destined to pay back the person who killed me with your life!"

In an instant!

The golden light flickered on Prince Tianyang's body, he tightly grasped the golden long stick in his hands with both hands, and then slammed towards Tang Zhong with a stick!

Tang Zhong dodged again, leaning his body slightly.

I saw the golden stick crashing to the ground, smashing the stone floor into pieces!
"Do you only know how to hide? Is that all you can do?" Prince Tianyang sneered.

"Who said that?" Tang Zhong stepped on Prince Tianyang's golden stick.

Seeing this, Prince Tianyang hurriedly prepared to withdraw.

But Tang Zhong stepped on it with his feet, and Prince Tianyang felt a little struggling.

"This..." Prince Tianyang frowned.

"Take it back?" Tang Zhong laughed.

"You..." Prince Tianyang trembled angrily when he saw the smile on Tang Zhong's face. This was a complete humiliation, so he pulled back the golden long stick with a sudden force!
"You're courting death!" Then she danced again.

As the power merged into the golden long stick, flames burned on the entire golden long stick, welcome to appear!
"Death, are you worthy to say it?" Tang Zhong directly took out the magic sword, and with the demonic aura, he slashed at the golden long stick!

With a bang, the breath and flames on the magic sword exploded together, making a bombing sound.

Two people were repelled at the same time!

Prince Tianyang is not an idiot either, so naturally he saw something wrong with Tang Zhong at a glance: "Your strength is not weak, but you were running just now?"

I saw Tang Zhong holding the magic sword directly on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's not convenient to kill anywhere, but it's really too comfortable to kill here!"

"You kill me, go dreaming!" Prince Tianyang yelled wildly, and struck again. This time, the golden long stick in his hand stretched and became thicker at the same time, and hit Tang Zhong with a stick. !

The magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand boiled with sword energy, and he slashed up suddenly.


This time, Prince Tianyang was directly pushed back.

On the other hand, Tang Zhong, nothing happened, all of this is the power of the magic sword!

"Impossible!" Prince Tianyang panicked a little. When facing those strong men, it is impossible for him to be so powerless.

"When you hunted me down, didn't you check my background?" Tang Zhong grinned.

"A mere little person, you don't deserve me to care so much!" Prince Tianyang shouted coldly.

"Oh, that's it, then I want you to get to know me, a little person!" Tang Zhong laughed, and then jumped into the air: "You have been beating me for so long, why should I be the one to do that, right? "

Prince Yang immediately became vigilant that day.

I saw Tang Zhong slashed down with a sword, and the breath on the magic sword surged wildly. The breath on the sword and the power of thunder and fire in Tang Zhong's body were all fused together, and then chopped out from the sword!

"The sword is like a rainbow, splitting the sky and the earth!" Tang Zhong roared.

I saw a sword in the sky, coming from the sky!

Seeing this, Prince Tianyang's eyes became terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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