Chapter 1383 Evolved again?

When Prince Tianyang saw this, his eyes became terrified and he quickly dodged.

He saw a sword glow coming from the sky, annihilating towards him.

Prince Tianyang raised the long stick high, and at the same time all the strength in his body was concentrated on the long stick.

The huge sword shadow stared at the long stick abruptly.

Prince Tianyang only felt his palms go numb, and he almost fainted from the shock!
Tang Zhong was holding the magic sword at this moment, crushing it crazily.

Prince Tianyang resisted with all his strength, the force on his arms caused his whole body to explode, and when he stepped on the ground, two large broken holes had already been crushed out of the ground.

Moreover, the strong coercion of power forced him to retreat continuously, and the ground was plowed into two ravines!
"No..." Prince Tianyang's hand holding the stick was covered in blood, he really couldn't believe this scene was real.

With a bang, the crazy pressure on the magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand was released.

Prince Tianyang finally couldn't take it anymore, he flew upside down, landed on the ground, and stopped after rubbing a long distance.

The dust was flying all around, and it looked abnormally embarrassed!
The golden stick in Prince Tianyang's hand was also knocked down, and he struggled to get up from the ground!

At this moment, Tang Zhong is still carrying the magic sword. The move just now is nothing to him. Now he can use the giant dragon avatar. If you look carefully, you will find that he is holding the magic sword. The hands are now dragon claws!
"Trash!" Tang Zhong shouted coldly.

"You are trash!" Prince Tianyang can be said to be the number one genius in their Tianyang galaxy, but now he is being scolded as trash, and anger piles up in his heart!

I saw Prince Tianyang standing up suddenly, looking at Tang Zhong in front of him: "I will definitely let you die, you killed people from my Tianyang galaxy, and took away my treasure, you deserve to die, you really deserve to die!" !"

In an instant, a powerful force erupted from his body, and he saw a huge golden man slowly being condensed behind him.

Tianyang Golden Soul!

At this time, Prince Tianyang looked at Tang Zhong ferociously: "Boy, let me see how you can hide this time!"

The golden man behind him is indeed very powerful, much stronger than those of Xia Huang and Xia Ke!

Tang Zhong glanced at the golden man, and also felt the killing intent released by Prince Tianyang, and immediately smiled lightly: "Oh, I didn't say I want to hide, and I will do this trick of yours!"

After finishing speaking, direct delivery!
Upon hearing this, Prince Tianyang sneered: "I know you secretly learned our Tianyang Golden Soul, but it's a pity that Tianyang Golden Soul is too difficult to learn, I really can't figure it out, what kind of four can you learn?"

But Prince Tianyang hadn't spoken yet. Seeing the picture in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded. His gaze changed from disdain just now to shock.

I saw that the huge golden soul appeared behind Tang Zhong. That golden man was much more domineering than Prince Tianyang. Wearing thunder and fire armor, he looked extremely majestic. What's more, this time the golden man was actually holding a wide The blade giant sword is like a gigantic magic sword, but it is not covered with magic energy, but covered with flames and thunder.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?" Prince Tianyang shouted in horror.

It is really hard to believe that these are true. He has been practicing Tianyang Golden Soul for many years, and he is guided by his father. His father once praised him. The Tianyang Golden Soul he cultivated is unique. No one else, even his father, studied better than he did back then.

But now, he clearly felt that the person in front of him was much stronger than him.

"No... this must be just the surface, in fact, that golden man is very fragile!" Prince Tianyang comforted himself constantly.

Tang Zhong was still smiling all over his face, and he was also shocked why a sword appeared in the golden man's hand in Tianyang Golden Soul!

However, if this sword is cut over, everyone will be chopped into a flesh!

"Now, do you know who is trash?" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

"You..." Prince Tianyang was arrogant in his heart, but at this moment, his arrogance was defeated, and he became crazy, and he punched Tang Zhong directly!
I saw the golden man behind him move accordingly, punching Tang Zhong with a punch, trying to destroy Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong saw the other party coming, and smiled coldly. He held the magic sword in his hand and slashed down. The golden man behind him also raised the huge fire sword in his hand!

Slashed down with a bang, and the powerful wave suppressed it towards the front.

He slashed heavily with the golden man of Prince Tianyang!
Prince Tianyang backed up, and the golden man behind him also backed up.

Under such power, he was forced to retreat!

And this made Prince Tianyang even more embarrassed: "I don't believe it!"

Tang Zhong was still indifferent: "Now do you know why I brought you here? Let me tell you, in fact, I wanted to kill you here. As for the people in your Tianyang galaxy, I didn't let anyone go." In my eyes, I never provoked you, but you provoked me again and again, so I had no choice but to kill you all. If you hadn't provoked me before, I really wouldn't bother you of!"

"What are you?" Prince Tianyang's psychological defense had been completely broken, and he roared wildly.

"Stubborn!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The huge golden man behind him swung his sword down!

Prince Tianyang roared when he saw this, and controlled the golden man behind him to punch him out!
"I want you to die!"

Two golden men confront each other.

At that moment, the flaming sword in the hand of the golden man behind Tang Zhong suddenly shone with light, carrying the sharp aura, and directly slashed down at the fist of the golden man in front of him!
I saw that in an instant, with a puff, the sword passed, and directly cut into the body and arm of the golden man behind Prince Tianyang!

"No..." Prince Tianyang roared angrily, unable to believe that this was true.

The golden man behind him was injured, and he felt a sharp pain, as if his body was about to be torn apart. The pain almost killed him!

"I said, if you don't mess with me, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Tang Zhong said coldly.

"And if you mess with me, I will let you die!"

A word of death was passed on, and Prince Tianyang was sweating coldly on his forehead. This time he really felt the breath of death, which was sweeping over him, as if to be surrounded by him. For so many years, he has been The Tianyang Galaxy dominates the life and death of other people. He has never been controlled by others like this. This feeling really scares him too much!

", let me go, let me go!"

But at this time, I saw that the fire sword in the hand of the golden man behind Tang Zhong was cut directly, cutting the golden man behind Prince Tianyang into two halves, boom boom boom boom, the sound of explosion came out, shaking the heavens and the earth !
(End of this chapter)

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