Chapter 1392 Conspiracy!

"When there are few people, let's see how you die!" Tang Zhong murmured.

Hong Ye was panting heavily there. After seeing Ou Chen leave, his legs almost went limp. He was really afraid of Ou Chen's attack just now, but luckily he managed to intimidate the other party.

Immediately, Hong Ye turned around and ran to Tang Zhong's side, concerned: "Brother Tang, are you okay!"

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong was fine!
"That's good!" Hong Ye said.

Tang Zhong stood up and looked at so many people beside him. If it wasn't for these people just now, he might have exposed the giant dragon avatar now, killed Ou Chen, and then he would not be able to participate in the star wind domain genius battle , it would be a little more difficult to enter the Universe Star University, but now everything is gone.

"Thank you just now!" Tang Zhong said respectfully.

Among the crowd, there were noisy voices.

"You're welcome, there's nothing wrong!"

"That's right, we still thank you. If it wasn't for you, maybe we wouldn't even have the courage to resist!"

"Yes, we are all from the upper and lower galaxies. In this first world area, we should help each other."

Tang Zhong was even more grateful to them.

He almost took away all the treasures in that tomb before, and it would be good to distribute them to others as a loss!
"Just now your treasure was taken away, now I will share mine with you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Forget it, take it away, just take it away, you said you gave us your share, and you didn't even look at how many people we have here, your share is not enough!" said the giant with the giant axe
"That's right, no need, we also know that when people are wandering in the rivers and lakes, it is better not to be stabbed and robbed than to be killed. It is always a little unconvinced to be robbed. But slowly, everything will get better!" Others said.

Tang Zhong grinned, and immediately opened his evil eyes, and took out the treasure he got from the tomb mansion earlier!
It just took one percent, and it appeared in an instant. There were ores, treasures, and many elixirs.

Suddenly those people were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what they saw. Many people rubbed their eyes, and after confirming that it was true, they were completely dumbfounded.

"Are you a space ring?" asked the giant before.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't explain, after all, Xieyan looks similar to a ring!
"Okay, these things belong to everyone, let's share them!" Tang Zhong said.

He believed that the little thing he took out was definitely more than what these people got from it together!
Sure enough, those people burst into tears and laughed, it was inevitable for me to be robbed by that Ou Chen, but now all the losses have come back, this is an unexpected gain!
Seeing that everyone was dividing things, Tang Zhong continued: "Since everyone is from a lower-level galaxy and a higher-level galaxy, it's better to unite together. After all, the assessment of the first world area is still a few days away. To survive under the oppression of higher galaxies, it is very difficult for a single person or a single galaxy!"

"We listen to you!"

"that is!"

"Combining together is indeed a good choice!"

Many people are now supporting Tang Zhong. You must know that Tang Zhong is the only person they have ever seen who dares to challenge the Star Wind Territory, and this person is indeed capable!

Seeing the support, Tang Zhong laughed, turned to look at Hong Ye, he was very satisfied with this guy's wisdom: "Immediately take out a weapon, it is a long stick, I got it from the tomb, throw it straight Give it to Hong Ye!
Hong Ye took the long stick, stood on the spot and danced a few times, whistling, the long stick was covered with a golden light, and after stopping, he looked at the long stick excitedly, and then looked at Tang Zhong: "Brother Tang, what are you?"

"This thing is for you, use it well!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Give this to me? This is too precious!" Hong Ye quickly refused. He never thought that he could get the treasure in the tomb mansion!
"'s not expensive at all, I'll give it to you if I say so, take it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then I want it!" Hongye replied, then looked at the wooden stick, loving it.

Tang Zhong ignored him, but looked at the people around him: "Go, let's leave here as soon as possible, since this place was seen by that Ou Chen, he will definitely come back!"

"Then what about this tomb? I don't think the officials of the Star Wind Region know about this tomb at all. If we leave, wouldn't the things in the tomb be cheap for that Ou Chen?" someone said.

"Then it's cheaper and he can do it!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Ah?" The people around were stunned, not knowing why Tang Zhong would speak like that.

"As long as he can get something from it!" Tang Zhong continued.

At this moment, everyone understands that there is nothing in it, and it must have been snatched away by the person in front of him. This person's methods are truly astonishing!
"Get out of here first!" Tang Zhong said.

A large group of people got the baby, so naturally it was impossible to stay here, and they left soon.

In another place, Ou Chen and Oufeng Luo Jie had already left, but they did not go far, but stopped not far away.

"Brother Ou Chen, why didn't you kill that guy just now?" Ou Feng stepped forward and asked.

Ou Chen and Ou Feng are brothers!
"Of course I can kill that person, but, didn't you see? Those despicable people from the inferior galaxies around me actually testified for that person. Recently, the officials of the Star Wind Region have been stricter and don't let us meddle in the affairs here. , so I can't make things big!" Ou Chen said.

"But, let that guy go, it's too cheap for him, he hurt me!" Ou Feng said angrily.

"Let him go, I believe he will leave that place soon. Don't forget, that place is a tomb. After they leave, we can go in and explore again. Is there any problem? Compared with your life, what do you think is important?" Ou Chen said with a sneer.

"This..." Ou Feng suddenly realized, and patted himself on the head: "I almost forgot, the things I snatched from just now are really good!"

Roger stepped forward and said: "But Lord Ou Chen, if you let that person live, it would be a mistake, that person is very powerful!"

"Wrong? Very powerful? Do you really think that a person from a low-level galaxy can enter the genius battle in the Star Wind Field? Don't forget, those powerful people from high-level galaxies have not yet come. This time the genius battle, I heard that many This evildoer is coming soon, when the time comes, the others will be bleak at all, let's go, go to grab the treasure!" Ou Chen said.

They are now waiting for the people from the inferior galaxies next to the tomb to leave, and then go there.

(End of this chapter)

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