Chapter 1393 Someone Invaded!

On the other side, Tang Zhong had already left the tomb with those people. Tang Zhong had already taken away all the things inside, and there was nothing good inside!
Tang Zhong also knew that the person named Ou Chen would go back, but it has nothing to do with it.

Being persecuted by Ou Chen before, Tang Zhong will never forget it in his life. When he becomes stronger, he will definitely take revenge!
Hold back for now, wait till you participate in the Starwind Territory Genius Tournament!

For Tang Zhong now, there is only one thing, and that is to go to the world ruins.

Now the people of the lower galaxies and the upper galaxies also know that their situation is very simple, all gathered together!
Within a few days, they all practiced with Tang Zhong.

in a valley.

Tang Zhong sat cross-legged, absorbing the cosmic energy around him, and a red light radiated from his body. If you noticed carefully, you would find that from Tang Zhong's body, an invisible force was releasing towards the surroundings!

"Inhale slowly, the cosmic energy in your body has almost been absorbed now, and the breakthrough is very close, as long as you hold your breath now, you can completely break through!" said the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier slowly, it is guiding Tang Zhong breakthrough.

I don't know why, Tang Zhong has been absorbing cosmic energy day and night for the past few days, and Tang Zhong has absorbed all the cosmic energy stones he obtained in the previous tomb. Therefore, in a short period of time, , Tang Zhong actually started to break through.

However, this is a breakthrough in absorbing energy, and further guidance is needed to complete this matter!

Suddenly, Tang Zhong, who was sitting cross-legged, burst into true flame light.

Then I saw Tang Zhong standing upright, the strength of his legs made the bones crack, as if they were about to break!
Then I saw Tang Zhong's tightly closed eyes break open in an instant, and the previously black pupils also turned red now!
I saw Tang Zhong looked down at his fist: "Breakthrough!"

"Yes!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Astral rank is different, I feel that the first rank is stronger than the first rank!" Tang Zhong murmured, he withdrew his breath, and his body returned to normal!
"Isn't that far away? When you step into the universe level, you can be regarded as a real space warrior!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Indeed, Tang Zhong still agreed with the guy. That day, he was suppressed by the breath of Ou Chen because the other party was a cosmic level powerhouse!
"I still want to become stronger!" Tang Zhong said.

"I think you can take a look at your spirit puppet now!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Only then did Tang Zhong recall that he had absorbed the cosmic energy into the evil eye earlier, and was forging those corpse soldiers into spirit puppets.

Quickly open the evil eye!

Tang Zhong's face darkened quickly. He saw that among the raging black breath and flames inside, his corpse soldiers had disappeared a lot. It was obvious that they had turned into ashes, which meant they had failed.

Sure enough, it is very simple for this corpse soldier to transform into a spirit puppet!

"Isn't there a successful one?" Tang Zhong murmured.

"No!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Successful?" Tang Zhong was slightly startled, why didn't he find out.

"I'm not saying that there are successes, what I want to say is that you look at the fighters left over from the dark jihad!" Ten Daoyan Longbing reminded.

These fighters were obtained in the tomb mansion. At that time, Shi Dao Yanlong soldiers forced Tang Zhong to collect them.

Tang Zhong looked carefully, and found that the flames had spread to those soldiers, but they hadn't been burned, and they hadn't turned into spirit puppets either!

In other words, it has not completely failed, and there is still a chance!
Tang Zhong had already made mental preparations. After all, spirit puppets were difficult to refine. If it was so easy to succeed, then Tang Zhong would really have to doubt the power of spirit puppets.

"Since you didn't succeed, let's continue to wait!" Tang Zhong said, suddenly he thought of another thing, and asked, "By the way, the man who killed the demon seed in the tomb mansion before, do you know what it is?" road?"

Tang Zhong still remembered the man who looked like a woman he saw in the tomb mansion, and the demon species, which Tang Zhong should pay attention to now. It seems that the man came here to hunt the demon species on purpose!
"Is that man and woman? I think you're asking this question, which makes it difficult for me to answer. I only know some ancient things. The universe changes every day. God knows what happened, but it can be said that the person is not What kind of villain, you can rest assured!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong couldn't ask anything, so he said.

But there is no news about that man at all, so Tang Zhong can only push the matter away!
"I'll go out and have a look now!"

Then Tang Zhong got up. He was originally in the valley, but now he walked outside.

As soon as I walked out, many people appeared, all cultivating there.

They are all people from the upper and lower galaxies who were with Tang Zhong before.

There are giants who are training the giant axes in their hands, and people from other galaxies are all practicing.

Even Hong Ye was there, holding the golden long stick Tang Zhong gave him, practicing seriously there!

Everyone was serious, but when they saw Tang Zhong coming out, they all stopped.

"Brother Tang, you're here!" Hong Ye stopped first, and immediately went to Tang Zhong's side, not caring about wiping off the sweat from the practice just now!
"How is your cultivation going?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's okay, new weapons are always a bit difficult!" Hong Ye said with a smile.

"Keep going!" Tang Zhong encouraged and said, "By the way, is there any news about the world ruins recently?"

"No, I have been inquiring all the time, and I haven't heard any news yet, but it seems that in the past few days, I have sent someone out to inquire. If there is any news, I will definitely report back!" Hong Ye said.

"That's good, let's continue to practice!" Tang Zhong said.

And at this moment, suddenly, from outside the valley, a hurried man rushed in. The man had green skin and was terrified, as if he had encountered an enemy. While running, he fell to the ground several times. It looked extremely embarrassed!
Tang Zhong's expression turned ugly, what's going on?

Others also looked at the person who came, and they all knew that it was a person from the Green Goblin Galaxy!

"Hurry... run, people from a higher galaxy are coming in!" the person from the Green Goblin galaxy shouted in horror.

Advanced galaxy?

Hearing this, almost everyone frowned.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Tang Zhong stepped forward and said.

At this time, there was a loud shout from outside, and then I saw a few cosmic people wearing combat goggles. Asian people like that!

"Who is the leader of this valley, come out to me now!"

(End of this chapter)

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