Chapter 1394 People of the Vegeta Galaxy!
"Who is the leader of this valley, stand up for me now!" I saw those people who looked like Saiyans come out.

When Tang Zhong saw the person coming, he immediately felt the aura of the other person. The people of the high-level galaxy were really unusual. When the aura on his body was at the ninth level of the star rank, it was really unusual at all!

There were already noisy voices around Tang Zhong: "What should I do? The origin of these people is very wrong!"

"Yeah, it's better to be careful, be careful!"

Tang Zhong raised his hand to silence everyone around him: "I'll take care of everything!"

Then he looked at those Saiyan-like people and said, "I am the leader here, how many of them are?"

At this time, when those people heard the voice, they all looked at Tang Zhong: "Are you the leader?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"This valley, we want it, you guys go!" I saw a particularly thick and strong man in front of me and said coldly.

"Why?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

The brawny man obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing, and immediately laughed: "Why do you ask so many questions? Our Vegeta Galaxy tells you to go, so you go!"

Vegeta Galaxy?
Tang Zhong had never heard of the name of this galaxy, but he could see that the people next to him heard the name of this galaxy, and their bodies couldn't help backing up, obviously shocked.

"The Vegeta galaxy is an advanced galaxy. Everyone in their galaxy is a warrior. Otherwise, let's give up the valley!" Hong Ye whispered to Tang Zhong.

"Don't let!" Tang Zhong said, then looked at the people in front of him and said: "We won't leave, you should go first!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the Vegeta galaxy couldn't help being stunned, and then they laughed: "Really? I respect you, then, let's use the laws of the universe to determine who owns this valley. You fight with me, whoever wins will own this valley, and whoever loses will leave here, in this way, it’s fair enough, our Vegeta Galaxy definitely counts!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong agreed.

"Brother Tang, that's the Vegeta galaxy. Everyone in their galaxy is a battle madman. It's better not to fight with them. It doesn't count if many people in these high-level galaxies speak!" Ye opened his mouth and said.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong replied!
The people in the Vegeta galaxy obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to agree, and immediately laughed. The strong man who spoke before laughed and said: "My favorite thing is fighting, come!"

The golden light suddenly appeared on the strong man's body, and his hair turned golden yellow in an instant!

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, he suddenly remembered that a manga he saw on Earth was also from this Vegeta galaxy. He never thought that there were people in this galaxy in the universe!

"Come on, fight with me!"

Tang nodded heavily, and heavy flames burned all over his body.

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly together, making a crackling sound!
Blazing flames burned from his body.

Seeing this, the people around stepped aside and allowed the two to fight.

The blond-haired brawny man said, "My name is Carlot. It seems that you also have cards."

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said respectfully.

"Then let's get started!" Carlot couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he saw the changes in Tang Zhong's body, obviously he didn't think that Tang Zhong's strength seemed to be not as simple as it seemed!
I saw Carlot teleporting directly, punching Tang Zhong with a punch!

That fist was shrouded in a layer of golden light.

Tang Zhong greeted him with a fist, with a bang.

The fists of two people collided together!
The moment the huge golden fluctuations collided with the fists of the two people, they exploded directly.

Both Tang Zhong and Carlot were ejected!
When the two of them fell to the ground, they stepped on the ground and cracked it.

Carlot was slightly astonished by Tang Zhong's strength, his eyes sparkled, as if he was excited to find a friend he hadn't seen for a long time: "Yes, your strength is comparable to the warriors of our Vegeta Galaxy!"

"Accept!" Tang Zhong said.

"Continue!" Carlot flew out. This time, the fist was still covered with golden light, but this time he swung his fist much faster.

Swish swish!
Carlot's speed increased, but Tang Zhong's speed was not slow either!
Boom boom boom!
The fists kept hitting together, making a booming sound!
The two of them had already fought into the air, they rushed here for a while, and went to other places for a while!
The two fought on par!
Other people watching the battle stood around, and the people in the Vegeta galaxy were the most shocked, because the people in the Vegeta galaxy were famous for their strength, but now they are fighting on par with other people, which is really incredible.

More people want to know who is the winner of this battle!

People from the upper and lower galaxies had almost believed that Tang Zhong was doomed, but now, seeing this scene, they became more confident.

In the air, Carlot and Tang Chong fought more and more excitedly.

The fists of the two kept banging together.

Boom boom boom!
"It's cool enough, watch the next move!" Carlot roared.

He punched it directly, and saw his fist, which seemed to be plated with gold, and blasted towards Tang Zhong!
"Okay!" Tang Zhong's fist was burning with flames: "You have to try my move!"

The Fist of Flame and the Golden Fist struck together fiercely!
In an instant, golden light and flames exploded together!
It exploded directly!
A powerful wave exploded directly from the air.

The onlookers saw the light in the sky and hurriedly stretched out their hands to cover their eyes. It was really too dazzling.

I have to say that this battle was fierce enough!
Everyone wants to know who won!
The people in the Vegeta galaxy are very worried. If the people in the Vegeta galaxy lose, it will be bad. They are a galaxy that lives by fighting!
I saw the light in the sky gradually dissipate, and two figures appeared there, that and Carlot and Tang Zhong were in the air!

Then the two slowly fell from the sky.

"Concession!" Tang Zhong was the first to speak.

"You are from that galaxy, I didn't expect that your power would be so strong!" Carlot said with a smile.

"I... shot the galaxy!" Tang Zhong said.

"Excellent, this time, you and I fought, and I fought very well, but it doesn't mean that you beat me. Well, we don't want this valley, we give it to you!" Carlot said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong didn't refuse either, he could see that this Vegeta galaxy person was not a bad person: "I don't care what you are here for, but if you want to stay here, you can stay!"

"We are here for the treasures of the world's relics!" Carlot said.

 (Since I wrote it here, I remembered the Dragon Ball comics I read when I was a child, so I let people from the Vegeta galaxy come to make a guest appearance.)
(End of this chapter)

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