Chapter 1395 World Ruins!

"We are here for the treasures of the world's relics!" Nakarot said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong instantly refreshed himself. He knew about the world ruins. As long as he got the world key, he would have the opportunity to enter the world ruins. These people said they came for the world ruins. Could it be that the world ruins are nearby?
"Oh, do you have the legendary world key?" Tang Zhong asked.

Although this person from the Vegeta Galaxy doesn't seem to be harming them now, it might be in the future, so it's better to be careful now!
In the universe, if there is no life-threatening friendship, it is better to be careful, otherwise there will only be a dead end!
"Yes, we have!" Carlot said: "The world ruins are here. This valley is very nice, so we want to stay here temporarily, but since you are all here, let's forget it!"

Tang Zhong was astonished, the other party actually admitted it, isn't he afraid of them snatching it?

Hearing the other party speak so politely, Tang Zhong said: "It's okay, this valley is very big, you can stay here too!"

"Really?" Carlot was surprised, obviously not expecting it.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's really great!" After Carlot finished speaking, he took out a bottle from the back, opened the bottle cap, and drank it.

Tang Zhong looked at that like wine!
"It's delicious, I can finally rest!" After taking a deep breath, Carlot sat up on the floor.

The other Vegeta Galaxy people also sat on the ground, very down-to-earth, and brought out drinks one after another!

"Do you drink?" Carlot picked up the drink and handed it to Tang Zhong: "Do you drink?"

"Drink!" Tang Zhong took the wine and drank it. The wine is really sweet: "What kind of wine is this, so sweet?"

"It's the wine brewed by my Vegeta galaxy!" Carlot said.

"It's really delicious!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's delicious, brother will visit my galaxy in the future, and I will send him a spaceship!" Carlot said with a smile.

The other party is so bold, he is not a bad person!
"Thank you brother!" Tang Zhong said.

"By the way, brother, I see that you are all people from the upper and lower galaxies. Why did you appear here? The world ruins will be opened soon. When those who have the world key come over, you are destined to You will suffer!" Carlot said.

"It's okay, just to see what people in such a high-level galaxy look like?" Tang Zhong laughed. He would not tell others about his possession of the World Key, it was his secret.

Carlot was slightly startled, and then said: "I didn't expect the Brotherhood to think so, but you must be careful, people from other galaxies will kill people at will, and those people don't care who they are when they kill people!"

"Yes, I will!" Tang Zhong said.

He can read words and expressions, and he can know the other person's thoughts immediately by looking at the other person's eyes. The meaning of what he said is definitely the most sincere advice!
"Don't take my words as wind. The world key is freely given by the Starwind Domain official, so no one knows who owns the key!" Carlot laughed: "In the past few days, it is the competition for the world gold key." When the key was most popular, there were five keys in total. Now four of them have owners, and only the last one is left. The person who owns the key has not yet appeared. By then, those people in the higher galaxies may rather kill by mistake. , and will never let go of the truth, so you'd better stay away, those people are inhumane!"

"It's okay, I will definitely protect myself!" Tang Zhong said with a smile, Tang Zhong was a little moved by what the other party said.

"I hope so. At that time, if you need any help, you can come to me. After all, this time, people from our Vegeta galaxy will stay in your valley!" Carlot said.

"Then I'm here to say thank you!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"That's polite, drink!" Carlot directly picked up the wine glass and drank it down!

Tang Zhong smiled!
Carlot and other people from the Vegeta galaxy stayed here for one night, and left early the next morning.

Before leaving, Carlot gave Tang Zhong a little advice: "Try to go as far away as possible, don't get too close!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong replied.

Then I saw that Carlot took the Vegeta Galaxy people away from this place quickly, and gradually walked away.

Wait for them to go.

Hong Ye stepped forward and asked, "Brother Tang, shall we go too?"

He knew that the key was on Tang Zhong's body now, but after hearing what Carlot said just now, Hong Ye was still a little scared. Although he had never been to this so-called world ruins, he had heard of the horror there, and he was about to start Before, it was the most intense time!
"Of course we want to go, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste for that old man to give us the key to this world!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Then Tang Zhong looked at the other people behind him and said, "This time, I'm going to the ruins of the world. Let me tell you in advance that that place is very dangerous. If you follow me, you may lose your life, so now I'll let you know in advance. If you want to go with me, if you don’t go, stay here!”

Everyone around shook their heads!
"We still won't go, the world keys and world relics have nothing to do with us!"

"Okay, then you stay here!" Tang Zhong said.

"I... I won't go either!" Hong Ye whispered.

"It doesn't matter, whoever wants to go can go, it's okay not to go!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Then turned and walked out of the valley.

It doesn't matter whether others go or not, but he must go!

Not far from this valley.

More and more people from high-level galaxies came one after another, and of course there were some high-level galaxies. Not all high-level galaxies followed Tang Zhong now.

After all, the ruins of the world are the official ruins prepared by the Star Wind Region, allowing people from the galaxy who have ancient secret keys to break into them.

Of course, there is another saying, that is, those who can enter the ruins of the world can stand out from the crowd in the first world area and participate in the genius battle in the Star Wind Domain!
Therefore, almost everyone wants to own the world key, but they all know that it is very difficult to own the world key and protect it!
After Tang Zhong walked out of the valley, he went towards the marked direction!
The world ruins are nearby now, as long as he goes there now.

Of course, along the way, you can also see people who are traveling with you, who look like they are from high-level galaxies. They saw Tang Zhong alone, and they didn't even want to talk to him.

Tang Zhong didn't know where the exact road to the world ruins was, so he followed behind these people.

Half day journey.

Finally, under Tang Zhong's gaze, he landed on a dark mountain peak, all of which were people. Obviously, this is where the World Ruins opened.

(End of this chapter)

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