Chapter 1396 Wanted!
Tang Zhong could see that the black crowd was definitely human.

Although it is said that the world ruins were prepared by the Starwind Domain officials, and the treasures in the ruins are left by the officials for everyone to snatch, they still attract a lot of people!
However, Tang Zhong also feels strict about the selection system of the Star Wind Region. You must know that there may be thousands of galaxies here, but there are five keys, and those who can get five keys are definitely the best.

"Go!" Tang Zhong said to himself, and then directly plunged into the crowd.

He knows that in his past, there must be many people who want to snatch the world key in his hand, but he doesn't care, whoever comes to snatch it will be the one who destroys it!

Soon, Tang Zhong joined the team and walked forward quietly!

His strength is the second level of the star rank, and he is particularly conspicuous when walking in the crowd. After all, the lowest level of people around him is the sixth level. As for the second level, there is no such thing at all!

Tang Zhong could hear the discussions around him.

"I'll go, what is this second-order person doing here?"

"It looks like someone from a high-level galaxy, when did people from a high-level galaxy become so courageous!"

More people are discussing Tang Zhong's guts again, maybe not many people will suspect that Tang Zhong has the World Key in his hand!

At this time, Tang Zhong also heard useful news.

"I heard that the four world keys have already appeared, and I don't know who owns the fifth one!"

"Yeah, the people from the first four galaxies who hold the World Key have already gone out and are in the Temple of the World. Those who don't have the world key from the galaxies can't fight against those four galaxies. They seem to be waiting Let the fifth person appear, and then snatch it!"

"Your news is too weak. I heard that the person holding the fifth world key seems to know who it is. It's a young man!"

"How did you get this news?" The person who spoke before looked at the latter in shock!
"Don't you know? Now the portrait of that young man is pasted in the world city on the top of the world. As for what it looks like, I don't know. Let's talk about it in the past!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong frowned. He can guarantee that the young man discussed by the people around him must be him. However, when did he expose the news that he holds the World Key?

Suddenly, Tang Zhong knew why. It must be those who participated in the auction before. Some people snatched the world key from Tang Zhong and were killed by Tang Zhong, but some people did not. Tang Zhong let him go, and those people Remember his appearance, but don't know his name!
I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but it seems a little tricky now!

However, the key to the world is in his hands, and if anyone wants to snatch it from him, it depends on whether he will give it to him or not.

Go ahead quickly now!

Tang Zhong went towards the top of the mountain, passing through the dark crowd. The people holding the key should all be in the top of the world that those people mentioned just now.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Tang Zhong finally entered the World City.

World City, the city built for the battle of world relics!
This city still looks very prosperous. It seems that this World Heritage Site should not be as rich in gold as others have said!

At this time, Tang Zhong saw that there were many people surrounded by the city wall in front of him, as if he was looking at something again!
When I walked over to take a look, I saw many people looking up at the notice.

There was a portrait on the notice, and that portrait completely made Tang Zhong laugh, because the person on it was him.

"Catch this person, as long as you send the news, you will be rewarded with 1000 million star wind coins!"

Seeing this news, Tang Zhong wanted to offer himself, but there are so many Xingfeng Coins!

"You are really valuable!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said with a smile.

"It's okay, I think the price is too low, if you let me know that the galaxy wants me so much, I will definitely go to trouble him!" Tang Zhong laughed.

And when Tang Zhong was talking to himself, the people around were looking at the notice, but he didn't know who it was, and suddenly shouted: "This person looks like the person on the notice?"

As soon as this person spoke, everyone immediately looked at him.

At that moment, everyone's eyes stayed on Tang Zhong. The eyes of those people changed from the astonishment before to the ecstasy in the end!
"It should be recognized!" Tang Zhong murmured.

But he didn't plan to say anything more with these people, let's go to the top of the world first!

"Is this guy the one on the notice?"

"It looks very similar, this person is the one wanted by the Rock Demon galaxy!"

"Catch this guy, it's 1000 million star wind coins, haha, this time I'm going to make a fortune!"

"Yes, it is indeed rich. Even if we are given the world key, we have no chance. If we catch this guy, we can get 1000 million, which is worth it!"

"You all think too simply, this person can get the world key, he is definitely not an ordinary person, his strength is very strong, no... this person is actually a star-level second-order strength!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people around looked at Tang Zhong became even hotter.

Tang Zhong frowned slightly, he almost already knew who wanted him, what rock demon galaxy, let's settle accounts with this galaxy in the future!
Immediately Tang Zhong was ready to leave!
"Boy, stop!" Suddenly, someone came out from the crowd. It was a strong man with a huge hammer in his hand!
"Thunder Hammer Galaxy, it's them. If they make a move, then we must be out of luck!"

"I didn't expect that we wouldn't get the world key, and now we don't even have a chance to catch other people!"

Just as Tang Zhong was about to leave, he saw the strong man with a giant hammer coming out to block his way. He heard the discussion from the people around him that this Thunder Hammer Galaxy still has some abilities.

I saw the person from the Thunder Hammer galaxy looking at Tang Zhong, and stretched out his hand directly: "Boy, hand over the world key in your hand to me now, and I can spare you from death, otherwise, my sledgehammer will definitely kill you!" Knock your head off!"

No one around thought that the people from the Thunder Hammer Galaxy would directly ask for the World Key, but the opponent's strength is enough!
Tang Zhong stared at the person from the Thunder Hammer Galaxy, with a thoughtful smile on his face, and asked, "Are you worthy?"

Hearing this, the person from the Thunder Hammer galaxy turned fiercely, and approached Tang Zhong with a hammer: "I gave you a chance, but you refused, so I'm impatient!"

The people around really don't understand why Tang Zhong dared to speak like that. He is from the Thunder Hammer Galaxy. Wouldn't it be courting death to talk like that?
And at this moment, they saw an astonishing scene, they never expected that Tang Zhong would move first, and slap him out in front of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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