Chapter 1397 Is It You?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tang Zhong was thrown out with a slap!
The strength of the person from the Thunder Hammer Galaxy is already at the eighth level. This person actually slapped him. Who does he think he is?
The people from the Thunder Hammer galaxy obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to strike first, they immediately sneered, grabbed the Thunder Hammer and directly blasted over.

On the hammer, there were streaks of thunder flashing, without crackling sounds.

Facing Tang Zhong, the thunder light directly surged over!

I saw Tang Zhong's slap and the Thunder Hammer slammed together fiercely.

But in the next second, the audience fell silent.

I saw the hammer in the hand of the person from the Thunder Hammer galaxy fly out the moment he met Tang Zhong with a slap!
The people in the Thunder Hammer galaxy are completely dumbfounded.

And at the same time, Tang Zhong slapped another slap, and the huge force instantly landed on the face of the person from the Thunder Hammer galaxy.

It was slapped away in an instant, a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly, and the whole person flew tens of meters away fiercely!
Just now they said they wanted to catch Tang Zhong. At this time, one of them looked uglier than the other. Seeing the strong man in the Thunder Hammer Galaxy who was slapped away with two slaps, they all took a breath of air-conditioning quietly. It was only after waking up from the bounty offer that this person was able to get the World Key, it was definitely not a simple role, if it was their provocation, this slap would be enough to kill them!
"That's right, I am the wanted person. My name is Tang Zhong. The world key is in my hands. Anyone who wants it can just come to me. Don't come, it's too unchallenging, I haven't used my strength yet!" Tang Zhong said slowly, without even looking at the person who fell on the ground, he said lightly.

Hearing this, many people trembled in their hearts. This guy actually said that he hadn't used his strength yet, which was really terrifying.

While the people around were discussing, Tang Zhong immediately stepped forward and walked towards the top of the world. Wherever he went, almost everyone looked at him with shocked eyes and awe!

"You are so imposing this time, you said you didn't use your strength, you can tell such lies!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"I hate flies buzzing around me!" Tang Zhong said.

"However, if it can scare people, it is already very powerful!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"What rock demon galaxy, I think, I shouldn't let them go!" Tang Zhong said.

The news that Tang Zhong had defeated the people from the Thunder Hammer galaxy quickly spread, and it was already spreading in the entire World City.

"Have you heard? The person holding the fifth world key has appeared!"

"What, is it amazing? Shall we grab it!"

"Snatch a fart, do you know? Thunder Hammer Galaxy went to grab it, but then..."

"What happened after that?"

"Later, I was slapped twice by that person so I couldn't get up!"

"true and false?"


More and more discussions can be heard from Tang Zhong's ears. Wherever he goes, everyone is discussing what happened to him just now.

However, when he walked over like this, no one paid any attention to him at all.

Because there is no one who can connect the person who slapped the Thunder Hammer Galaxy with him, because he is only at the second level of the Astral Rank, and when he did it before, few people paid attention to his strength!

In the center of the World City is the Palace of the World, and now Tang Zhong is very close.

At this moment, at the gate of the Top of the World, a beautiful figure appeared. It was a woman who had been looking into the distance. If you looked carefully, you would find that this woman was the same woman who was given to Tang Zhong at the auction house before. The woman next to the old man with the World Key is named Li Qing!
Beside her, there is an old man, it is Li Gong from before, and Li Gong is also looking into the distance at this moment.

"Grandpa, that person probably won't come!" Li Qing said when he saw that no one appeared in front of him.

"Qing'er, don't worry, the fifth world key hasn't appeared yet, which means that person has a chance to come!" Li Gong laughed.

"Grandpa, don't you understand? Before that person, you only had the strength of the ninth-level planetary level, and he couldn't protect that world key at all!" Li Qing said.

Li Gong didn't continue to speak, his eyes kept looking into the distance, he believed that that person could come, because that day, he saw full confidence in that young man's eyes, so he was optimistic about that young man.

At this time, an official servant of the Star Wind Region came out from the World Hall, and said respectfully: "Gong Li, the news ahead, the person holding the fifth world key seems to have appeared!"

"Really?" Li Gong turned to look at the servant: "What does that person look like?"

"If you go back to Li Gong, that person looks like a young man!" The servant continued.

When Li Gong heard this, he laughed loudly: "Okay, I understand!"

Li Qing also heard what the servant said, and he was completely stunned, muttering: "How is it possible, that guy, how could he protect the world key?"

"I once said that I saw confidence in that person's eyes. Let's go, Qing'er, follow me to preside over the main hall. When that person comes, the world ruins will be opened!" Li Gong continued.

"Yes, grandpa!" Li Qing said.

The two walked directly into the hall.

At the same time, Tang Zhong had already arrived in the center of World City. Here, few people knew him at all. After all, they never went to see him. He was too insignificant, but there were still many people around who kept talking about Tang Zhong. Deeds!
At this time, Tang Zhong saw the entrance of the Great World Hall, which was a gate similar to the Nantian Gate, and there were many people from the Star Wind Region standing guard at the gate.

At the door, there are many people from the galaxy, they are looking around, as if waiting for something, Tang Zhong knows, they are waiting for Tang Zhong to appear!

Well, here he is!

Tang Zhong stepped forward, and at this moment, Tang Zhong actually saw an acquaintance, Ou Chen, the man who had punched him before, standing guard right now!

"Very well, let's settle the hatred here!" Tang Zhong said.

After being beaten by Ou Chen that day, Tang Zhong remembered it deeply. The other party said that he would kill Tang Zhong when there was no one around. He adapted it.

He walked forward slowly, quickly attracting everyone's attention, and stopped when he reached the door.

And at this moment, Ou Chen at the door also saw Tang Zhong, and immediately asked in astonishment: "It's you?"

But soon, it turned into a sneer: "You also have the face to come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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