Chapter 1399 One hit kills!

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone present, there is only a grinning young man.

It took a long time for Ou Chen and Ou Feng to react, and hurried to Ou Long's side to help each other.

"Brother Long!"

But found that Oulong had passed out!

Immediately, both of them looked at Tang Zhong with hatred in their eyes.


Ou Chen was very angry. This time, among their July galaxies, the most beautiful one was Oulong. For them to get a good name in the star wind field genius competition, not to mention getting the first place, as long as it is almost enough, but now Ou Chen The dragon's arm has been crippled!
Then Ou Chen stood up abruptly, looked at Tang Zhong, and clenched his fists: "Boy, you abolished Oulong, ruined all hopes of people in the July Galaxy, you are dead!"

Tang Zhong was not moved at all, but said with a smile: "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Yes!" Ou Chen gritted his teeth and said, "I think I'm still qualified to kill a worthless trash!"

"Really?" Tang Zhong grinned.

Seeing Tang Zhong's eyes, Ou Chen had an ominous premonition in his heart, but when he thought about how this person had been beaten by him before, what kind of cards he could have, he immediately said: "Yes!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong laughed.

And at this moment, someone's voice shouted from the World Hall: "Ou Chen, has the person with the fifth world key come?"

Hearing this voice, Ou Chen's fierce appearance disappeared in an instant, and he quickly responded with a smile: "It seems that he didn't come!"

"Come on, let him in immediately!" The person inside said something, and continued to approach the main hall!

"Yes!" Ou Chen bowed his head in response, the smile on his face disappeared, and then looked at Tang Zhong: "Since you agreed, then I will kill you now!"

"Ou Chen, are you an official member of the Star Wind Region?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Ou Chen didn't understand why the person in front of him asked him such a question.

"Then, if you talk to me like that, Star Wind Region is nothing more than that!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Ou Chen's pupils widened when he heard this, "You bastard, you're hurting the Star Wind Region with your words like this, don't forget, this is the territory of the Star Wind Region, you're doomed!"

"That's right, Star Wind Region is a big place, not everyone is like you, you are really a mouse, you have ruined a pot of soup!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Ou Chen heard that Tang Zhong was mocking him, and immediately shouted: "You are courting death!"

The golden scimitar appeared in his hand instantly!
"Oh, I think you are courting death!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Hehe, I really want to see how you let me die!" Ou Chen laughed.

"I want to enter the world hall, but you obstruct it in every possible way, and even encourage you people from the July galaxy to deal with me. Do you think you deserve to die!" Tang Zhong said.

"World Hall, what do you think you are, only those who have the World Key can enter!" Ou Chen sneered.

"That's right, only those who have the World Key can enter!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Ou Chen's face turned ugly for a moment, he stared at Tang Zhong for a long time, and then he laughed loudly: "Go fart, you have the world key, what do you think you are?"

"Really?" Tang Zhong said.

Then he reached out and groped!

When the people around heard the world key, almost everyone's eyes fell on Tang Zhong. They all knew that the one who possessed the fifth world key was a young man. Could it be that this young man people?

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be this person, isn't it true?

Ou Chen is completely stupid!

He only saw a box appear in Tang Zhong's hand, and then he opened it slowly, and saw a golden key lying in the box.

At that moment, everyone was shocked, that was indeed the key to the world!
Ou Chen's eyes widened, with disbelief all over his face.

"How could it be, how could it be?"

How could the World Key be in the hands of this trash.

"You must be fake!" Ou Chen roared.

Tang Zhong laughed: "If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I think I will let you go!"

"You're dreaming!" Ou Chen responded directly.

"Well, you are an official member of the Star Wind Region, but you are doing something to someone who has the key to this world. I'm wondering what the Star Wind Region will do to you!" Tang Zhong continued.

He is confident that the official members of the Starwind Region will definitely blame Ou Chen, because the people of the Starwind Region are not stupid, and everyone who participates in the Starwind Region's genius battle has infinite possibilities. No one knows, but for a person like Ou Chen, his abilities have been fully finalized in the Star Wind Region, so the senior management of the Star Wind Region definitely knows how to choose, and more importantly, he still holds the World Key!

Ou Chen's heart skipped a beat, he stared at Tang Zhong with trembling eyes, what Tang Zhong said hit his weakness.

Every time the galaxy that can protect the world's key is definitely the top priority of the high-level. If he takes action against the opponent, if this person is allowed to report to the high-level, Ou Chen will definitely be miserable.

"Why, I said, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will let you go!" Tang Zhong grinned.

"You..." Ou Chen gritted his teeth angrily.

"In this case, after I enter here, I can't guarantee that something will happen to you!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

It is impossible to kneel down and beg for mercy, Ou Chen looked back at the Hall of the World, and immediately sneered: "I think, you haven't entered the Hall of the World yet, as long as you don't enter through this door, the people above People, I don’t know who owns this key, if I get rid of you now, what can you do?”

It is impossible for Ou Chen to kneel, so he can only kill this Tang Zhong and give the world key to others!

"You missed a chance for you to survive!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"It's up to you, kill me? Go ahead and dream!" Ou Chen said coldly, and then directly chose to do it, so as not to have too many dreams in the night, kill first and then talk!
Immediately, a golden scimitar appeared in his hand.

"Last time, I was able to beat you to your knees, this time, I can still do it!" Ou Chen said fiercely.

"Last time, it was very good!" Tang Zhong's face turned cold.

"Go to hell!" Ou Chen directly started Tang Zhong.

I saw Tang Zhong remained motionless, but his mind moved, and he muttered at the corner of his mouth: "Magic Sword!"

Just as Ou Chen was about to slash, suddenly, from above his head, a giant sword burning with black flames descended from the sky.

"You court death, I will fulfill you!"

At this time, all the people around also saw the giant sword burning with black flames falling down.

Ou Chen felt the power of the giant sword, and immediately his face became ugly.

In fact, last time Tang Zhong knew about Ou Chen's weakness, a fatal weakness!

Can kill with one hit!

In an instant, the magic sword fell from the sky and landed directly on the top of Ou Chen's head. With a click, it pierced directly into the skull, and blood gushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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