Chapter 1400 Entering the Palace!

Seeing the magic sword burning with black fire piercing through Ou Chen's head, the whole person opened his eyes wide, looking at Tang Zhong, his pupils couldn't believe it!
"how can that be?"

But as soon as the words fell, the power on the magic sword became even greater, directly breaking through Ou Chen's body, and blood flew!

The demonic sword, not stained with any drop of blood, flew directly into Tang Zhong's hands. Tang Zhong held the demonic sword in his hand, and the demonic fire on the blade slowly dissipated!

When the people around saw this scene, they all swallowed hard. This person actually killed Ou Chen, he was an official from the Star Wind Region!
At this moment, Tang Zhong, who was holding the magic sword, immediately turned to the people of the galaxy, and asked with a smile: "I know, there are many people here, who are going to snatch the world key in my hand. Now the key is here." Here, you come and grab it!"

But at this time, no one dared to move, even if this person dared to kill the officials of the Star Wind Region, none of them dared!

"By the way, that person called the Rock Demon Galaxy, the notice you posted outside..." Tang Zhong continued.

But before he could speak, a rock-like person rushed out from the crowd, and quickly apologized: "Our rock demon galaxy did something wrong, don't worry, we will destroy all your notices!"

Looking at this rock-like figure, Tang Zhong said, "Did I say it was going to be destroyed?"

The rock-shaped man thought that Tang Zhong was looking for trouble with him, and his body was trembling. Now that he had some guts, he didn't even dare to trouble this man.

"We...we will definitely take our things and go to your galaxy to apologize!" The rock-shaped man continued.

"Next time, when posting my notice, can you increase my price a bit, 1000 million star wind coins, that's an insult to me!" Tang Zhong continued.

As soon as these words came out, the people around were all stunned.

"We don't dare, we don't dare!" The rock-shaped man quickly knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

Tang Zhong didn't pay any attention to it, but looked at the Palace of the World in front of him and walked in!
A large group of people remained in place, stunned.

At this moment, in the World Hall.

It was a golden hall. Inside the hall, it was extremely vast, like a square. But at this time, in this hall, there were many figures, and each of these figures had an extremely strong aura. Vigorous, obviously they are not ordinary people.

After all, those who can obtain the world key, and even protect it, are not ordinary people. In that high-level galaxy, they are quite majestic!

In the inner side of the main hall, an old man was sitting on a seat, with a majestic aura radiating from his body to the surroundings. It was Li Gong from before, but his eyes were silent and his eyes were slightly squinted.

Standing beside him was Li Qing, also silent!
In front of them, there were four groups of people, one of them didn't have any hair on their bodies, but there were many tattoo-like things on their faces. Although they didn't wear much clothes, from their bodies, But there is a thick heat slowly released, they are people from the wild galaxy, the most conspicuous is their snake-like tail!
Next to them is the Vegeta Galaxy, where are Carlot and the others.

The remaining two galaxies, one is a ghost galaxy, and the other is a prehistoric galaxy!

The people of the ghost galaxy, every skin is bent, and a huge spike protrudes from the back. Their appearance is very ugly.

The people in the prehistoric galaxy are strong men one after another, holding weapons like bone hammers and bone swords in their hands, and they look like people who came out of the prehistoric.

"Why hasn't that person come yet?" At this time, the people in the wild galaxy said: "Today is the time when the world ruins are opened. Only when five keys are gathered together can the ruins be opened. Now let so many of you wait for him alone , this person's face is really great!"

"That's right!" the people from the ghost galaxy also said.

Obviously dissatisfied!

As for the people from the Primordial Galaxy and the Vegeta Galaxy, they didn't say a word.

Li Qing and the others could naturally hear other people's conversations. She put her mouth next to Li Gong's ear and said, "Grandpa, that person hasn't come yet!"

"Just wait!" Li Gongdao.

"But, the stipulated time has already passed!" Li Qing said.

"Didn't you just say that the person has arrived?" Li Gongdao.

"Yes, but I don't know why it was delayed!" Li Qing guessed.

At this time, the people in the wild galaxy saw Li Gong and Li Qing talking, and they knew that what they said just now must have been heard by the other party. Immediately, the person who spoke before continued: "I suggest that deprive the last A person's right to enter the world's relics, even if he has the World Key, really doesn't take the Star Wind Domain seriously, and if he can't come, he won't come!"

"Who said I'm not coming?"

Then, just as the people in the wild galaxy finished speaking, a voice suddenly rang out from outside the hall, and then slowly echoed in the hall!

The anger suddenly calmed down.

This voice should be the fifth person coming!

The man from the wild galaxy is named Man She. At this moment, when he heard the words from outside, his expression turned a little ugly. Just now, he was really embarrassed!
When Li Gong heard this voice, he laughed, it seems that he is really that guy!

Li Qing was slightly taken aback. She was quite familiar with this voice. These days, she often made bets with her grandfather that that person would never come here, so she always kept the other party's voice in mind, and now that the voice came, she also It means that the other party is coming!
Carlot of the Vegeta galaxy was also slightly taken aback. Why did he seem to have heard this voice there?

They all want to see, who is this person?

Under the gaze of those eyes, the sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, and a moment later, a voice slowly walked into the hall.

The one who walked in was naturally Tang Zhong.

And at the moment when Tang Zhong just walked in, all eyes in the hall were cast on this scene.

"It's really him!" Li Qing couldn't believe it!
When Carlot saw the person, he was stunned. Hasn't he seen this person before?What is he?

Li Gong also reached out to stroke his beard!
Tang Zhong also saw the old man directly above, but he didn't expect that he was an acquaintance. It seems that this person should be the person who opened the world ruins this time, and immediately bowed his hands.

"This junior owns the fifth world key, but due to some delays, it is late, and I hope that senior will take care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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