Chapter 1401 Tongue Debate!

Since Tang Zhong came late, he didn't make excuses, so he stepped forward to apologize!

Man She from the Wild Galaxy was very dissatisfied with Tang Zhong's late arrival, and immediately said, "Do you think an apology is enough for being late?"

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at this Man She, he swore that it was definitely the first time he saw this person, but this person spoke to him like this, something is wrong!

"Someone outside didn't let me in, so I'm late!" Tang Zhong said, he still wanted to explain!
"You hold the key to the world, who can prevent you from coming in, I think you are just quibbling!" Man She continued to shout.

Tang Zhong didn't know what this person was planning at first, but soon he knew.

"You are late, you are not worthy to enter the ruins of the world at all, I strongly suggest that you take back your world key, and then give it to any one of the four galaxies present!" The man continued.

Tang Zhong understood, this guy is really giving his shit!

"Why should I hand over my key!" Tang Zhong questioned.

"Because you were late!" Man She questioned.

"So it is!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong felt that he was being calculated.

He has no grievances with the people of this wild galaxy, but when the other party just came up, he directly attacked him, which is not normal at all.

Thinking back to the arrest warrant issued to him by the person from the Rock Demon Galaxy at the beginning, Tang Zhong had seen the person from the Rock Demon Galaxy before, but he was a person dressed in rock. The entire rocky galaxy is terrorized.

In fact, at that time, Tang Zhong was particularly surprised why people from the Rock Demon Galaxy wanted him wanted?But it seems that he has no guts, he is very strange, but now he understands a little bit, maybe, the people of the rock demon galaxy are just a cover, and they are blocked by someone!

In other words, it was the people from this barbaric galaxy who made the rock demon galaxy hunt him down and delay Tang Zhong's time. At this time, people from the wild galaxy are rushing out to question!

This is completely a big picture!

Tang Zhong is the prey in this game, and everyone around wants to hunt him down!
Tang Zhong, who wanted to understand, grinned, and then looked at Man She in the wild galaxy!
Man She is also staring at Tang Zhong. This time, he must get the world key, because he has already arranged a game, and the person in front of him who has the world key has already entered his game. Just do it!

His younger brother also wanted to enter the ruins of the world. He wanted to take the world key from the person in front of him and use it for his disciples.

"Then what if I don't want to?" Tang Zhong knew Man She's thoughts and asked.

"I don't want to, what face do you have to enter the ruins of the world?" Man She asked.


At this moment, Li Gong, who had been on the stage, coughed twice, which meant to be quiet!
Even if Man She wanted to deal with Tang Zhong, she could only shut up now!
Seeing Li Gong laughed, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to actually come, and immediately said: "It's okay, since you said you have the world key, show it to me now, as long as you confirm it, I will give it to you." Go to the entrance of the world ruins!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong knew the old man, and the old man must know that the key was with him, but in such a scene, Tang Zhong still took out the box, opened the key, and the World Key appeared inside.

Man She saw it in her eyes, clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes were full of heat!

"Very good, it's the key to the world. Let's go. It's not too late. You will leave the first world area soon to participate in the genius battle. I will send you there now!" Li Gongdao.

"My lord, wait a minute!" At this moment, Man She said.

All the people are looking at Man She right now, wondering what the other party is doing?
"What's the matter?" Li Gong asked, even if he knew Tang Dynasty Champion and favored Tang Zhong, it was impossible to reveal it.

"My lord, this person has been late for so long, that is to say, he is late. He clearly knows that today is the day when the World Ruins will be opened, but he is still late. This clearly does not take the Star Wind Domain seriously!" Man She said. , and then gave Tang Zhong a hard look, and continued: "I think this person should be punished and handed over the world key in his hand, he is not worthy to use it!"

Before waiting for Li Gong to speak, Tang Zhong looked at Man She, knowing that the trick was made by his opponent before, Tang Zhong would still have a good face: "If I am not worthy to use it, then who do you think is worthy to use it? "

"Of course the people present, the barren galaxy, the prehistoric galaxy, the ghost galaxy, and the Vegeta galaxy, that person is not worthy of use, and that one is not as strong as you!" Man She said.

"Oh, isn't it the people from your barbaric galaxy who are most suitable for using it?" Tang Chong asked with a smile.

When Man She heard this, she was at a loss for words, and she didn't know what to say. Obviously she didn't expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing, and immediately stammered: "This... people from my barren galaxy do have the qualifications. The Temple of the World is the earliest one from my barren galaxy, we are not qualified, who is qualified?"

Tang Zhong laughed, just as he guessed: "Then I will give this key to the Vegeta Galaxy people!"

That pretty face suddenly turned ugly!

Seeing the face of the other party, Tang Zhong laughed: "Why, didn't you say that other people are qualified? I will do the same for Vegeta Galaxy!"

Man She's face was ugly. If the world key is given to Vegeta Galaxy, why not let this guy hold it. The world key is what he wants!

"Why don't you talk now? Don't you agree? Didn't you say that everyone is qualified? Or are you going to leave this key to your wild galaxy?" Tang Zhong asked a series of questions .

Man She was speechless when asked, and didn't know how to answer, and shouted: "When did I say that, you are clearly spitting blood!"

"Oh, I was just joking, why are you so excited?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

When Man She heard this, she looked at Tang Zhong with more and more strange eyes, he wanted to get rid of this person!

At this time, Tang Zhong was the closest to Man She, and he could feel the murderous intent in the other's eyes, but he didn't want to pay attention to him, and immediately turned to look at Li Gongdao: "My lord, I'm late this time, please punish me!"

Anyway, whether he was punished or not, the old man had the final say, and he didn't believe that the old man would punish him.

On the stage, seeing Tang Zhong like this, Li Gong couldn't help laughing, this guy must know that he can't do anything to him, so he asked this question, and immediately said: "Okay, if you know your mistakes, correct them, there is nothing good about it , now it is not too late, it is the right thing to go to the world ruins!"

(End of this chapter)

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