Chapter 1403 Unable to succeed!

Everyone knows that the world ruins have been opened.

The shining door in the sky is indeed tempting enough.

It's a pity that only those who have the world key can enter!

"Okay, the gate has been opened, you can go in. Although it is a relic, it can be regarded as a kind of assessment. There are treasures inside, but it depends on how you find them!" Li Gong said with a smile.

Man She cupped her hands and said, "Yes, my lord!"

Immediately the first person flew up, and the door seemed to have a strange attraction, which directly sucked Man She up.

Seeing this, the others were not to be outdone. Everyone in the Star Wind Region said that after entering, they still have to look for treasures, so time should not be wasted!

The people from the ghost galaxy and the prehistoric galaxy were not to be outdone, and soon followed.

"Let's go too!" Carlot stepped forward and said to Tang Zhong.

"En!" Tang Zhong nodded vigorously.

The two people also jumped up directly, and soon entered the light gate, and as the light swallowed their bodies, the two people disappeared immediately.

Li Gong and Li Qing stood in the same place, watching Tang Zhong leave, Li Qing had something to say all the time, now seeing the other party go, he stepped forward and said: "Grandpa, I think that Man She seems to be Very hostile to that guy!"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!" Li Gong said with a smile: "I remember, you seem to care about other men's affairs at all!"

Li Qing glared at Li Gong, and said, "Grandpa, when did I stop?"

"Then why did you ask me about that guy?" Li Gong asked back.

Li Qing was speechless for a while: "I'm just curious!"

"It's really just curiosity!" Li Gong asked with a smile.

"Of course it's just that. Grandpa, what do you think?" Li Qing stomped his feet, the other party was his grandfather, and he really couldn't do anything about it. If it was someone else, he might have already started by this time.

"That's it!" Li Gong laughed.

On the contrary, Li Qingqi's cheeks puffed up: "I'll ignore you!"

Seeing this, Li Gong laughed out loud.

On the other hand, Li Qing thought of Tang Zhong from before. I have to say, this guy's counterattack when he was questioned by that man from the wild galaxy just now was really not ordinary handsome!
At this moment, among the ruins of the world.

Tang Zhong only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then it was time to open his eyes.

A fog around him blocked his vision, but it didn't prevent him from seeing the surrounding images clearly.

It's like a valley here.

Mountains are everywhere, and beast roars are heard from time to time!
As soon as Tang Zhong heard it, he knew it was the voice of a monster. He didn't expect that there are so many doorways in this world ruins. It seems that people in these galaxies want to get something from the Star Wind Domain. It's really not ordinary. Difficult!
"This relic, it seems that it is not as bad as imagined!" The voice of Shidao Yanlongbing came out: "I thought the relics made by humans would be particularly bad. If there is no accident, this relic, It should have been excavated from the Star Wind Domain before, but the contents inside have been excavated empty, so now it will be artificially made, and it will be regarded as some kind of world relic!"

Tang Zhong naturally would not deny it.

He only wants baby now, he doesn't care about other things at all.

"Can you feel that there is any treasure?" Tang Zhong asked Shidao Yanlong Bing. This guy's nose is similar to a dog's nose. As long as the other party gives him an instruction, he may be able to find the treasure!

"Yes!" Ten Great Yanlong Bing felt it and said.

"But it doesn't seem to be very good!" Tang Zhong said.

"That doesn't matter!" Tang Zhong said, as long as it is a good thing, he wants it!
"Let's go in this direction!" Shi Daoyan Longbing pointed Tang Zhong in a direction.

Tang Zhong started immediately.

Then he opened the evil eye, wanting to see how the spirit puppet is being refined in the evil eye!

I saw groups of black flames still burning on those corpse soldiers!

Those soldiers were all fighters who had participated in the dark jihad, and despite the flames burning, it seemed that nothing happened.

This made Tang Zhong wonder!

It's been so long, it doesn't make sense, it's still like this, either fail or succeed, there must be a limit, right?
"It's strange, it's really strange!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing obviously noticed something strange in Xieyan's eyes, so he opened his mouth and said.

"What should we do?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I suspect that there is a problem with these corpse soldiers. It seems that corpse soldiers infected with the power of the demon seed cannot be refined. Now we must find new corpse soldiers!" said Shi Daoyanlongbing.

"Understood, then these corpse soldiers can't be refined, so they have been thrown in the evil eyes?" Tang Zhong asked.

Tang Zhong has seen the power of these corpse soldiers before. If one is released, it will definitely be a huge trouble. The murderer becomes crazy and cannot be suppressed. He used the dragon clone to suppress it before, but with the giant The power of the dragon avatar is here, how many are there?

"No, these corpse soldiers must not be on your body for a long time. Those soldiers who have been eroded by the power of the demon seed, what they will become, you may not know. If you stay by your side, that will be the biggest threat. You have no Having experienced that past, I may not know how terrifying the Dark Jihad is!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said seriously.

Tang Zhong knew this. To be honest, it must be a big deal for Shi Daoyan Longbing to say so seriously: "I know!"

"In short, just find a suitable opportunity and destroy this thing!" Shidaoyan Longbing said.

Don nodded his head.

He followed the direction pointed by Tang Zhong.

Suddenly, Shidao Yanlong Bing yelled to stop, and then laughed: "I didn't expect that you just wanted to find corpse soldiers, and now there are pre-consumed ones coming to your door!"

Tang Zhong stopped, very surprised, what did Shi Dao Yanlong Bing mean by this?
"You mean, there are corpse soldiers here?" Tang Zhong continued to ask.

But when he looked around, there seemed to be nothing around him!
It is a flat land, extremely gloomy!
"Fool, who told you to look around, I'm talking about your feet!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong looked down!

The ground is under your feet, and there is nothing special about it.

"Dig him!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Okay!" Tang Chong did as he did. Without tools, he directly summoned the power of the giant dragon avatar. In fact, his hands turned into dragon claws, and then burst out of strength in his hands, grabbing directly towards the ground.

Forcibly lifted the ground as hard as a rock, and then threw it aside!

In the next second, Tang Zhong saw that there were many corpses in the pit, but they all turned into mummies!

Although it is a mummy, it is enough to be used as a corpse soldier to refine a spirit puppet.

(There is no internet at home, so I coded it slowly with my mobile phone, it was too slow,)

(End of this chapter)

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