Chapter 1404 Is it going to succeed?

Although they are all mummy corpses, it is still possible to refine them into spirit puppets!
"So many mummies!" Tang Zhong's eyes lit up.

"Quickly refine the spirit puppet, what are you waiting for here!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

After being reminded, Tang Zhong quickly prepared to use his evil eyes to put away all these mummies!

"What are you doing?" Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing hurriedly stopped him.

"Take them and refine them?" Tang Zhong said.

"It's not necessary at all. You can quickly take out the flame from the evil eye and practice outside. It's absolutely fine. I took a look and saw that this relic is huge, no one will appear, and take it out to refine it. If so, the effect must be very good!
Hearing this, Tang Zhong nodded, immediately opened his evil eye, and summoned out the fire of cosmic energy that he got back then.

At this moment, the flame appeared and was suspended in the air, burning blazingly there!

"Okay, let's take out all those mummies!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang nodded his head. Now that the ground has been dug up, all he needs to do is take out all these mummies.

All I saw was Tang Zhong hitting the ground with a punch.

Powerful strength is condensed on the fist.

I only heard a bang, and the ground was directly torn apart, because there was a big pit before, and now the ground was easily shaken open, and the mummies under the ground rushed out from inside, flew into the air, and finally all fell to the ground.

The origin of these mummies is unknown, and their strength is not uniform. Some mummies were directly broken after falling from a high altitude, while some had nothing to do. This is linked to the strength of the mummies before they were alive. A strong person has a strong body, and no matter how many years they are buried, nothing will happen. On the contrary, the weak will turn into a ball of fly ash in the shortest time!
If you look at the number of mummies around, there are more than a thousand. With so many, even if the refinement fails, there are still many chances!
The flame of cosmic energy fell to the ground, and a rising flame immediately surged up!

Tang Zhong immediately threw a mummy over!

Who knew that the mummy would melt away as soon as it approached the flame.

"This mummy can't do it!" Ten Yanlong soldiers said!

Tang Zhong put another mummy on the flame. The mummy stayed on it for a while, but in the end it exploded into slag.

"Refining is like this, if there are no good materials, failure is normal!" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers said comfortingly.

Tang Zhong understood what the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers said. Now that there are so many corpse soldiers, he doesn't want to look for any treasures of the world's relics. If he can refine a spirit puppet, it will be better than any treasures!

There are conditions here, so we must grasp them!
Moreover, the flame of cosmic energy is obviously about to disappear. If he doesn't hurry up, if the flame is extinguished, he will have no chance.

But it always fails!
To be honest, Tang Zhong still felt a little uncomfortable after many failures!

In the flames, more than 100 corpse soldiers have been burned into ashes.

"Not enough!" Tang Zhong murmured.

This time he directly threw the two corpse soldiers onto the flames, and as the flames burned, the corpse soldiers turned into ashes again!

"Damn it!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists.

keep throwing!
But there was still no effect, and he also saw the flames of cosmic energy slowly disappearing, and the flames were shrinking.

"No way!" Tang Zhong was a little speechless.

Then you should hurry up, after the flames are extinguished, it would be a dream to refine the corpse soldiers into spirit puppets!

"No, this flame can still burn for a while, why is it disappearing now, it's a little strange!" The voices of ten Yanlong soldiers came out: "I don't understand!"

Tang Zhong didn't answer him, but continued to put all the corpse soldiers on the flames for refining!

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is thinking that you will fail and then not trying!
"You can't refine blindly like this anymore, look for the strong ones among the corpse soldiers, don't put those weak ones on the flames, after all, they will turn into ashes if they burn the flames, it's better not to try!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bingdao.

Tang nodded emphatically, that is indeed the case.

He began to grope among the mummies.

After finding a few intact ones, Tang Zhong threw them on the flame.

The flames lasted much longer than those mummies before. Although they also turned into ashes, at least they could barely survive. OK!
"Choose that one!" The Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers were also helping Tang Zhong find the mummy, when they suddenly saw a corpse on the ground, they quickly gave Tang Zhong instructions.

Tang Zhong looked intently, and found the one pointed out by the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers. He stretched out his hand to caress the body of the mummy, and felt a powerful force emanating from the corpse. He must have been a strong man before he was alive. The corpse looks like a woman!
"That's him!" Tang Zhong lifted up the mummy and threw it onto the cosmic flame.

I saw that the mummy was burned by the flame as soon as it fell on the flame, and it was dragged and suspended in the air!
The original color of the mummy was black, but now it turned directly into a fiery red, just like the color of iron being burned red.

How powerful this mummy was before it was alive, it is really unbelievable that it can cultivate the strength of its body to be as strong as steel.

And the previous corpse soldier turned into ashes as soon as it encountered the flames, but now this corpse soldier can persist, this may be a good start!
Tang Zhong's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and there were still ten flame dragon soldiers. He also knew that if the cosmic energy flame disappeared, it would be impossible for Tang Zhong to refine corpse soldiers into spirit puppets Things have happened, so he also hopes to succeed.

The flames are getting smaller and smaller.

"Can it work? I'm afraid the flame won't work." Tang Zhong murmured.

"Don't worry, this little flame is fine, it depends on the good fortune of the mummy!" The ten flame dragon soldiers said: "And, I also feel that this corpse soldier seems to have the possibility of success!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong's eyes widened. If it succeeds, it would be really lucky.

At this moment, a golden light appeared on the mummy. Looking carefully, it was the black skin that was split open, and a new golden skin was born.

" kid succeeded!" The ten flame dragon soldiers shouted suddenly.

"Really?" Tang Zhong was also a little excited.

Naturally, he could see the change, but he didn't expect that after the flame was about to disappear, it would actually succeed.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, a fireball rushed out of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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