Chapter 1413 Someone will stop you!
Tang Zhong turned to look at You Mo, and said with a sneer, "Because there is no need now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the aura on his body burst out, because Carotel is still fighting Man She, he must kill the ghost in the shortest time, and then go to help, so Tang Zhong directly burst out the most powerful Strength.

After hearing Tang Zhong's words, You Mo sneered and said, "Of course you don't need it, because no matter how you run, you won't be able to escape my palm!"

As soon as he said this, the next second, You Mo's face became ugly. He looked at Tang Zhong in front of him, and his pupils were full of disbelief.

" is this possible? How could it be like this?"

There was a little panic in his voice.

At this time, Tang Zhong was already transforming, and the appearance of the giant dragon avatar had fully appeared.

To fight against You Mo, you must unleash your strongest strength!
Tang Zhong, who was already a clone of the giant dragon, was grinning at this moment, looking at Youmo, his pupils were full of chills, and then he directly chose to make a move, and the huge dragon claws tore apart towards the front.

It's also the Blood Soul Claw, but it's not at 01:30 that the power on the claw is stronger than usual at this time.

I saw the claws tearing directly towards Youmo.

You Mo calmed down the panic in his heart. He didn't believe that this guy could have any powerful hole cards. Everything was a paper tiger, and he could destroy them all with one paw.

A burst of black energy erupted from his claw light, but what he never expected was that at the moment when his claw light and Tang Zhongxue Soul Claw slashed together, Youmo's claw weapon was directly struck It was cut off, and with a click, it broke.

At the same time, Tang Zhong's blood soul claws directly penetrated Youmo's body, with a swish, the two of them were like swordsmen facing swordsmen, and the two of them interlaced back to back, and Youmo remained motionless.

On the contrary, it was Tang Zhong, whose aura was being slowly withdrawn, and he would soon return to his previous appearance.

At this time, I saw You Mo roaring in pain, and after a while, the whole person screamed, his face was full of painful expressions, until finally, his pupils were full of regret.

"no no!"

Although he kept yelling no, it was useless at all. His body began to break at this time, and blood gushed out from the skin, followed by bigger scars. You Mo's body broke into three pieces, directly It collapsed and fell to the ground, leaving behind three piles of flesh and blood!
Youmo kept his eyes open until he died, and looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief, his pupils were wide open, and he was killed in a single blow!

But in the end he breathed his last!
Until he died, he was also thinking about one thing, why this person's strength became so powerful in a sudden instant!

Tang Zhong didn't care about You Mo's eyes, but went to You Mo's side and took off the space ring from You Mo's hand. There must be something inside. Tang Zhong is not a good person, but now it's not about looking at what's in the space ring It's time, let's help Carrot brothers first!

Immediately turned around and left, he was able to kill You Mo so quickly, it had a lot to do with You Mo, You Mo didn't take him seriously at all, so he let him take advantage of the loophole!
I don't know how Carotel and Man She are fighting now!
Thinking of this, the speed under Tang Zhong's feet increased!
Go back the same way.

On the other side, Carlot is now fighting Man She, but Carlote is clutching his chest at the moment, his face is unpredictable!
Obviously, he was seriously injured in the fight just now, but it was not fatal.

Man She put the big knife on the shoulder behind her, and then laughed wildly: "Carotel, the prince of the Vegeta galaxy, I just don't understand what you are thinking, actually because of such a waste, you get on I really feel worthless for you. If you surrendered before, no one would do anything to you, but you want to fight against me, and you are against me after being injured. I really don’t understand. If there is a way to heaven, if you don’t go, you will come to hell if there is no way.”

After Man She finished speaking, she made a regretful expression.

"Fuck shit!" Carlot scolded directly: "You can kill or cut whatever you want, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

He couldn't beat the opponent, it was because he was injured, and people are mortal. Carlot is from the Vegeta galaxy, and he is a fighting nation. Many elders in the family have died in battle. Carlotte is not afraid of death, he It's just that it's worthless to be afraid of death, after all, they are the Vegeta Galaxy.

At this time, Carlot glanced at the direction where Tang Zhong was running away just now. Youmo hasn't come back for so long, it seems that Brother Tang should have run away!

It doesn't matter if he dies!
And Man She was yelled at by Carlot, his face was ugly, he took the big knife on his shoulder in his hand, and yelled at Carlotte: "I... I will kill you first and say, if you still exist now What infatuation, if you think that Tang Zhong can live, then you are really dreaming, you should die now!"

Then the big knife was raised high, ready to slash down and cut off Carlot's body in half!

"Really?" At this moment, a voice came from behind Man She.

His originally smirking expression suddenly changed drastically at this moment, he turned around abruptly, his pupils widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's you? Where did You Mo go?"

Man She just saw Tang Zhong, standing behind him intact at this moment, Fangcai Youmo must have chased after him, why is this man back now, but Youmo has disappeared.

Carlot also looked at Tang Zhong, his heart tightened, why is this guy back now?
Immediately, Carlot shouted: "Brother Tang, hurry up, you are no match for this guy!"

In Carlot's view, no matter how powerful Tang Zhong is, he is not Man She's opponent after all.

Tang Zhong laughed when he heard Carlot's words: "It's okay, I don't need to be this guy's opponent!"

Then Tang Zhong looked at Man She, with an unusually cold look in his eyes: "Of course You Mo is dead!"

Ghost is dead?Man She was startled, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, it's so funny, You Mo is dead, are you his opponent? Can you even lie?"

Tang Zhong didn't want to expose anything, when Fangcai came here, Tang Zhong had already thought of many countermeasures, and finally chose the best one.

Instead of answering Manshe's words, he walked to Carlot's side, helped Carlot up, turned around and took Carlot away.

"You shouldn't have come back!" Carlot sighed: "The strength of Man She is stronger than before, you are not the opponent!"

"Just follow me!" Tang Zhong said.

"What about Manshe?" Carlot asked, "He stopped us, we can't leave!"

"No...someone will stop him!" Tang Zhong laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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