Chapter 1414 Return!

"Someone will stop him!" Tang Zhong said.

Carlot was startled: "Who?"

"You will know soon!" Tang Zhong said.

At the same time, with a thought, he issued an order.

At this moment, Man She saw that Carlot and Tang Zhong were about to escape, and said with a sneer, "Today, neither of you will be able to escape, you two must die!"

And at this moment, suddenly, the ground shook.

A huge evil energy surged out.

Man She immediately felt the evil spirit, just behind him, he suddenly turned around and shouted: "Who is where?"

At this moment, Tang Xie came out.

The blood spirit puppet recovered by Tang Zhong turned into an evil spirit puppet and was renamed Tang Xie by Tang Zhong!
His pupils are full of evil spirits!

That's right, this is Tang Zhong's plan, he doesn't intend to reveal anything, since Tang Xie has succeeded, let him play!

When Carlot saw the ghost puppet appearing, his expression was extremely ugly: "It's the blood puppet just now, he...he seems to have transformed. You just said that someone would stop him. Could it be this blood puppet?"

Tang nodded his head: "I was fighting with Youmo just now, and Youmo almost killed me, but I was lucky. I met this blood puppet who fought with Youmo. I took the opportunity and ran away until I got here. Thinking that the blood puppet has been chasing me, I wanted to use the power of the blood puppet to face Man She, so I brought the blood puppet here!"

"Let's go then!" Carlot shouted.

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong supported Carlot and hurried away.

At the same time, he gave Tang Xie an order to kill without mercy. Tang Xie transformed under the evil eyes, so Tang Zhong was able to give Tang Xie the order himself.

Man She didn't know what Tang Xie was, and yelled, "Go away, or I'll kill you!"

Tang Xie had already received Tang Zhong's order to kill without mercy before him, without thinking about it, and directly attacked, Tang Xie was like a humanoid weapon.

A punch bombarded the past, and Man She quickly used a knife to resist, but who knew, it was just Tang Xie's punch, and the knife in Man She's hand was directly blunted!

" is it possible?" Man She's face suddenly changed drastically, and he was very close to Tang Xie, so he could clearly see the evil spirit in Tang Xie's eyes, and exclaimed again: " are not human!"

Tang Xie didn't talk to him at all, and punched him again. Man She greeted him with a knife again, but with a click, the knife in his hand was broken.

At that moment, Man She became frightened, unprecedentedly frightened, a powerful force knocked him back, and after he fell to the ground, he hurriedly turned his head to look for Carlot and Tang Zhong, only to find that both of them were gone. If he ran away, he immediately understood that he had been plotted against.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, Manshe just runs away.

Realizing that Man She was about to run away, Tang Xie followed immediately, and kept making noises from his mouth: "Man She is dead... Man She is dead!"

Man She was even more afraid, but he hadn't run away yet. With a bang, Tang Xie descended from the sky and stood in front of him.

Man She looked at the other party, never in such despair as today.

"You... who are you?"

He understood, someone must have sent this person to kill him, could it be those people in the wild galaxy who wanted to take his position away? shouldn't be possible!
"Tell me, who sent you here!" Man She continued to shout.

He thought that this person might be some kind of Star Killer, that's why he was so indifferent.

Tang Xie still didn't speak, just punched Man She.

Man She greeted her with a bang.

His arm was directly blasted into blood, and he roared miserably.

"My hand!"

At this time, Man She finally realized how terrifying the person in front of him was, and he shouted: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, if you are a killer, don't kill me, I'll give you money, a lot of money !"

Killers kill for money!
But Tang Xie didn't give him a chance to resist at all, and punched him again, causing a large piece of Man She's chest to be dented directly.

"You... how dare you..." Man She vomited blood, his whole face was pale, he was already in despair, deep despair, how could such a strong person suddenly appear, this is really too weird.

"You... who the hell sent you to kill me, tell me... I want to die in peace!"

Man She fell to the ground and looked at Tang Xie.

Tang Xie slowly raised his foot.

"Don... heavy!"

Then he kicked directly down with a heavy kick.

"What?" Man She's complexion changed drastically. It was the previous person. He couldn't believe it, but he had no chance. He kicked down with a huge kick, directly facing his head, with a click, and the head split!
Man She didn't even have time to let out the screams, and there was no life in her body.

Tang Xie didn't even look at it, and just left.

Tang Zhong's order was to kill Man She.

"Master... the task is completed!"

And Tang Zhong, who was on the way to escape with Carotel, heard a small voice in his ear. He and Tang Xie were connected in mind. Hearing this, he knew that Tang Xie had succeeded now, and his mind moved , continue to issue commands.

"Follow me..."

Find a way to put Tang Xie away. The current Tang Xie is still not strong enough, so he must rely on evil spirits to nourish him, but he must not let Carlot find out, and he has to sneak around.

The current Carlot is sitting cross-legged, cultivating there. Just now, Tang Zhong gave him the elixir he got before, which can restore his physical strength. Now he has almost recovered, and his face looks much better!

After a long time, Carlot opened his eyes, and immediately asked anxiously: "Has the blood puppet caught up?"

"No...!" Tang Zhong shook his head and said.

"That's really great, I have to leave here as soon as possible, that Blood Spirit Puppet is too strong, it's a little scary, we must never meet again, otherwise we will die!" Carlot said.

"However, I am quite grateful to that Blood Spirit Puppet, who saved my life at the most critical time!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yeah, that luck is really great!" Carlot was also happy for Tang Zhong!
And at this moment, suddenly, above the sky, a light flickered down.

It was a huge vortex, exactly the same as the vortex that entered the world ruins before.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from inside: "The assessment time for this world relic is coming to an end, please examiners, leave this place as soon as possible!"

This voice is Li Gong's voice!

World Heritage is coming to an end.

Carlot became excited: "Great, let's go, let's get out of here first!"

"Brother Carrot, you go first!" Tang Zhong said, he had to take Tang Xie away, and he felt that Tang Xie was nearby now.

"Okay!" Carlot stood up and walked towards the vortex. An invisible force appeared and directly sucked Carlotte up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Zhong found Tang Xie, took Tang Xie into his evil eyes, and then rushed into the vortex and left this place.

(End of this chapter)

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