Chapter 1415 Suspicion!

Tang Zhong also rushed directly to the whirlpool. Now that Man She and You Mo are both dead, this trip can be said to be over. The treasures in the world ruins are the same whether they want it or not!

At this moment, in the World City, on the square of the World Hall, a huge vortex appeared in the air.

Around, there are too many people, those who have entered the lower and upper galaxies in the first world area.

But at this moment, everyone was watching the vortex in the air.

The opening of the vortex is the time when the winner returns!
Li Gong and Li Qing stood together, looking at the huge vortex in front of them: "Grandpa, do you think that guy can get the treasure?"

"Qing'er, why do I feel that you are paying more and more attention to that guy?" Li Gong asked with a smile.

"I... am I curious?" Li Qing muttered.

She didn't know why, but after Tang Zhong appeared, she became really curious, and couldn't understand how that guy managed to keep the key to the world. It was obvious that grandpa was in front of so many people before. I gave the key to that person. According to normal principles, it is right for that person to be punished by everyone. It should not be the current situation. More importantly, that guy named Tang Zhong actually fought with other people in the Temple of the World. Challenge, this kind of courage is really incomparable, of course, these are not important, the most important thing is, how does that guy look more and more handsome!
When Li Gong heard his granddaughter's words, he laughed: "Okay, okay, even if you are curious, go ahead!"

The two of them are discussing at the moment, and of course others are also discussing at the moment.

"Tell me, who got the most treasures this time!"

"Of course it's one person!"

"Fart, although there are five treasures in the world ruins, it seems that they are not evenly distributed every year. I remember one time before, there was a powerful person from the galaxy. In the world ruins, one person got three treasures !"

"So it is!"

"Of course the people from the wild galaxy got the most, Brother Man She, you don't need to discuss it here." The people from the wild galaxy directly disrupted the discussions of the people around them.

When the people around heard this, they didn't refute it, because among the five galaxies, only the people in the wild galaxies were the strongest, so they would definitely be able to win more treasures.

The people in the wild galaxy were very satisfied with the reactions of the people around them, and they all had smiles on their faces.

Among the crowd, at this time, there was another discussion: "Then what do you say will be done to the person who slandered the wild galaxy?"

Before anyone else could discuss it, the people from the Savage Galaxy said directly: "What else can I do!"

The man from the wild galaxy wiped his neck after saying this.

As long as you are not a fool, you will understand what it means at this time.

But it's useless to discuss anything now, you can only find out when the people inside come out!

At this moment, a wave came out from above the vortex, which meant that someone was about to come out.

The people below the vortex are all looking up at this moment, wondering who is going to come out?

"It must be Man She, the boss of our wild galaxy!" the man of the wild galaxy said.

The people in the ghost galaxy are not to be outdone, saying that they are ghosts.

And as the fluctuation appeared, a figure appeared from the vortex, and with a bang, it landed on the ground.

At this time, everyone could see clearly who the person who appeared was, it wasn't Man She or You Mo, but the person from the prehistoric galaxy before.

People in the prehistoric galaxy saw their people appear, not to mention how excited they were.

Seeing this scene just now, the Savage Galaxy and the Ghost Galaxy spit and said, "So what, the first person to come out must have not got any treasures, and the people in the two galaxies are starting to get sour!"

At this time, the man from the Primordial Galaxy opened his eyes after landing on the square, and respectfully said to Li Gong: "My lord, I'm back!"

"What treasure did you get this time?" Li Gong asked with a smile.

"It's a martial art!" the humanity of the Great Desolate Galaxy said.

"That thing is good, very good, if it's all right, let's go and rest first!" Li Gong said with a smile.

"My lord, leave!" The people of the prehistoric galaxy said respectfully, and then backed away!

As soon as the man left, Li Qing muttered: "Why hasn't that guy come out yet!"

"There's no need to worry!" Li Gongdao said.

At this time, there was another fluctuation on the vortex.

People from the wild galaxy were very upset when they saw people from other galaxies coming out. Now they looked up and saw the wave, and said directly: "Haha, this time it must be our boss Manshe who came out!"

"Yes, it is!"

When they saw people from the Great Desolate Galaxy appearing just now, they were so sour!
The people around did not deny what the other party said, after all, Man She is not a small person!

At this time, fluctuations suddenly appeared.

Carlot landed on the square!
The people in the Vegeta galaxy were originally silent, but now they became excited.

On the other hand, the people from the wild galaxy system were very excited just now, but seeing that it wasn't their wild boss, they all fell silent now.

As soon as Carlot landed, his face was pale. When he saw Li Gong, he hurriedly said, "My lord, I'm back!"

"Well, are you injured?" Li Gong said after looking at the other party.

"Yes!" Carlot said, "When I was fighting with a monster, I was attacked by a group of monsters!"

He won't tell the truth, because the treasures he got are all obtained from the place where the blood puppet was produced. If the blood puppet is exposed, people from the Star Wind Region will definitely investigate them when the time comes, so Carlos Choose to hide.

"Then what treasure did you get!" Li Gong asked.

"I didn't get the baby!" Carlot said.

"That's it, then go down and rest!" Li Gong said.

"Yes, my lord!" Carlos nodded, and then retreated.

After Li Qing looked at Carlot, he whispered to Li Gong: "Grandpa, the injury that person suffered doesn't seem to be left by a monster!"

"Don't worry about it!" Li Gongdao: "Who doesn't have any secrets yet!"

Li Qing nodded, but now that Tang Zhong hadn't appeared, she whispered: "Grandpa, do you think that guy will be killed by that Man She? They had conflicts in the hall before!"

"This... wait!" Li Gong replied.

He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong. Anyway, when he saw the confident look in the young man's eyes, he wanted to wipe out the other party and see if the other party's self-confidence was true or not. If the other party died, then Forget it, if the other party can survive, the future is absolutely limitless!
Involuntarily, Li Gong's eyes became scorching hot, he had never been like this for a long time.

And at this time, above the vortex, another wave appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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