Chapter 1416 Sign up!

It can be seen that at this time, there are fluctuations appearing from the vortex in the air.

This is the third fluctuation, and I don't know who appeared.

"I guess it must be Man She, the boss of our barren galaxy!"

"That's what I guessed too, otherwise who else would it be!"


The people of the Manshe galaxy continued to get excited at this moment: "This time, our boss Manshe must have come out!"

"that is!"

The people around did not deny that, according to Man She's strength, it was his time to come out now.

It was at this time that the vortex fluctuated even more enormously.

In an instant, from the mouth of the vortex, Tang Zhong's body flickered out.

Then fell to the ground.

When the people from the Manshe galaxy saw the person, they were about to go up to congratulate him, but when they saw the other person's appearance, their faces turned ugly: " is this possible?"

"Why is it him!"

When the time comes to clear them, I am extremely excited at the moment: "My God, this guy actually survived!"

Li Gong also laughed, and stretched out his hand to stroke his beard. What he guessed before, he should have taken over now.

Tang Zhong stood up from the ground, turned around and looked at Li Gong next to him, and said, "My lord, I'm back!"

"Well, what treasure did you get?" Li Gong asked with a smile.

"I didn't get the treasure!" Tang Zhong said.

The people in the wild galaxy below were a little angry when they saw that Tang Zhong was alive just now, but when they heard Tang Zhong say that he didn't get the treasure at this time, they immediately laughed: "How can a waste like him be from the boss Manshe?" Get a treasure in your hand? How can he deserve it!"

"that is!"

Now there are two people who don't have treasures in their hands, so it must be Boss Man She who got those treasures!
Then a large group of people continued to watch the vortex in the sky, waiting for their boss!

When Li Gong heard Tang Zhong's words, he became more clear: "Since you haven't got the treasure, forget it, go and rest!"

"Yes!" Tang nodded his head.

When he was about to come out just now, he had already put Tang Xie away, so it can be said that Tang Zhong didn't have any loss!
All the people are still looking at the whirlpool, especially those in the wild galaxy and the ghost galaxy, so I don't see the boss coming out, and I feel a little strange!
After waiting for a while, there is no possibility of it appearing!

People from both galaxies hesitated.

When Li Gong saw this, he almost knew what happened. Looking at Tang Zhong in the distance, if nothing else happened, that Man She had already died inside, and he was not going to expose these things. Among the districts, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!
"Grandpa, that guy really killed Manhuang?" Li Qing asked in disbelief.

"Maybe it is!" Li Gongdao.

Hearing this, Li Qing closed his mouth, took a deep breath, and then secretly glanced at Tang Zhong who was going down, the expression in his eyes looking at Tang Zhong changed at this moment.

At this time, the vortex in the air became smaller and smaller, and it was obviously about to close.

Seeing this, Li Gong said, "The vortex will be closed soon, and those who don't come out will be locked in the world ruins forever!"

At this moment, the people in the wild galaxy and the ghost galaxy panicked: "That can't be done!"

"That's right, our boss is still inside!"

"He must have got the baby, and it hasn't come out yet!"

But at this time, a roar came out: "Don't make any noise, or you will be driven out!"

It was Li Qing who was speaking.

As soon as these words came out, the people around closed their mouths and said nothing. This is the territory of the Star Wind Region, not theirs!
Until the end, the vortex was directly closed.

The people in the two major galaxies, the Savage Galaxy and the Ghost Galaxy, were completely panicked. They began to think about what happened, how could their boss not be able to get out, and someone with a discerning eye had already discovered a big problem.

Perhaps their boss is dead now!

Who killed it?

Everyone gasped!
"It must be that Tang Zhong!" Someone shouted in the wild galaxy.

"We're going to avenge Boss Man She!"

"Yes, he must have used some shady means to kill Boss Manshe. He doesn't have that kind of strength at all!"

"Everyone be quiet!" This time, it was not Li Qing, but Li Gong who shouted.

No one dared to speak anymore, the old man with a kind face was angry, and they were afraid.

"If you dare to speak too much, get out of the first world area!" Li Gong shouted.

He only cares about the result, as for the process, he doesn't care at all!

"Okay, now that the world relic assessment is over, I now announce that the assessment of the first world is completely over, and the venue for the genius battle in the Star Wind Region is now ready. Leave here, and you can go there!" away from justice.

"Of course, those who feel cruel here in the first world area have completely left now, because the star wind field genius battle is more strict than here, and in the star wind field genius battle, there will be more advanced galaxies and super stars. Galaxies come to participate!"

Many people really wanted to quit when they heard this. They thought they could get a good result in the talent competition in the Star Wind Region, but they found that they couldn't even rank in the first world area. Isn't war courting death?

So they chose to quit, and many galaxies brought their own people, and when they were about to go out, they went back by spaceship, and came back after practicing for a few years.

There are quite a few people who choose to stay, and of course they are also capable people.

However, this selection made many people leave.

Tang Zhong saw everything in his eyes, just like Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"See, this place is still far away from the genius battle, and according to my guess, that genius battle must be even more intense!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"It doesn't matter if it's intense or not!" Tang Zhong said, "As long as you win No.1, you will have the opportunity to enter the Universal Star University!"

Although he said he could go in, Tang Zhong really didn't know what would happen to those who got the second No.3?
"Brother Tang, are you going to participate in the genius battle?" At this time, Carlot stepped forward and asked, his face is much better now, probably because of the medicine!

"Of course I went to participate!" Tang Zhong said.

"Well, the star wind field genius battle is much more intense than here, are you... really okay?" Carlot said, when he said this, it was completely out of concern, without any sarcasm, which Tang Chong could not Listen out.

Carlot still doesn't know Tang Zhong's true strength, so Tang Zhong doesn't blame him.

"You can only know this if you go there!" Tang Zhong said: "By the way, I heard that if you get the first place, you can enter the Universe Star University? Is this true?"

(End of this chapter)

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