Chapter 1417 Hanging golden inscriptions!

"I remember that as long as you win the No.1, you can enter the Universe Star University. Is this true?" Tang Zhong asked.

"You don't know?" Carlot was shocked.

"I... really don't know!" Tang Zhong laughed, he only knew that he could enter the Universe Star University, and he didn't care about the others at all.

Now it seems that with so many people, it is still a bit difficult to win the first place, to be honest, so Tang Zhong still thinks it is better to ask clearly.

"Okay, then let me tell you now, and you can see how many people are participating in the First World Zone this time. Look around, there are a lot of people!" Carlot said.

Tang Zhong glanced around, and found that there were indeed too many people around, and there were too many people in the dark, probably hundreds of millions.

To be honest, Tang Zhong had never seen so many people before.

"See, let me tell you the truth. Many of them quit halfway through. It can be said that there are huge crowds of people, and those who can get rewards must be in the top 1 to have a chance, and No.9999 is the best. , that’s why they can enter the Universe Star University, as for the other [-] students, they all have the opportunity to work in the Star Wind Domain, now you understand how difficult it is!” Carlot said.

After Tang Zhong listened to the other party's words, he had to say, this is really difficult, but if he obviously has the opportunity, if he doesn't fight, wouldn't it be obvious that he is cowardly?

"Isn't it scary? There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, since you think so, then I have nothing to say, it's good to fight!" Carlot said.

"By the way, are those people from the higher galaxies and super galaxies who didn't come very powerful?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course it's great. They don't need to come to participate in the preliminary assessment of the first world zone. Do you think it's great?" Carlot said.

It turned out to be like this, so it was naturally powerful.

Involuntarily, Tang Zhong took a deep breath. It seems that this road is still far away, but Tang Zhong will not give up.

Let's go to participate first!

But at this time, many people in the lower galaxies around directly chose to quit. It was not their place, so they would naturally not go. In the universe, human life is worthless at all, and it is dead when it dies!

Especially what happened just now, Man She and You Mo, who didn't come out of the world ruins, probably died there, but no one cares about them at all, and this can be seen.

After all, there is not much in the universe, except for a little more human life.

"Brother Tang!" Hong Ye from before appeared, exclaiming excitedly upon seeing Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong sized up the other party and packed his luggage: "Where are you?"

"We are leaving. We are all trembling in the First World Region. How could we still enter the Starwind Field Genius Tournament? It's not suitable for us!" Hong Ye said with a smile.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, because it was indeed not suitable for Hong Ye and the others: "That's fine!"

"Thank you Brother Tang for taking care of me these days!" Hong Ye continued.

After finishing speaking, he left. Those who followed him, and many people from lower-level galaxies, also left with Hong Ye at this moment.

The crowd receded, and of course some people stayed behind!

Almost tens of millions of people left!
There are still tens of millions of people left!
When Li Gong and Li Qing saw so many people leaving, and they were all from lower-level galaxies, they were really worried that Tang Zhong would leave.

"Grandpa, do you think that guy will leave? You see, so many people left just after you said those words!" Li Qing asked.

"Don't worry, even if everyone here leaves, that guy won't be able to leave!" Li Gong said.

"Why is grandpa so sure?" Li Qing was taken aback for a moment.

"Because the confidence in his eyes is really too strong, I haven't seen any fear in his eyes yet, do you understand now?" Li Gongdao.

To be honest, Li Gong is also shocked. Over the years, he has never seen such a person. He doesn't know any fear. When such a person grows up in the future, how can he command the heroes!

He only saw the confidence in Tang Zhong's eyes, but he didn't know what responsibility Tang Zhong shouldered?
Looking at the people left now, Li Gong said directly: "Okay, now you can sign up, and you can re-register for the Starwind Field Talent Competition in the virtual universe of the Starwind Field, and we will be in the virtual universe, ready to hang The list, which records the names and galaxies of the strong players participating in the competition!"

It is seen that many people have directly entered the virtual universe at this time.

Tang Zhong couldn't go in. He bought a space helmet before, but it was destroyed because of quality problems.

Carlot has already chosen to sign up, and he is also using a helmet. At this time, he found that Tang Zhong did not move: "Don't you have a helmet?"

"No!" Tang Zhong said.

" must use the helmet with your real name to participate in the competition!" Carlot said anxiously.

"Do you have a helmet over there?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I don't have it, my brother has it, do you want to borrow it?" Carlot asked.

"That's right, does it mean that the borrowed helmet cannot participate in the competition?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

"It is possible, but your name in the competition will no longer be your name Tang Zhong, but the owner of that helmet. After all, that helmet has already been registered!" Carlot said.

"Then will this affect my acceptance of the award?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course this won't affect you, but the name on the vacant list is not yours!" Carlot said.

"Then it's okay!" Tang Zhong shook his head, he didn't care, what kind of star wind field genius battle, definitely wouldn't say that he rejected a genius because of such a trivial matter!

"Lend me!" Tang Zhong said.

"You think it through!" Carlot said.

Tang Zhong nodded heavily.

When Carlot saw this, he borrowed the helmet from the person behind him: "He has already given you permission, and now you can use his name to participate!"

Tang Zhong directly chose to enter. Sure enough, as soon as he entered, he saw the villain of the virtual universe appear: "Welcome Mars, the elf of the virtual universe is at your service!"

Tang Zhong knew that Mars was the one who registered for this helmet, and immediately said: "I want to go to the Star Wind Domain and sign up for the Star Wind Domain Talent Competition!"

"Yes, the elf is jumping for you now!"

After a while, Tang Zhong arrived at an interface, which was above a huge cloud.

At this moment, the most eye-catching thing is a golden inscription in the sky, it must be a hanging inscription, with six large characters on it, "Star Wind Field Talent List", that Jin Wengao's servants, there are many names on it!
Tang Zhong understood that as long as he signed up, his name would appear on it.

Tang Zhong chose to sign up and filled in the basic content. His name was Tang Zhong, and he was from the Shooting Galaxy. However, he had just finished filling out when an incorrect message came.

Tang Zhong knew that this was someone else's helmet, what was that person's name just now?


Oh, Tang Zhong knew how to fill it out.

"Mars, Vegeta Galaxy!"

"Successful registration!" came the mechanical voice.

(End of this chapter)

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