Chapter 1418 Genius Battle!
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The mechatronic sound came out!
Tang Zhong glanced at the hanging golden inscription, and if nothing else happened, Mars' name had already appeared on it.

Tang Zhong didn't care about this, although he used the name of Mars to compete, but he went there himself, so nothing will happen at all!

Jingle bell, mail!
Tang Zhong quickly opened the email he just received.

Not surprisingly, the registration should be successful!
"Welcome to participate in the cosmic human race, the pinnacle genius selection competition, and you are signing up for the selection battle zone of the Star Wind Region.

In this battle zone, there are currently billions of people participating in the selection in the Star Wind Domain, which is much more than the previous one. This is something we are happy about.

For the sake of fairness and justice, we guarantee that everything in the talent selection battle will be held under absolutely fair circumstances.

Because the strength of the applicants this time is uneven, there are ninth-level astral-level, and first-level, second-level, and third-level universe-level. For the sake of fairness and justice, when you enter the assessment stage, the bodies of all of you The quality will be exactly the same, and it will remain at the ninth level of the star rank.

In addition, everyone's weapons and battle armor must not be more than five pieces. You'd better bring the most suitable one. As for your space ring, you don't need to carry it at all. When you participate in the assessment, every Everyone will have one, and if anyone is found to violate this rule, he will be kicked out of the talent selection station!
Because the selection of geniuses requires real talents, not those who fish in troubled waters.

The selection stage includes two stages: the first stage is to select the top [-] masters from billions of contestants.

The second stage is to gather [-] masters together for the final duel in the arena, arrange the rankings, and then distribute them!
The largest scale is the first stage, because many people will be eliminated. At that time, 100 worlds will be divided into [-] worlds in the virtual universe. Many people will participate in each world. After entering, they will fight each other and kill others to earn money. Points, the more kills, the more points, everyone has only one chance to die, the top of the scoreboard can enter the second stage, this is all the news, good luck! "

After reading the entire email, Tang Zhong felt the heavy pressure, which made him almost out of breath, and it was terrible to keep fighting like this.

Understand everything, it's time to leave here.

"Exit the virtual universe!" Tang Zhong ordered.


Tang Zhong felt his eyes go dark, he couldn't see anything, and then took off his helmet.

"How is it? Have you signed up?" Carlot asked immediately when he saw this.

"Yes, very smooth!" Tang Zhong said: "Thank you for your helmet!"

Then he handed the helmet to Carlot.

"Then let's go first. There are still three or four days left in the Genius War. These days, you still need to practice something else. I think you should have seen the email there, so you don't need to cultivate your strength at all. Why don't you prepare some other things?" Yes, it will definitely come in handy at that time!" Carlot said.

"Okay, no problem!" Tang Zhong said: "Let's go, in order to celebrate the successful conclusion of our World Heritage this time, let's go to a bar!"

"Okay!" Carlot laughed.

A group of people left under the watchful eyes of everyone.

This is still the first world area, and you can leave here soon. The trial of the first world area has ended successfully, so everyone inside will be kicked out.

Now everyone is waiting!

Li Gong and Li Qing have been paying attention to Tang Zhong.

"This guy is so mysterious!" Li Qing murmured.

"I don't know why my good granddaughter would say that?" Li Gong said with a smile.

"Look, Grandpa, that guy, despite his low strength, can kill Man She, and you still say he's not that good!" Li Qing said.

"What's so great about this? I think it's normal. In fact, sometimes, it's not because you are strong. You can dominate everything. Wisdom is very important. What's more, the confidence in that person's eyes is too scary. Alright, we can leave the first world area, anyway, our mission has been completed, let's go back to the Star Wind Region and talk about it!" Li Gongdao.

"It's a pity, I will never see this guy again!" Li Qing looked back at Tang Zhong, who had been following him for so long, and still felt reluctant to part.

"Not necessarily, if he can win the second stage of the genius battle, he will be left in the Star Wind Domain!" Li Gong said.

"That would be great!" Li Qing said with a smile on his face, looking very excited.

At this time, a ray of light shone down from the top of the first world area, covering everyone, and the next second, after the ray disappeared, the people he covered disappeared immediately.

That is leaving the first world area.

Tang Zhong and Carlot stood together, and they were together when they came out, and then a group of people went directly to drink.

The friendship between men is expressed in drinks!

The registration is still going on. Of course, not only people from the Starwind Region are now engaged in a genius battle, it can be said that the entire universe is now engaged in a genius battle, and it is divided into different regions.

The Star Wind Field is just a small area of ​​it.

The genius battle aims to select real geniuses, and then make their own contributions to the entire universe.

The Cosmos Star University and the Virtual Universe Company are assisting in holding the Star Wind Territory Genius Competition this time.

Among them, the Cosmic Starry Sky University provides admission quotas, that is to say, some people may not even have the quota to enter the Cosmic Starry Sky University, but as long as they participate in the talent competition, if they win, then it is really possible.

As for the virtual universe company, it is to integrate the registration of the entire universe, and then divide it into regions. After all, there are 100 virtual universe worlds. .

The registration deadline is three days!
In other words, the deadline is reached after the genius.

And at this moment, in a branch of the virtual universe.

All the members of the company are preparing for this genius battle. On the screen in front of them, there is a bunch of data, which is about the quota for the whole universe to participate in the genius battle this time. As long as you sign up, you will have your name on it!
And at this moment, there is a woman who has been staring at the screen, she is not from the virtual universe company!
But at this time, she has been using the system to search for a name.

"Tang Zhong..."

But every time I search, I can't find the result!
The woman was very depressed.

"Miss Mandala, why did you have to search for this person named Tang Zhong? You have been here for the third day!" Someone asked beside him.

"'s fine!" Mandala lost all energy in her eyes. She looked at the screen, and she was really flustered. She murmured, "Brother Tang... Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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