Chapter 1419 Marriage!

Mandala, that is, Jiang Weiwei, is in front of the huge screen at this moment, searching for the name Tang Zhong every minute.

But no matter how many times she searches, the search results are all empty!
In other words, his brother Tang Zhong didn't participate in this genius battle that covered the entire universe!

Jiang Weiwei let out a wry smile, she was at a loss for words, no, she wanted to continue searching, because the deadline for registration had not yet expired, maybe Brother Tang would be the last one to sign up!

Since meeting Tang Zhong in the virtual universe last time, Jiang Weiwei has been waiting for Tang Zhong these days. She has already told Tang Zhong that she is in the Universe Star University. She knows that once Brother Tang knows where she is, Tang Zhong Her brother will definitely come to her. Jiang Weiwei originally thought that she had been waiting for Tang Zhong's arrival, but something happened recently, which made Jiang Weiwei anxious.

She had to wait for Brother Tang in the shortest possible time!
That thing is big!
But she wanted to find Brother Tang, but there was no place to look for it. Now she could only cast her eyes here, because that matter was too important. If Brother Tang didn't have any strength, it would be useless after all.

She was holding out hope, but she didn't find Brother Tang's name among the talent competition quotas. At this moment, Jiang Weiwei was really heartbroken.

But until the last moment, she couldn't believe that Brother Tang wouldn't sign up for this!
Time passed little by little.

Jiang Weiwei has been in front of the data screen, refreshing it every minute, looking for Tang Zhong's name.

There is hope in every second of her life, but three days have passed quickly, and the sky is just dawning!
The registration for the Genius Contest has completely ended, and the number of applicants from all major star fields is here. There are more than 9000 billion people in total, but among the more than 9000 billion cosmic people, there is no brother Tang of hers!
At this moment, Jiang Weiwei was completely disappointed, and walked out of the Universe Virtual Company, because she is from the Universe Star University and has the right to view the data. She thought she could see her brother Tang, but she found that there was no such thing!
The whole person sat in the spaceship and went back to the campus of Universe Star University!

As soon as she got out of the car, a woman in red appeared behind her: "Master Mandala!"

Jiang Weiwei was in a daze at first, but when he heard the voice, the sadness on his face quickly disappeared, turning into the usual coldness, and he turned around to look at the woman in red.

"Is something wrong?"

"That's right, Queen Feng said, I want you to leave the Universe and Starry Sky University as soon as possible and return to Tianfeng Universe Country!" said the woman in red.

"I know, you don't need to urge me, I will go back to get married for Tianfeng Universe Kingdom!" Jiang Weiwei said coldly.


When this matter touched Jiang Weiwei's sore spot, her heart twitched suddenly, but she forced herself to look very calm, as if nothing had happened.

The woman in red heard Jiang Weiwei's words: "Mandala, I know you don't want to marry, but I hope you will think about it for the sake of Tianfeng Universe!"

"I said, I will go back, but I want to finish my studies in the Universe Star University, and after I finish my studies, I will return to Tianfeng Universe Country, is that okay?" Jiang Weiwei asked.

"It's useless no matter how much you delay... Mandala, I know you don't want to, but now you are the only one who can save the Tianfeng Universe Kingdom. Married to the Tyrannosaurus Empire City, I represent all the Tianfeng Universe Kingdoms Thanks to you!" The woman in red lowered her head at this moment, bowing to Jiang Weiwei.

Jiang Weiwei originally had a cold face, but now seeing the actions of the woman in red, her heart hurts even more!

At this moment, he did not continue to speak, but walked straight ahead.

This is why Jiang Weiwei can't wait for Tang Zhong all the time, she must be sent to marry Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, and this time is coming soon, so Jiang Weiwei is very concerned about this genius battle, which is the only way to know Brother Tang's news channel, but now he has no news at all!
In other words, the current Tang brother is not qualified to participate in the genius battle in this vast universe, which shows that Tang brother's strength may be very weak!

Even if the weak brother Tang appeared in front of her now, he couldn't change anything that was about to happen!

It's better... I don't see Brother Tang anymore!
Thinking of this, Jiang Weiwei really started to cry. She has waited for so long in the universe just for her brother Tang, but now, she is going to marry someone else. No, she can't admit defeat, he must continue to wait Go down, reach out and wipe away the tears from the corners of your eyes!
Jiang Weiwei clenched her fists. She must not admit defeat. Brother Tang once said that he would marry him. Brother Tang is a man who keeps his word and will never break his word. She just needs to wait and delay until the last moment , there is hope. ,
"Brother Tang, you said that you want to marry me and promise me a safe life. I'll wait for you...don't let me down."

At this moment, in the Douluo, Tang Zhong was sitting cross-legged, practicing. For the past few days, he had been preparing for the Starwind Field Genius Battle.

After knowing how difficult this genius battle is, Tang Zhong became more serious.

He must enter the Universe Star University!
Suddenly, the dragon and phoenix jade pendant on Tang Zhong's neck flickered, startling Tang Zhong.

He quickly took the jade pendant in his hand.

I saw the dragon and phoenix jade pendant flashing red!

"Why does this jade pendant suddenly flash?" Tang Chong murmured.

The ten flame dragon soldiers turned into golden dragons and appeared: "This jade pendant is Jiang Weiwei's compatibility with your jade pendant, it means that your fates are compatible, I suspect that Jiang Weiwei misses you very much!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong grinned, held the jade pendant in his hand, and said softly: "Wei Wei, wait for me, I will be able to enter the University of Universe and Starry Sky soon, no matter what, I will win the first place, whoever You can't grab it!"

In his mind, he has already imagined the scene of meeting Wei Wei in the future. Tang Zhong thinks of it sweetly. At that time, he must give Wei Wei a big hug. From the earth, after Wei Wei dies, he will never I hugged that girl.

And just when Tang Zhong was fantasizing, at this time, outside the Douluo, Carlot appeared: "Brother, the registration for the Starwind Field Genius Competition has ended, and the genius competition will start soon. Just go!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said.

"However, can you take your spaceship, it's too luxurious!" Carlot continued.

When he saw the Douluo for the first time, he couldn't put it down so much!

"Okay!" Tang nodded, and directly drove the spaceship to participate in the genius battle.

(End of this chapter)

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