Chapter 1424 Witch!

Tang Zhong directly chased the one closest to him, killing him first, but in the end he let one escape.

But he wasn't going to chase it either!
He looked at the score sheet.

I found that my ranking has grown again, and now it has reached 60!

It seems that the few people killed just now are indeed good.

Then Tang Zhong remembered what a black-clothed girl said before she was about to die, what witch galaxy, what witch, and what rank this witch is now.

Tang Zhong opened the points table and started to inquire, and soon there were results.

"Witch, rank 12!"

Tang Zhong looked at it and had to say that this wizard is still good, and he is just a little short of the top [-]. To be honest, he hopes that this wizard will come to trouble him and kill him. The points are He is serious.

Fortunately, I didn't finish killing him just now, I hope this witch will kill him.

But you can't wait here forever!

You have to keep killing people!
At this moment, among the major galaxies, as long as people from their own galaxies rush to the forefront, their names will appear!
In the Vegeta galaxy, a large group of fighters are watching a web page.

"His Royal Highness Carlot has finally broken into the top 300 million!"

"It's amazing!" It was the warriors of the Vegeta galaxy who spoke.

One of them, who looked older, didn't speak, but smiled on the spot. He was Carlot's father, and there was a kind woman next to him, who was Carlotte's mother.

"This time, Carlot did not disappoint you. This result is definitely the best result of our Vegeta Galaxy in the Starwind Genius Competition!"

"Yes!" Carlot's father said with a smile.

Suddenly, I don't know who shouted: "Look, there are still people in our Vegeta Galaxy who broke into the top ranking!"

Carlot's father was shocked: "Who?"

"It's a man named Mars, who was actually dispatched to the top 60!"

Hearing this news, almost everyone in the audience was suffocated. No one could believe what they heard. It was really terrible. How could they be so powerful?

"Who is this Mars?" The Vegeta Galaxy Lord asked in panic.

"It was the person who entered the first world area with Prince Carrot before, but as far as I know, he has returned a few days ago and did not sign up for the genius battle!"

"Go and call Mars!"

After a while, the real Mars appeared. He had already heard other people talk about the situation here, and his face changed suddenly.

"Who is that person?" The leader of the Vegeta galaxy asked Mars.

"I don't even know who that person is? I only know that Prince Carlot asked me to take out my virtual universe helmet, lend it to the other party, and let the other party sign up for the genius battle!" The real Mars explained.

No one is talking, but it has to be said that this person is a real genius.

"It doesn't matter whether the other party is from our galaxy or not, but now he participates in the Starwind Field Genius Contest in the name of our galaxy and wins a good place. That honor belongs to our Vegeta galaxy!" The king laughed.

Of course, there are people from other galaxies who are also paying attention to everything at the moment.

As for the galaxy, Ole Kroll is also paying attention to this. He has confirmed countless times that Tang Zhong did not participate in the genius battle. At that time, when his son comes back, he can attack the galaxy. He must take revenge , the hatred that was humiliated by Tang Zhonglai to the Milky Way that day.

In the first war zone.

Just killed someone in a restaurant, Tang Zhong looked at his ranking and points, the more likely he wants to get points at this late stage, because everyone is hiding, for fear of being killed by the strong, after all Only the top [-] people can enter the second stage of the genius battle. If you don't enter this ranking, even if you are strong and powerful, it will be of no use.

And now, after each killing, Tang Zhong will rest for a period of time. After all, killing is a labor-intensive activity, you must be careful. The state is always at the peak!

"It's getting slower and slower!" Tang Zhong found that now that he became famous, he met fewer people.

He also understands this. After all, in the later stage, it is the kind of battle between the top powerhouses!

Go on, if you don't go on, you won't get the prey at all.

"There's a prey!" Tang Zhong suddenly smelled the person's breath, and immediately ran over to determine the person's position.

This time it was two people, and they recognized this person as soon as they saw Tang Zhong.

"Kill God..."

"Come on!"

The two fled, but were still killed by Tang Zhong.

The heads were all cut off, but these two people didn't have many points on them. It seemed that they were two cautious people who had been hiding, but they were still discovered by themselves.

At night, above the sky, there is a crimson moon, making this place even more bloody and miserable!

Tang Zhong was walking on the ground with a blood sword on his back. The ground has been riddled with holes. There are corpses everywhere. Blood is on the ground. After stepping on it, sticky footprints are left. There are no living things around, only Tang Zhong.

During the daytime, Tang Zhong had rarely seen anyone, so he tried his luck in the dark night. He was very cautious, because those who dared to come out in the dark night were definitely peerless powerhouses.

He is looking for prey.

Suddenly, there was a bang, that was the sound of fighting.

A trace of excitement soon appeared in Tang Zhong's cold eyes.

It appears that prey has appeared.

Tang Zhong immediately squatted and followed the sound, looking for the source of the sound, to see who was there.

He walked through several forks in the road, and finally stopped.

Although it is night, the star-level powerhouses can see everything thousands of miles away in the dark night, and nothing can escape their eyes.

Of course, that is under the premise that there is no shelter.

I saw a big battle going on on the street ahead. To be precise, it was a massacre.

Three or four men in black robes were facing a naked upper body man with strong muscles. The most terrifying thing about this man was his hands, which were as terrifying as devil's claws.

He shuttled between the black-robed people like a demonic creature, trying to kill those black-robed people.

Those black-robed men were no match for each other. After being grabbed by their bodies, they were torn into pieces of flesh, and blood flowed out.

The naked man directly swallowed the piece of meat and chewed it in his mouth, the inside of his mouth was extremely bright red.

This man's methods are really cruel, but what is hideous is this man's face, with long gray hair, the pupil in one eye has long since disappeared, there are only holes and holes, and of course his face, I don't know what kind of black was painted on it The texture looks very strange.

This means...

It was really too cruel, Tang Zhong saw all the pictures, this person is a real strong man, this person is using the power of witch...

Is he a witch?

(End of this chapter)

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