Chapter 1425 The way of fighting!
Is this man a witch?
Tang Zhong checked the opponent's ranking, and it was in the 12 rank, and his strength was very strong.

Tang Zhong wanted to fight such a person a long time ago. Now he has 50 people. If he wants to enter the top [-] in a short time, he must fight such a strong person now.

Well, it's time for a fight.

Immediately, Tang Zhong walked towards Wuzi with the blood sword on his back.

And in this war zone, there is an overlord in every war zone.

This witch is obviously the overlord here!
The witch was squatting on the ground chewing flesh and blood, but suddenly he stopped, turned his head, and grinned, his teeth were all bright red.

Apparently they saw Tang Zhong coming from behind.

Then he stood up slowly. He was about two meters tall. He used the power of a witch. Except for his normal body, other places were shrouded in black energy, and he looked like a witch.

"Mars?" Wu Zi's voice was extremely low, with a surging killing intent.

"Witch!" Tang Zhong slowly walked out of the dark night and looked at him.

During these days, Tang Zhong has been here for a long time under the name of Mars, and his reputation is very direct. After all, everyone knows that a man named Mars kills people like hemp. But this person doesn't need it at all, as long as he is a person, he will kill him.

So if things go on like this, the name of Mars has always been very famous.

Those strong men wanted to meet this Mars, to learn who Mars was, and now they finally met.

"Do you want to do it now?" The witch stared at Tang Zhong.

"Yes!" Tang nodded emphatically, "It's now!"

"I heard from my people that after someone reported my name, you actually killed me. In this area, my witch is the overlord. You defy my majesty, so I will kill you!" said coldly.

"Then come!"

Tang Zhong directly took out the blood sword.

The sorceress just clenched his fists tightly, the hands that looked like demons were tightly squeezed together. At that moment, an invisible breath burst out from his hands and went to the surroundings, which showed how powerful the other party was.

At this moment, Tang Zhong cut it down with a sword.

The huge sword blade seemed to be terrifying as if it was about to cut through the void.

The witch was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to make a sudden attack, but it has to be said that this speed and the attack power released are really extremely powerful.

This man is really terrible.

"However, this means is not enough!" Wu Zi directly reached out to grab the blood sword blade that fell from the sky.

With a click, the blood sword blade was grabbed by the witch directly in his hand.

Then he clenched it tightly, releasing a powerful force from his hand, ready to crush the blood sword to pieces.

Tang Zhong's face changed slightly, he quickly turned the blade in his hand, and then pulled it out suddenly.

Only then did the blood sword be withdrawn from the opponent's hand.

It has to be said that this witch still has a few brushes, and his strength is really not ordinary.

But this battle, as long as it is fought, it is inevitable!

Tang Zhong once again attacked Wuzi with several swords!
And Wu Zi also just resisted with his own hands.

Boom boom boom!
A demon-like hand bombarded the blade.

Sparks splashed everywhere, and the fluctuations of the two people's battle spread to the surroundings, causing the ground to be riddled with holes.

Boom boom boom!
The smoke is rolling!

Tang Zhong attacked several times, but the witch directly chose to fight back, and the demon hand bombarded Tang Zhong continuously.

But when Tang Zhong dodged it, huge handprints were left on the ground, and the ground shook accordingly.

Another blow, and then I saw both of them flying upside down!
Tang Zhong looked at the witch, and his own thoughts flashed in his mind: "This witch is really too powerful. This devil's hand must be his own method, and this person is already proficient in this move." Come on, this method is really incomparable, if you get hit by a slap, you will be seriously injured, and your bones will shatter directly!"

"This Mars sword is definitely the most exquisite I have ever seen. Such an ordinary blood sword is used so wonderfully by the other party. I have never seen a person with a sword scarier than this person. Be careful One point, kill him, and the ranking will definitely enter the top [-]!" Wu Zi said.

At this moment, the sword in Tang Zhong's hand was still moving, and as he continued to slash, several sword qi flew out, swept across the witch, and flanked him!

In Tang Zhong's view, his advantage over this person now is that he is faster, and much faster than the opponent, as long as he grasps the weakness of the opponent, attack him!

Sure enough, the sword energy attacked.

The witch only has constant defense.

But with Tang Zhong's continuous attacks, the witch's defense obviously began to struggle.

Over time, it will definitely fall!

When he blocked Tang Zhong's sword energy many times in a row, he finally felt powerless, and when Tang Zhong's sword energy slashed past, Wu Zi had no time to resist.

I saw the sword energy cut on one of Wuzi's arms, the blood sword containing power was extremely sharp, and directly left a bloodstain on Wuzi's body.

Blood spurted out!
Wu Zi's face suddenly turned livid, obviously he didn't expect the other party to attack him, he got angry when he was there, it seemed that he was really angry, and then he tore at Tang Zhong with the devil's claws.

"I am going to kill you!"

Tang Zhong quickly retreated. He always kept in mind that he must not give this person a chance, because the opponent's melee combat is really too powerful, but the speed is slow. As long as he grasps the speed, he can definitely kill this person.

Using the same method as before, Tang Zhong continued to attack the opponent with sword energy, but he just didn't give the opponent a chance to approach him!

If things continued like this, sure enough, that witch had gone berserk!
But he couldn't get close to Tang Zhong at all.

The sword energy left many scars on the opponent's body, and blood flowed from Wuzi's body.

Whoosh, just after Tang Zhong swung his sword energy, with a click, Wu Zi's arm was broken and fell to the ground.

And the witch was even more angry, the breath of the witch and demon spread all over his body, and many black lines appeared, just like tattoos.

Wu Zi also knew that if he continued, he would never be able to turn the tables.

"You trash, do you dare to fight me head-on!"

"Ahhh!" Wu Zi roared wildly.

Boom boom boom!
His devil hand kept bombarding, smashing the ground and knocking down the building.

When people are crazy, it is easiest to find weaknesses.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stared at Wu Zi's chest, a suitable opportunity.

A sword stabbed out, facing Wu Zi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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