Chapter 1426 Fenglie!

Tang Zhong pierced Wu Zi's heart with a sword.

The sorcerer's complexion suddenly turned ugly. He originally wanted to avoid it, but he had no chance.

I saw the blood sword directly piercing through the opponent's heart, and it penetrated directly.

With a puff, blood gushed out from his heart.

"Ah!" Wuzi's body slowly fell to the ground, and the devil's hand that borrowed the power of the witch god has now slowly recovered and turned into a normal human hand!

Looking at the opponent's body, Tang Zhong heaved a sigh of relief. He had to say that this wizard's strength is really not ordinary. Fortunately, his speed is relatively fast, otherwise this battle would be really difficult to deal with!

"Don't worry, this person is not that strong, he just has stronger aptitude than you!" Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing appeared and said: "Their race is much better than your aptitude, and they are the darlings of this universe. These people are tall, if there is no accident, this person has already reached the strength of the universe, don't listen to the virtual universe saying that all the people in this theater are of the same strength, in fact, those powerful people, entering here, are still powerful!"

Tang Zhong finally understood that sometimes, a person's origin still matters.

on the street.

Tang Zhong didn't take care of Wuzi's body anymore. After killing this person, he would definitely gain a lot of points.

Tang Zhong hurriedly looked at the points table, there were too many points, Tang Zhong didn't plan to read it, but the ranking directly rose by 6 places!

This witch really has a lot of points. It seems that he is already very famous when he just arrived in this war zone, otherwise he wouldn't have so many points.

Tang Zhong was secretly surprised. Killing a sorcerer can add so many points to him, so who knows what will happen to the people above?
But Tang Zhong felt that he might not meet other strong men again.

It is estimated that he is also on the list now, and everyone else walks around him. If he hadn't killed a few people from the Witch Galaxy before, he probably wouldn't have fought the Witch.

It is also the blessing of other people!
"Who..." Tang Zhong suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching him, and his expression suddenly changed.

Turning around and looking, I saw a man in a white cloak standing on a tall building in the distance, looking at him.

"It's amazing, I don't even know when this person appeared!" Tang Zhong thought to himself.

The man had gray hair, a bandage wrapped around his face, covering his face, only one eye was exposed, and in the exposed eye, the pupil seemed to have been soaked in blood!
Seeing the opponent's attire, Tang Zhong quickly entered the fighting state. This person quietly came to his side. He must be a master, so it's better to be careful.

I saw the other party speak at this moment: "Mars, this is the first time I heard that there is such a powerful person who actually defeated the witch. Originally, I had been following this person and planned to kill him, but now instead I was given the first step by you!"

"So, are you going to fight me now?" Tang Zhong asked.

As soon as he spoke, the voice of Shi Dao Yanlong Bing came out immediately.

"Don't fight him, he has already entered the universe level, he should have realized the realm!"


It was absolutely the first time for Tang Zhong to hear about this thing, but Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing had already said, don't act rashly, so it's better to be cautious now.

The man seemed to see through Tang Zhong's thoughts, and said: "Don't be nervous, I won't attack you. It's so strange to see that you have so much combat experience. There are people like this in the universe. Of course, If I shoot at you, I may be targeted by other people, then you will die, and I will be seriously injured, so I will definitely not be so blind!"

"My name is Feng Lie, I hope to see you appear in the second stage!" After saying this, the man in the white cloak flew into the air and quickly left the place.

Looking at the other party going away, Tang Zhong immediately looked up the name Feng Lie, and was dumbfounded, he was actually within the top ten thousand in his war zone, this is definitely a strong man!

"You don't need to be grateful to him at all. Do you know why he didn't fight you? Because he can't eat you. If he could eat you, he would have done it long ago. Don't forget, this is a genius battle, and points are the most important thing!" Ten Daoyan Longbing said.

Tang Zhong agreed with this statement.

Regardless of him, continue to slaughter, leaving the body of Wu Zi, shuttled in the street.

Now his target must be too obvious, he must think of other hunting plans.

In fact, the battle between Tang Zhong and Wu Zi was not noticed by Feng Lie alone, other people also knew about it, but they knew that these two people were fighting, and they didn't have any courage to approach, so they never Appeared, pushed directly to a kilometer away.

And the death of the witch in that battle showed that Tang Zhong was even more powerful, and no one dared to approach him, and because of that stop, the name Mars really became popular.

the next day.

Tang Zhong was killing almost every day.

He has his own ideas, as long as he meets people, he will kill them all.

There is no such thing as pity.

The name Mars is on everyone's lips.

Day 21 of the game!
On top of a skyscraper, the former 9859 strong "Heavenly Soldiers" were beheaded by Mars.

Day 28!
Mars worked as a farmer in a residential area and killed 956 "residual bones!"


From time to time, people who were beheaded by Tang Zhong died, and they were all among the top ten thousand.

Now the name of Mars can be said to be a fierce name. His name is remembered by the people in the entire first war zone, and they must leave when they meet each other.

Meanwhile, outside.

The entire Vegeta Galaxy fell silent, and everyone in the entire Vegeta Galaxy was paying attention to this matter. No one thought that such a scene would appear, even Mars himself did not expect that his ranking would actually be will rise to the point where it is now.

The top 1000 in the theater is simply a mythical existence!

At the same time, they are also paying attention to Carrot's ranking.

In the 78 war zone.

Carlot is currently in the 659 million ranking.

Their war zone was in a forest, and he was fleeing cautiously.

But suddenly a savage appeared, with very long hair and beard, holding a full moon scimitar in his hand, and killed him directly.

He was not wronged when he died, because he knew that this savage was one of their top three characters, and his name was savage!
People in the Vegeta galaxy have been paying attention to Tang Zhong, and at the same time they are also paying attention to Carlot. Suddenly they saw that Carlot's ranking was dropping rapidly, and they knew something was wrong.

He quickly started dialing Carlot's satellite phone, trying to confirm what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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