Chapter 1427 People of the field!

The people in the Vegeta galaxy directly dialed Carlot's satellite phone.

"Hello!" It was the king himself who called, and it was a video call.

Carlot had just come out of the war zone after being killed by wild men, and saw the phone. He was very surprised, connected directly, and saw his father.

"Father, I let everyone down this time!" Carlot immediately apologized after seeing his father.

"It's okay, your grades this time are already very good!" the king comforted.

Then remembered the key thing, and continued to ask: "Carrot, do you know who is using the name of Mars to participate in the genius battle this time?"

When Carlot heard this, he was slightly taken aback. Of course he knew Tang Zhong: "What's wrong? What happened to father? He is a friend of mine!"

Carlot thought something had happened, and hurriedly continued to ask.

"'s nothing!" The king said: "I think, you know a hegemon!"

"Overlord?" Carlot was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said that Tang Zhong was the overlord.

"Father, what do you say? Have you met Tang Zhong?" Carlot said.

"No, he is still in the war zone!" The king said solemnly.

"That's it, that kid's methods are really powerful, he hasn't been out after hiding for so long!" Carlot said.

"I think he didn't hide in the theater, he is in the first theater now, and he ranks in the top 200!" The lord said with a serious face: "Carotel, I order you now, and you must have a relationship with this person in the future." good!"

To be honest, Carlot was stupid. He couldn't believe it was true. This war zone was randomly arranged by the virtual universe according to the personnel.

There are almost 1 million people in each war zone. If Tang Zhong entered the top 5000 million ranking, he would still believe it, but for the top 200, Carlot couldn't believe it. He quickly entered the virtual universe star wind field genius Look for Tang Zhong in Zhan's website.

Carlot was really dumbfounded when he saw Mars, who was ranked 169 in the first war zone.

This scene is really unbelievable, how much this guy is hiding.

The first war zone!

The night has just passed, and the sky is getting brighter.

Today is the last day of the first stage of the Genius War.

Tang Zhong walked on the street and glanced at the points table, ranking 169th!
Now there are no peerless strongmen at all. On the last day, almost no one continued to take risks. All the people were cats in the dark, waiting for the end of the first stage.

Of course, it refers to those who have entered the top [-]. Those who have not entered will still wander outside and hunt. If they are not in the top [-], they will also be sentenced to lose.

Today's Tang Zhong has reached the top 169. To be honest, everyone wants to be No.1, because No.1 can have a lot of benefits. .1 Some procedures may be exempted.

So now, Tang Zhong wants to fight.

Kill one more person, and you will be able to move forward.

It is necessary to find someone, and if there is no accident, that Feng Lie is the best candidate.

Moreover, Shi Daoyan Longbing also said that that person once wanted to attack him, and since that was the case, it was him.

I saw Tang Zhong standing where he was, roaring directly, and his voice spread to the surroundings.

And what he called was a name.

"Feng Lie... Feng Lie, come out, come out, and fight with me."

His voice was very loud, after all, he shouted with all his strength.

Since this person said to deal with him before, why not find out here!
Soon his voice spread out, echoing in the war zone.

Everyone else has pretty much heard it.

"Feng Lie... Isn't this person that strong man? Who is calling his name?"

"Wait a minute, why is this voice so familiar? Damn, I remembered that this voice belonged to Mars. It turned out that Mars was challenging Feng Lie. This is a good show!"

"Yes, I think there will definitely be a battle between the two of them. After all, shouting each other's name here is provocation!"

"Let's fight, let's fight!"

On a tall building thousands of miles away, the man in the white cloak, Feng Lie, heard Tang Zhong's voice, and immediately frowned.

"This Mars, actually challenged me? If the public challenges me, if I don't go, I will definitely be looked down upon by others. It's okay, I will fight!"

Immediately, the whole person approached the source of the sound, just now he couldn't find anyone else to fight!
After calling out the challenge, Tang Zhong waited there.

In less than an hour, a ray of blue light moved quickly and decelerated rapidly, revealing its figure, it was Feng Lie, and stopped directly [-] meters away from Tang Zhong.

"I didn't expect that you would actually provoke me!" Feng Lie looked at Tang Zhong with a smile on his face, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

Tang Zhong could tell at a glance that it seemed that the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers had guessed that Feng Lie had harbored ill intentions towards him before.

"I didn't want to fight you at first, but you chose to provoke me. Everyone heard it. If I didn't come, others would think that I was afraid of Feng Lie, so now I have no choice but to kill you!" Feng Lie said coldly Said.

"So let's start, I think as long as I kill you now, I can become No.1!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

"You think you are something, and you still think about No.1, it's ridiculous!" Feng Lie no longer had the kind-looking picture as before, but had a grim face.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, and took out the blood sword directly.

Before, he heard Shi Daoyan Longbing say that this person should know some field, so he was ready to do his best from the beginning!

"This person has awakened the domain, and the universe level has actually awakened the domain that only the domain owner owns. You have to be careful. You may not be able to compare with the other party's background and background, but they also have one thing that is inferior to you. You are from the sea of ​​blood. The one who crawled out of them, you have better combat experience than them, I really feel uncomfortable with this Feng Lie, can you help him blow him up?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"No problem, it's all trivial!" Tang Zhong grinned.

When Feng Lie saw Tang Zhong, he was also shocked. He had awakened the domain, and his senses were more sensitive than others. He could feel the surging evil spirit on the person in front of him, which was not what ordinary people possessed at all. At this moment, I felt a little scared. After all, I had entered the second stage of the genius battle. If this person hadn't provoked him, he would never have come. But thinking that he has already comprehended the domain, no one will be his opponent, so now he wants to kill the person in front of him.

"Very good, I will fulfill you!" Feng Lie sneered at this moment, and an invisible breath was released from around his body.

(End of this chapter)

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