Chapter 1432 Stupid!

When the final countdown is sort of, every battle is chaos.

Until the voice came to an end.

All the living people in the war zone disappeared in an instant.

Then the virtual worlds collapsed and dissipated little by little, and finally everything turned into nothingness.

At the same time, on the official website of the virtual universe Star Wind Field, the ranking of the theaters was also fully announced this time, from the first theater to the hundredth theater, the rankings exist.

After all, the preliminaries are over, and the candidates have already been selected.

Tang Zhong appeared to the place where he came in before, which was a large area.

There are figures in the distance, all alive and alive from the pre-selected world. Of course, those who have died before have all left now.

But even if you count the heads now, there is really no way to count them.

Tang Zhong was going to leave in a low-key manner. After all, the notices for participating in the next stage were all sent in the virtual universe, and there would be no hints here.

As soon as he walked out of the competition area, Tang Zhong felt his cosmic phone vibrate, took it out and turned it on, dozens of missed calls.

At first glance, it was all from Carotel.

At this time, Carlot called again, and Tang Zhong picked it up.

There was an anxious voice on the phone.

"Tang Zhong, you've finally come out..." Carlot said anxiously: " are a real person and don't show your face. I really didn't realize that you are such a big are at the top of the first battle zone... ..."

When Tang Zhong heard this, it was obvious that Carlot already knew about it.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you!" Tang Zhong explained.

"Okay, I know, who doesn't have any secrets in the universe, it's okay, come to our Vegeta Galaxy, my father wants to see you!" Carol said.

"En!" Don nodded his head. After he hung up the cosmic phone, he was about to go to the Vegeta galaxy, and he had to go there too.

After all, he signed up with Mars' virtual universe helmet. If he wanted to proceed to the second stage, he had to find Mars.

Immediately prepare to leave here.

People around are discussing this qualifier right now!

Some people talked about the strong, and some people just squatted on the ground and cried. They should have almost entered the top [-]. This is indeed a pity.

"Damn, this time the people in one hundred theaters are all invincible!"

"That's right, it's unbelievable that these people are so powerful!"

"The thing that impressed me the most was a guy named Savage in that war zone. He was so powerful. He held a full moon scimitar. He slashed at anyone and killed people like hemp. How many strong people died under his hands, and this People are No. 1 in the war zone!"

"It's not a big deal... There is also a person called Blood Eye, who seems to be a person who is about to awaken the realm... It's amazing!"

"Field, amazing, amazing!"

Of course, only a few people talk about domains. After all, many people have never even heard of domains.

Those who can talk about it are definitely people with vision, but they are not the strongest people.

"Fart, people with domains are not necessarily powerful. In our first battle zone, there is a man named Feng Lie who owns domains, but he was killed later!"


"Killed all the people in the field, who is that person?"

"It's a man named Mars, damn it, he's so awesome!"


These words were all heard in Tang Zhong's ears, it seems that the impact after killing Feng Lie is not so small.

But this has nothing to do with him.

Others can't recognize him as Mars. After all, in the genius battle, few people see people with their true colors. After all, in the genius battle, the strength is the same, but outside, there is a gap in strength between people. , if you kill someone inside, maybe someone else will wait for your revenge outside, so be careful!

At this moment, Tang Zhong saw a man with white hair, bandages all over his body, and red pupils, who was staring at the surroundings very vigilantly, as if he was looking for something.

And when Tang Zhong saw this person, his eyes frowned. How could he not be familiar with this outfit? Isn't it just Feng Lie?

Didn't he die long ago in the first war zone, why is he still here now? With his toes, he can figure out why this Feng Lie wants to stay here, he must be looking for him for revenge.

But he doesn't want to fight now, and this Feng Lie's strength is very strong, and his strength is probably already at the third or fourth level of the universe!
Tang Zhong just walked past the other party, and went to the Vegeta galaxy first. He didn't know where the Vegeta galaxy was, but Carlot had already sent him the address.

After knowing the Douluo, go directly to the Vegeta galaxy.

The spaceship travels through time and space.

Suddenly, there was a cosmic videophone, and the call was from the earth.

Tang Zhong naturally knew who it was, it must be Ye Qingshan, and when he opened it, it was indeed Ye Qingshan.

Immediately, Ye Qingshan appeared in the video, and Ye Qingshan, the feather demon, was later arranged by Tang Chong to Earth as an instructor for the Earthlings, training the Earthlings to be equal to the cosmonauts.

Ye Qingshan was standing in front of a tall building, behind him was the blue sea and blue sky.

You can tell it's the earth at a glance.

When seeing Tang Zhong appear, Ye Qingshan directly respectfully said: "Master!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Tang Zhong asked.

He didn't know why Ye Qingshan suddenly sent him a video call.

"Hasn't the lord participated in the genius battle? Why didn't I find the name of the lord on the Starwind Domain official website?" Ye Qingshan asked. .

Ye Qingshan has been paying attention to Tang Zhong ever since Tang Zhong represented the She Galaxy to participate in the Genius Battle of the Star Wind Region, but there was no movement at all. He didn't find any trace of Tang Zhong, so he just called now. Knowing what happened to Tang Zhong, he finally got through the phone.

"I participated!" Tang Zhong said.

"But I didn't find the name!" Ye Qingshan said, but he quickly guessed: "Could it be that the king participated in someone else's identity!"

"Yes!" Tang nodded his head, expressing his approval, Ye Qingshan did understand a lot.

"What is the ranking of the country lord, but seeing that the country lord is so happy, it shouldn't be too bad. The country lord, we are an inferior galaxy, and it is quite shocking to have a similar ranking in the genius battle! "Ye Qingshan said.

He would never have thought that Tang Zhong had advanced to the second stage. He thought that Tang Zhong had already lost from the first stage, and saying that was comfort in disguise.

"My name is Mars!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

"Mars..." Ye Qingshan froze for a moment, why did he feel that the name was so familiar, as if he had heard it before, but he couldn't remember it.

Suddenly, Ye Qingshan remembered.

"Mars... the first war zone... the top 100..."

At this moment, Ye Qingshan was completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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