Chapter 1433 High-standard welcome ceremony!
Ye Qingshan was completely dumbfounded. Before, he thought that Tang Zhong could become the top 1000 million, which was very remarkable, but who knew that now Tang Zhong actually entered the top 50...

To Ye Qingshan, this news was definitely a critical blow!
If he hadn't seen the ranking on the official website, he couldn't believe it was true.

A person from an inferior galaxy entered the top [-] in the battle zone in the Starwind Field Genius Competition, which has never happened before in history.

This is also really shocking.

"My lord, I don't know if you are planning to go now?" Ye Qingshan asked.

"Don't worry about me, keep this matter low-key and don't spread the word!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay!" Ye Qingshan nodded: "If the lord doesn't have any orders, then I won't bother the lord."

Tang Zhong waved his hand, and soon the videophone hung up.

Now he is dangerous, because many people are asking where is this Mars?So the less people know about him, the better.

As long as Ye Qingshan knows!
Then Tang Zhong sat cross-legged and began to practice.

And the spaceship was traveling continuously in the universe, and I don't know how long it has passed.

It's getting closer to Star Vegeta.

"Report, there is a fleet ahead!" Suddenly, an electronic sound came from the Douluo.

Tang Zhong woke up immediately and saw many fleets ahead, blocking Tang Zhong's way forward!
Tang Zhong saw Carlot at a glance, he was in the opponent's fleet, and if nothing else happened, he was in the Vegeta galaxy.

He got out of the Douluo directly, and saw Carlot from a distance.

Carlot also walked over after seeing Tang Zhong approaching.

After the two approached, Carlot directly gave Tang Zhong a hug.

"Good brother!" Carlot looked at Tang Zhong and said.

Tang Zhong grinned.

"This time, you really opened our eyes!" Carlot said.

"I'm just lucky!" Tang Zhong said.

"Luck is also a part of strength, go, go and meet my parents, they want to see you!" Carlot said.

Tang followed behind with his head turned, and saw a guard of honor in front of the fleet ahead, which was conducting a welcoming ceremony.

Then I saw a middle-aged man wearing a crown, and next to him was a queen.

On the side, there are many young boys and girls, very young, they should be the princes and princesses of the Vegeta galaxy!
Carlot took Tang Zhong to the middle-aged man in the crown, and introduced: "Father, this is Tang Zhong, the one who borrowed the Mars universe helmet!"

Knowing that this person is the lord of the galaxy, Tang Zhong immediately said respectfully: "The lord!"

The lord looked at Tang Zhong, and when he found Tang Zhong saluting, he immediately said: "Don't...don't do this, you are the hero of our Vegeta galaxy!"

Tang Zhong smiled and got up.

"Follow me into the palace of our galaxy to have dinner!" the king continued.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong agreed.

I saw the welcome ceremony began directly.

The Vegeta galaxy is a battle galaxy, and the strongest welcome ceremony is to bow.

Tang Zhong followed behind the lord and walked all the way, and there were people bowing everywhere.
A total of one hundred.

A hundred bows can be said to be the highest standard welcome ceremony.

Carlot followed behind Tang Zhong, whispering: "How is it?"

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

"I let my father be punished for these fakes and drink directly. He insisted on this!" Carlot laughed.

"pretty good!"

After a while, he arrived at the palace of the Karot galaxy.

In the restaurant, there is a huge oval dining table, which is more than three meters long.

Moreover, the restaurant is very large, and it is full of delicious food. At first glance, there are a lot of strange monster meat. There are only three stools next to the dining table!
The queen and a large group of princes and princesses are not eligible to enter this restaurant.

Only the lord, Carlot, and Tang Zhong are eligible to enter.

"Please sit down!" The king waved his hand.

Only then did Tang Zhong and Carlot sit up.

The king sits down, and the dinner begins!
"I don't know this little brother, what's your name?" the king asked.

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"Oh, let's eat!" the king said.

The dining table quickly moved, and it was delicious.

Tang Zhong was indeed a little hungry. Although he fought in the virtual universe before, it still affected his body.

After eating almost.

The country lord said: "Warrior Tang Zhong, do you have an idea to become the guest secretary of our Vegeta galaxy..."

Dear guest, you are actually putting a name on the Vegeta galaxy!

Tang Zhong understands this, a guest lord is fine, but he hasn't answered yet, seeing Tang Zhong's expression, the country lord thought Tang Zhong would not agree: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter whether you are a member of our Vegeta galaxy or not." Guest, you are our friend in our Vegeta galaxy, and you become our guest, you can have a territory in the Vegeta galaxy, a permanent territory, and a mansion, and become the honorary elder of our Vegeta galaxy !"

With this condition, Carlot blushed a little.

His father had already talked to him about this matter before, hoping to keep Tang Zhong, because Tang Zhong had great potential, but he was afraid that Tang Zhong would dislike him!
After all, Tang Zhong's current strength can already be described as shocking. In time, it is more than enough to step into the universe level. All genius fighters can enter the Star Wind Domain, only Tang Zhong and others Excellent qualifications, to become the manager of the Star Wind Domain, that is definitely more than enough!
Therefore, they hope that Tang Zhong can promote them!
Tang Zhong thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes!"

When the lord heard Tang Zhong's promise, he immediately became excited, took out the wine glass, and went to toast Tang Zhong regardless of his status as the lord, because he knew what this meant, and he had an intuition that in the future, their Vegeta Galaxy Will rise because of this man.

Tang Zhong also expressed his kindness: "After all, I used the name of Mars, so let this be my reward!"


The king is excited.

Carlot was also excited, he really didn't expect that Tang Zhong would be so powerful, and he could hide it so much.

After a long time, the banquet was over.

The Lord arranged a room for Tang Zhong to rest, and gave Tang Zhong the virtual universe helmet of Mars before leaving.

Now Tang Zhong, there is still time to rest, now he has to hurry up and practice as soon as possible.

After all, the second stage of the Genius War is much more difficult than the first stage.

Without sleeping, Tang Zhong immediately put on the virtual universe helmet, Tang Zhong wanted to see when the second stage would start, and then make some preparations.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the virtual universe, he found a lot of emails and opened them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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