Chapter 1439 The ring match begins!
At this moment, people slowly came together.

The former examiner was watching the time, and finally announced the start of the group arena at the last moment!
Just at that last moment.

"Open the ring!" The chief examiner said.

At this time, I saw that in the air, wrapped around the ring by chains, and the light was injected into it.

Originally the entire arena was dark, but now it gradually began to light up.

This also means that the arena has opened.

Around the arena, many virtual stands appeared!

This arena can be connected to the virtual universe!

Those who watch the group arena can reach the scene through the virtual universe, of course they can only watch and praise!
At the same time, the entire Star Wind Territory became a sensation.

Those who pay attention to the genius battle have now entered the virtual universe, looking for the battlefield of the Starwind Territory genius battle.

The genius battle has always been supported by the virtual universe, so this time the live broadcast is also in the virtual universe, of course it must enter a specific interface.

People from many galaxies can be said to be watching the excitement, and those from their own galaxies participated in the genius battle, the king directly announced that all the people in the entire galaxies would go in to cheer for the people in their own galaxies!
So there are a lot of people watching the battle.

Tang Zhong was standing on the player's bench under the ring at this moment, and he naturally saw so many stands around him.

On the stands, there were many figures, of all races!

It has to be said that the technology of the virtual universe is really high, and it is possible to achieve this step. Others can watch such a game without leaving their homes!

"What's so strange about this? I've seen this kind of technology too much, so I'm used to it!" said Shi Daoyan Longbing.

Tang Zhong came from the earth, so naturally he didn't know this!
Suddenly, he saw a person wearing Vegeta Galaxy appear in the stands. After that person appeared in the stands, he immediately stared at the crowd!
Tang Zhong knew that the man was looking at him.

Sure enough, the man saw him and grinned.

Although they can't have substantive contact, they can say hello!

Unsurprisingly, immediately, people from the Vegeta galaxy rushed to the stands.

Carlot, as well as the lord of the Vegeta Galaxy, are all on top now!
As soon as they appeared, they waved at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also waved to them.

If Tang Zhong didn't expect, these people didn't know that he was fighting on this island, so they used crowd tactics to look for him, and now they finally found him.

Now that there is a group of relatives and friends here, it's time to fight hard!

Soon, the surrounding stands were filled, and the number of people continued to increase. After all, there are still a lot of geniuses here, and people from their own galaxy will definitely come to support!
"Everyone!" A sweet and crisp voice sounded, spreading throughout the arena on the island.

There are probably more than one billion viewers here!
In the auditorium, many people looked at the voice, and saw a brown-haired girl with a hot figure and a tight leather jacket standing in the center of the fighting arena. Because there were too many people, some people saw it. What is there on the ring? Therefore, there are huge projections in the air and in the sky in all directions, which can be seen very clearly by everyone.

"What will be held soon is group battle group 029. Let me introduce the 5000 geniuses in this group!"

"No.1 Yaluo Suo, from the Promise Galaxy, he was in the 65 theater in the first stage before, and his ranking was 89th!"

The brown-haired girl's voice echoed in the audience's ears, and a screen appeared next to her. On the screen, there was the influence of Genius Ya's wordiness, some basic information, and some wonderful killing videos...

"Ya long-winded!"

Immediately, I saw a group of people waving and shouting at the auditorium. They are all from the Promise Galaxy, and they are here to cheer for Alroso!

"the third……"

The brown-haired girl is now introducing it over and over again. .

The names of the talents who were about to compete were announced, and there were constant screams from the audience.

Finally, the brown-haired girl began to introduce.

"The 900th, Nabi, a person from the Ocean Fish Galaxy!"

Then a light curtain appeared next to it, full of personal data.

At the same time, there were shouts from the seats in the stands, obviously all of them came to support Nabi.

Tang Zhong stared at Nabi's information, his memory was very strong, he just read it casually, and remembered everything.

This Nabi does not seem to be a simple character,
The data once showed that this Nabi was just an aborigine, belonging to the lowest race, but he was attracted by a big boss. Since then, his status has skyrocketed, from an aborigine to a real strong man.

I have to say that this Nabi's past is legendary!

But this person will be his enemy, this point, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Zhong to forget.

At this moment, the brown-haired girl has finished her introduction.

Even Tang Zhong introduced it, but naturally it was Mars who introduced him, saying that he was from the Vegeta galaxy.

Although everyone in the Vegeta galaxy knows that Tang Zhong is not from their galaxy, they are all cheering for Tang Zhong now.

And he found that ever since the brown-haired girl said his name, he instantly felt a lot of gazes from around him, as if they were going to swallow him up.

After a while, all the 5000 geniuses present were introduced.

The beautiful brown-haired girl also began to drive the atmosphere of the audience. ,
"Everyone, audience, please pay attention, the group arena is about to start, please count down the countdown, and look forward to the exciting competition brought to you by the 029 match point!"

With a bang, the entire arena roared.

This sound represented the beginning, and the cheers were instantly ignited. Now it was just the beginning, but the shock wave of the sound seemed to overturn this place.

This is just a group arena!

I saw 5000 people appearing together on the huge arena.

The brown-haired girl continued: "The next step is our warriors' debut. Because of the large number of participants this year, the group arena requires a large number of elimination opponents, so the melee will be held first. The melee before this melee is different. In that melee, you can hide. But this scuffle can only take place in this, everyone, you must keep your hit the top [-]!"


After the brown-haired girl narrator finished speaking, the whole atmosphere exploded, and the hearts of the audience were suddenly aroused, shouting loudly the names of people from their own galaxy.

"The countdown begins...6...5...4...1, start!"

(End of this chapter)

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