Chapter 1440 Sudden Chaos!
As the countdown ends, this also happens to represent the beginning of this game!
In the center of the arena, 5000 pioneers appeared at the same time, and at the same time, the figure of the brown girl teleported away instantly.

This fighting arena must have been specially made.

As the light flickered on the arena, 5000 figures appeared in different positions of the arena.

This is exactly the 5000 geniuses who were introduced earlier.

Either the body is tall and strong, or the body has a lot of hair, or the body has scales and horns, in short, the appearance is different, but at this time, everyone's eyes are the same, that is to defeat the opponent and enter the top 1000. For the next battle.




The cheers that seemed to be falling apart came from the audience at this time!

Although those spectators come here through the virtual universe, although they are not on the scene, the sound can be simulated through the virtual universe.

On the fighting arena.

Including Tang Zhong, everyone who heard those cheers couldn't help stirring up their hearts, and secretly looked around.

Geniuses are all arrogant, and they all want to show off, especially in front of so many people, show their strongest side, many people have made up their minds at this time, no matter what, this time they will get a Good results.


Everyone is staring at each other.

Now they are all waiting for an order, that is, the order to start the game.


Suddenly, a voice came from the sky, it was the examiner's voice.

This also means that the game has started.

In the next second, air currents of various colors appeared on the fighting arena, which meant that a fight had already started.

Boom boom boom!
You must know that this is a brawl involving more than 5000 people, so it goes without saying how exciting it is.

And just after the competition started, many people had already found their own small group!
After all, there is a relationship between the strong and the strong. In order to win in the chaotic battle, it is natural to choose reliable teammates!
"Ophesius, and Moshan, you two go kill that guy, and the others will kill others with me. This time, 1000 people will be promoted, as long as our people are among the [-] people!" That Aroso spoke.

A black and four-colored aura surrounds him, and he is holding a sword in his hand, which looks similar to a samurai sword! '

Beside him, two people nodded, they should be Orpheus and Mo Shan: "Don't worry, these are small things!"

In the melee of 5000 people, the target to be defeated is very simple, that is, those who are not united.

Tang Zhong was also looking around vigilantly.

The auras of these people around are stronger than each other!

Tang Zhong directly summoned the Lei Yan Body. This place is where real guns and live ammunition are used to fight. Tang Zhong absolutely dare not relax, otherwise he will be the one who will die here next time!

"You're being watched!" Shi Daoyan Longbing suddenly reminded.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong turned around and saw two people approaching, it was Aufisius and Mo Shan, staring at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong was ready to make a move.

But that Orpheus and Moshan have not approached, so don't stop them.

Obviously the opposite camp of them, so stop them now, don't let them go!

The two groups are fighting together!
Tang Chongqing was lucky to have escaped by himself, but he was targeted by people again. They were all unorganized people. They couldn't kill those who were organized. Now they had to target Tang Zhong. After all, Tang Zhong was alone. , is the easiest to kill!
"Both of these two are of the third rank of the universe class!" Shi Daoyan Longbing had already analyzed the strength of the two of them.

At this time, two people shot over and attacked and killed Tang Zhong together.

One of them was filled with cyan air, holding an ax and slashing towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong directly chose to transform, and his hands directly transformed into dragon claws, extremely sharp!

Slashed directly towards the ax!

Because there are flames in his hands, it is not easy to tell.

In an instant, the dragon claws collided with the axe, knocking the man back.

Now that the group arena has just started, Tang Zhong has used his strongest strength. At this time, there is no need to hide anything at all, because only when you are strong, other people will worry about it for a while if they want to deal with you.

The young man with the ax obviously didn't expect it.

At this time, Tang Zhong struck again, and the speed of the dragon claw became faster.

He is not completely transformed now, and others can't see any clues. His attack method is very strong, but his defense method is very weak at the moment. He must make a quick decision. In an instant, he tore at the ax with one claw. youth.

Seeing this scene, the ax youth knew that he was going to be eliminated, and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, people in our galaxy are waiting for me to go back, and report the good news. I finally entered this stage and don't let me out!"

"It's useless!" Tang Zhong didn't give the opponent any chance to resist, and directly used the ultimate move.

Grab the arm of the young man with the ax and forcefully drag him down!

Here, either die or beg for mercy.

The arm of the ax youth holding the ax had already been broken, and now he was crying and screaming: "I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body disappeared.

This is a unique function of this arena, as long as someone begs for mercy, the arena will expel that begging person!
Tang Zhong killed a person so easily!

The people around who wanted to attack Tang Zhong felt a little jealous at this moment. They didn't expect that there was only one person, but the method was so vicious. Originally, some people wanted Tang Zhong, but now they could only retreat. Stop doing it.

In the auditorium, as the ax youth was expelled, the people in the Vegeta galaxy cheered at this moment.

And among a large group of people wearing clothes with ax printed on them, they were very happy at first, but now they are not happy at all, and they left the stand directly. It is obvious that the young man with ax begging for mercy has something to do with them.

This is the cruelty of the game. If you are out, you will not have any chance to enter the game.

At this moment, on the martial arts arena, there is still a chaotic battle, and no one will obey the other.

Of course, people who have seen Tang Zhong kill people are not to be provoked now, but there are 5000 people here, and many of them have never seen it.

So when they saw Tang Zhong alone, they deliberately approached him and attacked Tang Zhong.

But once Tang Zhong made a move, he would be full of killing intent!
He is the strength given by the giant dragon avatar, and now he must not be seen by others, so he has been killing all the time, and the killing intent erupted from him!
He began to release a powerful killing intent.

After many people suffered, some people finally recognized Tang Zhong's name.

"Mars...he is Mars!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, obviously they didn't think that Tang Zhong was Mars.

(End of this chapter)

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