Chapter 1441 Elimination!

In an instant, after someone recognized who Tang Zhong was, the whole scene became chaotic. No one thought that this person was actually Mars, and many people were eyeing Tang Zhong. After saying that the other party was Mars, almost half of the people were persuaded.

Many people looked at Tang Zhong, who was constantly retreating, and did not dare to go forward.

Tang Zhong fell into a short-term security.

But it's not that everyone in the audience knew that Tang Zhong was Mars, someone still rushed over.

Prepare to kill Tang Zhong.

Although they were also surprised, there was only Tang Zhong alone, why didn't these people go to kill them?
So they passed, but in front of them, only defeated, and then left the field.

Now Tang Zhong only has such a chance, he can't lose it, for himself, for Wei Wei, he must get a good ranking!

At this moment, from a distance, Officius and Mo Shan approached Tang Zhong. They listened to Aroso's words and wanted to expel Tang Zhong, a small shrimp!
They were stopped by someone just now, but in the shortest time, the person who stopped them had already been expelled, so they came to Tang Zhong now.

But they also wondered, why is this person here but no one touches him?

"Strange!" Orpheus said, "Mo Shan, why didn't anyone touch this guy?"

"Exactly!" Mo Shan also felt strange.

"Forget it, don't worry about it so much, let's go up and kill him first!" Orpheus said.


Mo Shan responded.

Then two people come over.

Tang Zhong had already discovered the existence of the two, and his eyes quickly turned cold.

"Boy, if you surrender yourself now, then we won't do anything!" Ofheus looked at Tang Zhong as if he was looking at a prey.

"Then what if I don't?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"That's very simple, let's kill you!" Orpheus said coldly, obviously he didn't expect Tang Zhong to say that suddenly.

"Let me do it first!" Mo Shan started directly. His weapon was a gauntlet, and he didn't know what material it was made of.

The material was steel, and Tang Zhong blasted it out with the gauntlet!
In an instant, red light bloomed on the gauntlets.

A punch was aimed at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also went up to meet him, and the power of the giant dragon clone exploded.

With a bang, Mo Shan was repelled all of a sudden.

The hand with the gauntlet ached slightly!
And Tang Zhong did nothing!

"Ophesius, this kid is a bit weird!" Mo Shan said.

"I can see it!" Orpheus said!

Just now he saw the moment when Tang Zhong shot. This person's attack performance is extremely strong, he is definitely not a simple person!
"What's your name?" Orpheus asked, this man is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible that he is not famous!
"Mars!" Tang Zhong said.

The faces of Orpheus and Mo Shan changed instantly, no wonder, this person is not an ordinary person at all, Mars, the ruthless man in the first war zone, the two of them have also watched the video, it is Mars and a It was called the battle between Fenglie, that Fenglie owned the domain, but was still defeated by Mars.

They also once analyzed Mars as a strong man.

When the brown-haired girl introduced someone before, they didn't listen carefully, and they never thought that there is such a boss!
"Or, let's turn our conflict into jade brocade!" said Ofysius.

"Then what if I disagree?" Tang Zhongbing asked.

"Mars, I know you are powerful, but don't forget, brother Alroso is here, I am their man, Alroso's name, I am afraid you have definitely heard of it, don't mistake yourself, understand?" Orpheus said.

"Oh!" Tang Zhong chose to strike directly, ignoring other people at all, his whole body flickered instantly, and a paw moved towards Orpheus!

Orphysius didn't have a weapon, but the palm of his hand was covered with golden light. When he saw Tang Zhong make a move, he directly slammed it up!
The golden light struck Tang Zhong's claws together!
But in an instant, Orpheus was directly shocked back.

There is no rival power with Tang Zhong at all!

Both Orpheus and Mo Shan had very bad expressions on their faces, and they turned around and were about to leave!

How could Tang Zhong let them leave.

"Want to leave?" Tang Zhong's mind moved, and he arrived behind Orpheus and Mo Shan at the fastest speed.

The two dragon claws patted each other's back.

Those two people never thought that Tang Zhong's speed would be so fast, and their expressions changed suddenly.

The back was hit, the pain was burning, the body of the person flew upside down, and the power from the dragon's claws sank into the bodies of the two, a bitter taste came out of the mouth, and blood gushed out.

The two fell to the ground and were about to continue walking.

And Tang Zhong had already teleported to their side.

Two dragon claws grabbed at their throats!
Both Orpheus and Mo Shan were lying on the ground. Just as they were about to get up, they saw the claw approaching, their pupils widened suddenly, and they screamed.

But the dragon claws had grabbed their throats.

"Now, you still have one second to beg for mercy!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Two people were grabbed by the throat: "We are from Brother Alosuo, you dare to touch us!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, his throat was tightly clenched, and he was completely out of breath.

The faces of Orpheus and Mo Shan suddenly turned ugly: "You...what do you want to do?"

"You have no chance to beg for mercy!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

In an instant, Orpheus and Mo Shan felt the murderous intent. This man really wanted to kill them. The ring said that they could beg for mercy, but they didn't say that they couldn't kill.

"Don't...don't kill us!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but just started.

The two of them felt the endless dead air surrounding them, their throats were grabbed, and their pupils almost popped out.

"Don't...don't kill us!"

"I...we beg for mercy!"

In an instant, Orpheus and Mo Shan spoke with difficulty.

And just as he said the words of begging for mercy, the bodies of the two people were directly sent out!

Tang Zhong stood up at the same time.

And at this moment, he heard scolding from the audience.

"What the hell, get rid of my brother... you will die!"

"You call Mars, you wait, if I know your galaxy, I will definitely kill you!" Several people in the audience shouted and cursed.

Obviously they came to watch the match between Orpheus and Moshan, but now they saw that they were eliminated, and the person who eliminated them was Tang Zhong, and they directed all their resentment on Tang Zhong's head.

But Tang Zhong didn't care about these people, because he felt another, deeper killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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