Chapter 1443 Killing intent is decided!
"Then change it!" Tang Zhong murmured.

"Absolutely not. If you transformed, wouldn't you expose yourself?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing murmured.

"But if I can't even pass this level, I don't know when we will meet Weiwei, so I can't lose!" Tang Zhong said firmly, at this moment, his black eyes were full of determination !

As long as you win, you can enter the Universe Star University and meet Wei Wei!
So he has no chance of losing at all, once he loses, he will lose in this life!

He didn't know how long he would make his woman wait, but he would definitely hold on to this opportunity tightly!
Shidaoyan Longbing didn't say a word: "Okay, okay, do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, I don't care!"

Then Shi Daoyan Longbing stopped talking.

At this moment, Tang Zhong grinned, ready to transform completely.

After Aroso attacked Tang Zhong a few times, he found that the other party seemed unable to fight back, and he laughed ferociously: "Boy, keep hiding. I'll see how you hide. Anyone who kills me will have to pay!" Come pay!"

"If you insult me, you have to pay the price!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Insult you, insult you, what are you!" Aroso said disdainfully.

"I'm someone you can't afford!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

In the next second, the aura on his body burst out. It was the power of the giant dragon clone. When he came out, streaks of golden light emerged from his body.

Although Tang Zhong completely transformed, he also used Lei Yan's body when transforming, and he could see that the power of the flames and thunder on his body was even greater.

In the case of having to transform, Tang Zhong still doesn't want others to discover his hole cards.

Suddenly Tang Zhong's breath rose sharply.

Apparently Naroso didn't think of it, and his eyes widened at this moment.

Not only him, but also others, never thought that Tang Zhong's strength would suddenly become stronger.

"Look, has his appearance changed?"

"It's really changed, it's more ferocious, bloody, violent!"

"This should be a skill!"


Ya Luosuo looked at Tang Zhong and sneered: "Why, after using this strange skill and turning into a monster, do you think you can defeat me? Let me tell you, you are still far away!"

Then he clenched the Qiuhan knife in his hand and attacked Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong, who has completely transformed, is not a little bit more powerful than before. He stared at Alosuo with his burning eyes, and immediately grabbed Qiu Han Dao with his dragon claws!

He grabbed Qiu Han Dao in his hand.

Ya Luosuo suddenly sneered: "My Qiu Han Dao is forged from the ore obtained from the extremely cold place in the depths of the universe. I recognize the master with his blood, so I will be fine with this knife. If I change it Other people, as long as they touch this blade, they will be frozen directly, but you are so stupid to grab this knife with your hand, and immediately your whole body will be completely frozen until you die!"


"Really?" Tang Zhong laughed coldly.

This Qiu Han Dao does have such strength, but it is of no use to others, not to the present Tang Zhong.

Did you hear Tang Zhong say yes?
Suddenly, Aroso's expression turned ugly. He saw Tang Zhong's hand holding the Qiu Han Dao, as if nothing happened, and it was not frozen at all. Ordinary people, as long as they touch it, they will be frozen. Among them It's weird!


Aroso yelled.

"You can't do it!" Tang Zhong has become a giant dragon clone, and he doesn't care about anything, he can only kill now!

Kill Alroso first.

Aroso felt a sense of uneasiness, and wanted to break Qiu Han Dao out of Tang Zhong's hand.

But Tang Zhong's speed was really too fast.

Alroso was not given a chance at all.

Grabbing Qiu Han Dao, he tore apart Alroso's chest with one claw!

Ya Luosuo hurried to dodge, and then dodged, but Qiu Han Dao was no longer in his hands.

The whole person retreats violently!

And even so, a huge scar was left on his chest, with bright red blood.

This sudden scene shocked everyone in the stands.

Alroso was so powerful just now that he forced Mars to be like that, but now Mars has used some means, and he is stronger than before!

Carlot and the others clenched their fists excitedly.

At this time, Tang Zhong was holding the Qiuhan knife in his hand, he didn't have to worry about the cold air on the knife at all, but with both hands, he broke it suddenly.

I saw that Qiuhan knife was broken in an instant.

"How could it be..." Aroso couldn't believe what he saw. At this moment, he was no longer as arrogant as before, and he was terrified.

At this moment, he became a little scared, this person was a little too strong.

Tang Zhong threw the broken Qiuhan knife aside and walked towards Alosuo!
"You... what do you want to do?" Aroso immediately panicked, the whole person was terrified!

Tang Zhong didn't speak. The reason why he killed all the way before was because he had to win, and he must not be blocked by anyone, so he chose to kill the opponent. Therefore, Aroso was no exception. No worries.

"You...what do you want to do?" Ya Luosuo found that Tang Zhong was silent, and he was even more frightened.


Tang Zhong's body moved, like a phantom, he jumped in front of Alosuo, and a dragon claw directly grabbed it!

Alroso was directly stuck in the throat, and then was lifted up.

"You... what are you doing?" Aroso's face was flushed red.

"I will kill you!" Tang Zhong said, "You have insulted my majesty!"

"You dare, Mars, if you kill me, our galaxy will not let you go!" Aroso panicked.

This melee in the arena can really cause death. He is afraid that he will be killed. Of course, he doesn't want to leave here.

"How about this, don't kill me, let's act as if nothing happened, after this group arena, I will personally come to thank you, thank you for not killing me." Ya Luosuo said.

Tang Zhong's face turned cold: "!"

He is giving Aroso a chance to surrender!

But Ya Luosuo didn't cherish it at all, Tang Zhong grabbed Ya Luosuo's hand and tightened it even more, and in an instant, he shook it suddenly.

"No..." Alroso sensed the murderous intent and shouted immediately, but it was too late!
Because Tang Zhong's intention to kill is already determined...

(End of this chapter)

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