Chapter 1444 Video!

Tang Zhong was determined to kill, and no one could stop him.

I saw his hands clenched tightly together, and in an instant, Ya Luosuo's throat was pinched and exploded, and blood flowed from Tang Zhong's hands.

Ya Luosuo, just like that, was pinched and exploded in the head.

Then Tang Zhong let go of his hand.

I saw Alroso's body fall directly to the ground with a bang.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

No one expected such a thing to appear suddenly!

Of course, Orpheus and Mo Shan are not the only ones who follow Aroso. There are several people who thought that, following a big boss, they would definitely be able to pass the melee this time and become the one who advanced. 1000 people, but who knows, now such a situation appears...

Ya Luosuo is dead, but the forces behind Ya Luosuo are not so easy to be offended.

Alroso is from a super galaxy!
Sure enough, when Tang Zhong had just beheaded Alroso, several people stood up next to him, pointed at Tang Zhong and shouted: " actually killed Alroso, wait, the mad knife galaxy is absolutely I won't let you go!"

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at the speaker: "Do you know Alroso?"

The man said aggressively, "Naturally!"


Tang Zhong looked at the man and directly attacked and killed him.

The man didn't even think about it, but Tang Zhong took his head off with a claw. Blood gushed out, and finally turned into a body and fell to the ground.

Tang Zhong is determined to kill, he will not put himself into a passive position and kill Alroso, then the people who know Alroso will also be killed.

There were also many people who followed Aluo Suo. They did not stand out among the crowd. Seeing Tang Zhong killing people at this moment, they thought that Tang Zhong was going to kill the grass, and they all backed away in fright.

Originally, Tang Zhong couldn't tell that those people belonged to Alroso, but at this moment, he saw the other party move.

Suddenly everything is understood.

Attack and kill those people directly.

Wherever it went, the dragon claw directly grabbed the opponent's head and killed it.


This scene was really shocking, it was really scary.

Blood spurted on Tang Zhong's face, but he didn't care at all!
Whoever stands in his way will die!

Those who did not follow Ya Luosuo are also very far away from Tang Zhong at this moment, for fear that the other party will attack.

Now no one is looking at Tang Zhong. Sure enough, this person is worthy of the God of Killing. He kills anyone he sees, and doesn't give anyone else a chance!

No one pointed at Tang Zhong again, Tang Zhong changed back to his previous appearance, his clothes were dyed red, standing there, no one else dared to look at him.

The pictures here were soon spread outside!
At this moment, on island 029, the examiner saw Tang Zhong's actions just now, and frowned: "Send this person's image to the headquarters!"

The chief examiner is watching this melee in the arena, looking for the genius in it!
Obviously, the chief examiner now thinks that Tang Zhong is a malleable talent!
The people behind him immediately made a video of Tang Zhong's killing before.

"Boss, what description do you add to this video?"

The examiner thought for a while, and then said: "The Slayer who won't be afraid!"

The reason why he said this name was because just now, when he saw Tang Zhong killing someone, there was no movement in his eyes, that is to say, this person had no reaction to the killing at all!

Therefore, it is the slaughterer who will not be afraid!
Soon, that person sent the video to the headquarters!

In the headquarters, all of them are the organizers of this genius battle, and everyone has a great status in the Star Wind Domain!

If you look carefully, you will find that the previous Li Gong is in it!

They are surrounded by a table, in the center of the table, that is an illusory screen, and a video is playing on it!

And everyone is watching the people in this video!
Then discuss the strength of the person in the video!
At this time, the staff received a video from the front!
There are too many people sending videos to the headquarters, because in so many theaters, as long as there are malleable talents, they will immediately notify the headquarters.

Right now, the staff at the headquarters are constantly checking the selection, watching the video from the competition location!

Suddenly, the staff member saw Tang Zhong's video, and his face turned ugly. In the picture, Tang Zhong transformed and took off the person's head. The picture was really bloody and brutal!
But this person is very strong, he decided to show this video to those bigwigs in the headquarters!

Immediately, on the illusory screen in front of a group of big shots, a picture of Tang Zhong killing appeared.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were attracted!

Li Qing has always been by Li Gong's side. At this moment, he also saw the picture on the video, and immediately shouted: "Grandpa, isn't this the guy?"

She recognized Tang Zhong at a glance, but she was very surprised. Tang Zhong didn't seem to want such a bloodthirsty person, how could he become what he is now?
Li Gong also saw it, and frowned!
Someone next to him immediately denied Tang Zhong: "This he treating the genius war as a battlefield? Killing people like this?"

"That's right, it's too venomous. This person is fine if he uses it well, but if he doesn't use it well, it will be a serious problem for our Star Wind Region!"

Li Gong said: "I don't agree with that, this person is a malleable talent!"

He knew Tang Zhong from the very beginning, first of all, the confident eyes of the other party, secondly, the flattery, and now the killing, he didn't even feel the killing alone, which meant that the other party came from the killing, so Such a person can only be described with one strong word.

Li Gong was present and the most qualified. Once he spoke, no one would quarrel.

"Li Gong, are you sure you want to submit this person's video to Universal Star University?" someone asked beside him.

The reason why they chose the video was to send it to the Universe Star University for those people to watch.

Because, not only their Star Wind Field, but other places in the universe are also engaged in genius battles, and the Universe Star University has limited personnel, so it is impossible to visit every star field. If the genius battle in that star field is very Brilliant talent, they might send someone to referee.

And as long as people from the Universe Star University come, the number of Star Fields entering the Universe Star University may increase.

Therefore, every star field will send the video of the outstanding people in its own galaxy when it is conducting the genius battle now!

Now Xingfengyu is selecting videos of powerful geniuses to attract people from the Universe Star University!

Tang Zhong was the one they chose.

"Yes!" Faced with the question, Li Gong said.

Li Gong has already spoken.

The others could only follow suit, and saw the video of Tang Zhong's murder, followed by their Star Wind Domain's network, and sent it to the admissions office of Universe Star University!

If the Admissions Office has any ideas about the people on the video, they will definitely send someone over.

And at this moment, in the admissions office of Universe Star University.

Jiang Weiwei appeared inside!

(End of this chapter)

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