Chapter 1546 Don't play cards according to the routine!

Why do you feel that this final assessment is not as intense as imagined!
But Tang Zhong followed closely behind the others, and while walking, he looked at the people around him.

The strength of these people is actually the seventh rank of domain masters, and each of them is so old, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that they are cunning!
I saw Tang Zhong followed the others, and now he walked directly into the Predator's Union.

Their previous assessment was in the lobby of the Predator Union, but today they went through the lobby and entered the innermost part!
Immediately, the scene inside came into everyone's eyes!
I saw that it was a more magnificent city!
From a distance, it looks like an interstellar city!
Still, the city looks strict!
It is full of militarized management, and there are guns everywhere!
And soldiers on patrol!

Ye Lang walked in the front and began to introduce to everyone: "Welcome everyone to join our Predator's Union. Today's place for your assessment is here!"

The people around are mostly expelled, people who can be expelled, and few people are of that kind of high status, so seeing such a city, their pupils can't help but light up!
"Here, don't mess around here, because the rules of our Predator's Union are strict. No matter whether you are members of our Predator's Union or not, as long as you approach this city, if you make a mistake, you will be treated equally!" Ye Lang said.

The group of people did not dare to move when they heard this.

They didn't doubt what the marauders said!
Because the Predator Union is a terrifying existence in the entire universe!

Moreover, everyone in the Predator's Union is a pervert!
Tang Zhong looked around, and suddenly, his eyes locked on a huge sculpture.

The sculpture is a man in golden armor, holding a huge wide-bladed sword!
Tang Zhong glanced at the other party, and was slightly taken aback. He always felt that the armor and giant sword looked like he had seen it there before!

Suddenly, Tang Zhong remembered that the Predator armor he got once seemed to be like this!
In order to confirm, he took a look inside the evil eye with his consciousness, and found that the armor of the predator in the evil eye was exactly the same as this one. ?

But before he could ask, Ye Lang brought everyone to the side of the sculpture: "Everyone stop!"

Everyone stopped.

Ye Lang said, "Our city is called the City of Stars, and it was built by the senior in front of you. Therefore, anyone who enters this city must pay homage to this senior when they see him!"

After speaking, Ye Lang directly bowed his head!

Others followed suit!

Tang Zhong naturally followed, but he was even more curious about the person who made the sculpture, who actually created this city of stars!
But how could such a person lose his predator armor?This is really a strange thing!

After everyone paid their respects, they followed Ye Lang and continued on their way.

Finally, they finally stopped and came to the side of a high tower. When they looked up, they could see this high tower. It had already entered the sky and could not see the top!

Everyone looked at it together, so shocked that they couldn't speak!

"This... is this the Star Tower?"

"My God, I think the reason why this tower is called the Star Tower is because it is tall!"

Some people whispered around.

And Tang Zhong also looked up at the tower, it was really too high!
"Yes, this is indeed the Star Tower, which is where your final assessment will take place!" Ye Lang said.

"The assessment in other places is a battle assessment. It is for you to fight against each other and select the strongest. But we predators are different. Many of you are sinners. Now, your purpose is to get rid of the crime. Some One way that allows you to achieve your goal is to become a member of our Predator Union, but our Predator Union has a standard, and only when you meet our standard will you be selected by us, so listen clearly to this time Your assessment requirements, as long as you can attack the 16th floor of this star tower, you can become members of our Predator Union. We will keep as many as there are among the 300 people, and if among the 300 of you, one If there is none, then the whole army will be wiped out!"

When the people around heard this, they were all very excited. They could all tell that this Star Tower was like the Trial Tower, so why is it so difficult to pass the 16th floor?

Tang Zhong looked at the Star Tower carefully. He also knew that it was a trial tower, but this tower looked different from ordinary towers!
He glanced at Ye Lang in the distance, and the other party smiled indifferently there, as if nothing happened. After the last assessment, Tang Zhong didn't think that Ye Lang was a simple person. This appearance shows that the assessment is not easy!
"Okay, if you think about it, then start as soon as possible. This time, you only have three hours to participate in the assessment, so hurry up!" Ye Lang said.

He just finished speaking.

I saw the door of the Star Tower, and it was opened with a bang, and light came in from the inside.

"The door has been opened, whoever wants to go in can go in now!" Ye Lang said.

Not knowing where to find the chair, Ye Lang sat down directly!
The door of the star tower was opened, and several people couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed in directly!

Tang Zhong is still at the end!

He was staring at Ye Lang's expression all the time, and he found that the corners of Ye Lang's mouth curled up when someone entered the Star Tower.

Tang Zhong was sure that there must be some kind of ambush inside. Sure enough, within a few seconds, the few people who had just entered flew out of it!
One fell to the ground in a panic.

As if seriously injured!
It appears to have been ambushed inside the tower.

The few people were not injured, but at this moment, Ye Lang who was sitting on the chair directly said, "You guys, you can leave now!"

A few people were the first to rush into the Star Tower. They just entered, and they were shocked out before they could see clearly, but they had nothing to do, so how could they leave?
"My lord, did we do something wrong?"

"You can leave now!" Ye Lang continued: "Plunderers have the standards of predators. If you don't know what the situation ahead is, you will rush forward. Alright, your selection is over!"

Those few people heard Ye Lang's words, even if they were unwilling now, it would not help.

The Predator is an organization that does not play cards according to common sense, so they have to leave here!

Those people were expelled before the assessment!

The others didn't dare to move, and they didn't know what was going on ahead!
"What's the matter? What are you stopping for? If you don't move on, you will be expelled!" Ye Lang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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