Chapter 1547 Not Simple!
"If you don't move on, you will also be expelled!" Ye Lang said.

The people around were originally thinking not to go too far, but at this moment, when they heard Ye Lang's words, they all panicked.

It is absolutely impossible for the trial to fail so easily.

The star tower is ahead, and now some people still go in, but they don't advance rashly, but enter very cautiously, for fear of any major problems!
Tang Zhong hid among the crowd!

He looked at the people around him, looking forward with fear, and he was still swallowing deeply, it seemed that everyone was very nervous!

Soon, he followed the flow of people and entered the Star Tower.

Tang Zhong was very cautious. After what happened last time, Tang Zhong didn't think that Ye Lang was an ordinary person. There was too much muddy water in this person's mind, and if he was careful, he would be tricked!
He is now the last one, and the others entered the Star Tower, and now he followed.

As soon as I entered, there was a burst of darkness in front of my eyes. When I saw the picture again, I found myself in another world!
This world also has a sky, and it is full of light!
In front of him, a set of huge stairs appeared!

This staircase goes straight up to the sky, with no end in sight, and looking around, there is no way at all, the only way to go is the stairs. If nothing else, the first level of the Star Tower is the stairs!

At this moment, someone has already walked up.

It can be seen that when those people first walked up, they were very relaxed, but as they walked, their speed began to scold.

The stairs are weird!
But there was no way to go, so Tang Zhong also walked up the stairs, and just took two steps, he felt like a weight was tied to his legs, it was very heavy, and it was too difficult to take a step!
The assessment...maybe started!
Outside the Star Tower!
Ye Lang is with the female assistant!
Ye Lang sat there!

The female assistant came to report the situation: "Commander Ye, everyone has entered the Star Tower this time!"

Ye Lang nodded slowly: "Understood, always pay attention to the situation inside, and tell me if there is anything abnormal!"

The female assistant responded.

"By the way, that person named Tang Zhong last time, pay attention to me too!" Ye Lang urged.

"Yes, Commander!" The female assistant was outside, and began monitoring!

But Ye Lang just fell asleep slowly. He knows what the first level is. If there is no accident, many people will not be able to pass the first level today, because what they see is not necessarily true. !
At this moment, all the people participating in the assessment are climbing the ladder at this time, and everyone is stepping on their own legs. To be honest, it is really too heavy.

After Tang Zhong walked a few steps, he really felt that this was too boring. Give a ladder that doesn't know when the stone is, and let them climb it?

Tang Zhong simply sat on the steps, thinking about what's the problem, anyway, he doesn't foul now!
And the people around are continuing to move forward, even if they are gritting their teeth, they are still climbing up!

The most powerful person has already climbed eleven steps by now!

Falling into the eyes of others, that is deep envy!
Because the first one must be the one who must pass the assessment!

But others will definitely not admit defeat because of this, and immediately follow closely behind!
Tang Zhong didn't leave, he was thinking, at this moment, he was sitting on the steps, facing the direction he climbed up just now!

I saw the area where they came up just now, a fog, and I couldn't see anything clearly!

The road he walked just now is completely invisible, as if it has disappeared!
No, this caused Tang Zhong to have a lot of doubts. You must know that if you climb up this ladder, you will die. If the predators are assessed in this way, no one will be able to pass the first level!
Therefore, it must be an assessment of others!

It's just that he doesn't see through it now!

And next to him, a person who seemed to be in a younger grade also stopped, sweating profusely, and stopped next to Tang Zhong: "Brother, why did you stop?"

"Didn't you also stop?" Tang Zhong said.

"Aren't I tired?" the man smiled.

"Then I'm tired too!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, another person came over from the side of the two of them. This person was extremely contemptuous, as if he had some grudge against the person next to Tang Zhong. He came over and said directly: "Sang Kun, a person like you still wants to pass Predator assessment, go dreaming!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled contemptuously!
The person next to Tang Zhong, named Sang Kun, should also be a strong man. He was smiling after the exchange with Tang Zhong, but when he heard the words of the speaker, his face suddenly became ugly: "I Want you to take care of it?"

"Hehe, you guys from Iron Sand Sect are all useless, you piece of rubbish, are you worthy of taking part in the predator assessment? If not, just stay here obediently and don't run away!" The mocking person continued.

After finishing speaking, I didn't say anything more, just moved on!
Trembling with frustration: "Damn, it's really annoying!"

"Who is that person?" Tang Zhong felt good about this mourner, so he asked.

Sang Kun laughed when he heard Tang Zhong's question: "It's not worth mentioning, it's just that you have a grudge with me. Seeing that you are so young and you are taking part in the predator assessment, you must be a young talent!"

"Heiyan Cave!" Tang Zhong revealed his origin.

I saw Sang Kun's eyes widen: "You are Heiyan Dongtian Tang Zhong!"

"You know me?" Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback.

He had never seen this man before!
"I don't know, I just heard about it. Heiyandongtian has marched from a small force to a big force. It only took a short month, which is enough to shock the whole Great Wilderness, so I inquired about the matter of Heiyandongtian. , Hearing the name Tang Zhong, I seem to think that the owner of this name is extraordinary, I thought it was an elderly person, but I didn't expect it to be a young man, so young!" Sang Kun said in surprise.

"You're joking!" Tang Zhong laughed.

'Okay, since I'm here to participate in the Predator Examination, I don't want to stay here, let's go on, I don't know what's going on, it's really tiring to walk up this ghostly staircase! "Sang Kun is ready to continue, so he has already stood up!
Tang Zhong was still thinking: "By the way, when you came up from the bottom just now, did you find anything strange?"

Sang Kun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Isn't this assessment just about climbing this ladder?"

"Not necessarily!" Tang Zhong said.

He absolutely did not believe that the assessment would be so simple!
Sang Kun was taken aback: "Brother, do you have any special discoveries?"

"No, but I think the assessment is definitely not as simple as going up the ladder!" Tang Zhong said.

(End of this chapter)

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