Chapter 1549 Discovered again!
At this moment, in the assessment place, Sang Kun looked at Tang Zhong in shock.

Now that such a scene happened, he also knew that the first test was over.

Just now everyone was walking forward, everything was normal, until Tang Zhong walked down, everything changed.

No matter how stupid Sang Kun was, he knew what happened. It must be this man named Tang Zhong who discovered the purpose of the assessment, and then terminated the assessment.

I have to say that this person is definitely a talent just like in the legend.

In the future, the future of this son is absolutely extraordinary. I am afraid that Sang Kun will not even have the qualifications to stand next to this person in the future. Sang Kun is not a fool, so naturally he will not miss this opportunity to make friends.

"Brother Tang, you are so powerful, you can see this?" Sang Kun said.

"It's just a fluke." Tang Zhong said.

"Fluke? I don't believe it. Why can't you be lucky when others can't? That's because you found the problem. If you say it's a fluke, I think it's just nonsense." Sang Kun said.

Tang Zhong was not talking.

At this time, an electronic female voice came from the entire Star Tower.

"Everyone, the first level of assessment has now ended, and now we are entering the second level of assessment."

At the same time, the surrounding images began to change constantly, which also meant that the second round of assessment was about to begin!
I saw that long and huge staircase disappeared quickly!
The people around seemed to have entered the chaos, time and space were shattered, and then began to reorganize to form a new picture!

Then the surroundings became a picture of volcanic lava.

From a distance, it seemed that it could erupt at any time, and the underground magma was rolling, making a booming sound!

After the stones on the ground were poured on by the hot magma, they were directly melted into slag!

This scene was seen by everyone, and they knew it in their hearts, but it was absolutely impossible to be contaminated by those magma, otherwise they would definitely die!

"This Star Tower assessment is really strange, and I don't know what is being assessed this time?" Sang Kun murmured.

Even if the current Tang Zhong ignores him, it doesn't matter to him!

Tang Zhong naturally knew this too, and he could see it from the first level. Because of this, Tang Zhong's Predator organization began to be deeply curious!
At this time, the electronic voice rang again: "I announce that the second level of assessment is about to begin. In this volcano in front of you, there are a total of 50 yuan of fire spirit stones, so the assessment is very simple. Whoever can get the spirit stone will be rewarded." Can advance!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Is it so simple?

Why does it sound a bit outrageous, it is absolutely impossible to be so simple!

Tang Zhong thought to himself!

At this time, in the air, a phantom of a huge stone burning with flames appeared, that is the Fire Spirit Stone!
It must appear now to let other people see it, and sure enough, the phantom disappeared soon!
"Let's take action!" Sang Kun said.

Tang nodded emphatically!

The people around also started to move.

They all went to the depths of the volcano, looking for fire stones!

Everyone was very enthusiastic, obviously they didn't want to lose to each other, as long as they got the Fire Spirit Stone, they could stay. There were only 300 places, and there were [-] people here, which shows how fierce the competition is!

Ye Lang was with the female assistant. This time Ye Lang stood up and looked at the electronic screen of the assessment. There were many participants on the assessment screen, walking back and forth in the flame mountain!

The female assistant asked: "Commander Ye, can you tell me what the real content of this assessment is? I think there is only a volcano this time. I really can't guess what the commander wants to do?"

Ye Lang laughed: "That's because the assessment is only a volcano!"

"You must be joking, Commander. Anyway, I thought the ladder assessment just now was amazing. It's impossible for this second level to be without problems!" The female assistant shook her head in disbelief!

Ye Lang laughed and didn't explain it!

All the gates of the assessment were set by himself, so how could he not know.

What he wants is a strong soldier, not someone domesticated by the system!

There is indeed nothing to pay attention to in this second level, which is to find the fire spirit stone.

However, how many people will take this second pass as nothing?

Sure enough, in the land of flames!

Although many people were scrambling to be the first, but gradually, their speed slowed down, and they did not dare to proceed rashly.

After the first level, almost everyone thought that there must be some special difficulty in the second level. It looks simple, but it is actually very difficult!
So their walking speed slowed down, for fear of encountering any difficulties, it would be difficult to resist!

Among the crowd!

Sang Kun has been following Tang Zhong closely, and now he is determined to follow Tang Zhong, even if the second pass is difficult, but for some reason, Sang Kun feels that nothing will happen if he follows Tang Zhong!

But now, he saw Tang Zhong walking blindly, as if he didn't take his surroundings seriously, which surprised Sang Kun, and held Tang Zhong back, preventing him from moving forward.

"Just go like this? It's not good if there is danger!" Sang Kun said.

"Even if there are difficulties, let's talk about it when the time comes!" Tang Zhong said.

This second level is clearly an ordinary snatching thing, there is no special difficulty at all!
It's not that Tang Zhong can't see this!
It has to be said that Ye Lang is definitely not an ordinary person, and Tang Zhong feels that few people understand such methods as false ones.

Everyone in the Predator Union is a conspirator, right?

He had learned about the Predator Union before, the people inside, there is no weak inside, the most ordinary people, outside, are all strong!
Looking at it now, this understanding is really correct!

The Predator has such a mechanism, so Tang Zhong should get into the Predator even more, so that he can become stronger!

What he needs now is strength, and then he can go to Wei Wei!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong's fists were tightly clenched together, and then he stepped faster.

Go straight to the volcanic rocks!

And your body will soon be submerged in the flames.

Sang Kun was dumbfounded, but now that Tang Zhong was gone, he could only follow closely!
"Wait for me!"

The two soon disappeared.

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help laughing: "Those two guys, are they going to die so rashly?"

"Isn't this great? They are so reckless and will be eliminated in the shortest time. For us, it's a good thing!"

"It's indeed a good thing. If there are more people like this, they will be able to advance the fastest!"

They didn't know that the first level ended because Tang Zhong discovered a problem!

But at this time, outside, Ye Lang frowned when he saw the scene inside the Star Tower.

Has this been discovered again?

(End of this chapter)

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