Chapter 1550 This is really an assessment!
Has this been discovered again?

At this time, Ye Lang murmured, he couldn't believe that this man named Tang Zhong discovered the problem so quickly!
Originally, he planned to eliminate half of the people in this assessment, but he never expected that such a thing would happen now. This is really too unimaginable, it is impossible for people to find out!
In Ye Lang's understanding, when encountering such a situation, ordinary people will definitely be very cautious to prevent fraud, but this guy is fine...

Thinking of this, Ye Lang laughed, if this guy can really observe this, then he will unconditionally accept them as a predator. If this kind of genius, who is rare in a century, is escaped again, it will be too bad!
More importantly, there is no mistake in this person's past, and if he is trained well, he will be another talent in the future!
At this moment, Tang Zhong's body was already submerged in the volcano, but he directly ignored the surrounding magma!
The magma was gurgling and still bubbling, and if it fell, there would be no bones left!
Sang Kun was extremely nervous.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong stopped and looked ahead. He could see many red stones in the corner under the magma. Those things might be fire stones!
After seeing Tang Zhong stop, Sang Kun immediately said: "What's the matter? What happened? What did you stop for?"

He thought something was wrong!
At this time, Sang Kun took a closer look, and his eyes fell on those fire spirit stones: "Isn't that a fire spirit stone? My God, it's close at hand, but how can the assessment be so simple?"

Tang Zhong is also guessing, but it is very likely that it is that simple!
Because it looks so easy!
Whether it is or not, try it first!
Immediately Tang Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward!
Seeing Tang Zhong's actions, Sang Kun became flustered, and his face suddenly became ugly: "Be careful!"

At this time, Sang Kun felt that Tang Zhong was really too hasty, and his image of Tang Zhong established just now changed instantly. Maybe he really thought it was wrong. At the first level just now, this guy was lucky enough to pass the level It was successful, otherwise this second level would not be so hasty!

So Sang Kun didn't follow Tang Zhong, and began to alienate Tang Zhong deliberately. It is estimated that this guy will be eliminated in the next second!

And the scene of Tang Zhong's past was also seen by others.

After such a long time, everyone realized how strong the first level was just now, and the second level is definitely not easy!
Especially the person who rushed to the front of the steps in the first level just now felt that Tang Zhong was too stupid. How could the predator's assessment be so easy!

At this time, under the eyes of everyone, Tang Zhong had already arrived at the side of the magma. He looked around carefully and found that there was no place to release the trap, so he approached and reached out to grab the fire spirit stone!
The people around all laughed, stupid guy, how could the assessment be so simple?
And outside the Star Tower.

Seeing Tang Zhong's actions, Ye Lang sighed. Did this guy find out?

The female assistant also looked at Tang Zhong from the side: "Commander Ye, this man named Tang Zhong is not very good, I think he will be eliminated soon, you designated him to overestimate him before, by the way, Commander Ye , where is the subtlety of your assessment of this level? Just tell me!"

"There is no subtlety in the assessment of this level!" Ye Lang said.

When the female assistant heard this, her expression changed suddenly: "No way!"

"The assessment of this level is very simple. The fire spirit stone is there. Whoever gets it will advance!" Ye Lang continued.

The female assistant has nothing to say. Thinking about it this way, this Tang Zhong... is not easy. To be honest, if she is asked to take the assessment, after going through the first test, she will definitely be very cautious in the second test, for fear of any mistakes. , but this guy passed the first level, and the second level can do this, it's not easy, it's not easy!

"It seems that it is impossible for me to use this kind of assessment to kick out more people!" Ye Lang laughed.

"What does Commander Ye mean?" The female assistant was slightly taken aback.

"The main thing is that Tang Zhong got the Fire Spirit Stone and immediately notified everyone in the Star Tower, the bottom ten will be kicked out!" Ye Lang said.

"Yes, the third level?" The female assistant continued to ask.

"The third level, do you think it is still necessary? This Tang Zhong, I am optimistic about him, but I need to assess his strength, so the third level, let's fight with wheels. This person has repeatedly hindered my assessment. Let's see!" Ye Lang said with a smile.

The female assistant got it!

At this time, in the Star Tower.

Tang Zhong ignored the surrounding flames, walked to the side of the fire spirit stone, and reached out to grab it!
The fire spirit stone is a stone, but it contains a strong fire attribute, especially when Tang Zhong stretched out his hand, the fire spirit stone made a crackling sound, and the fire attribute inside may condense into a flame at any time , burst out.

To pick fire stones, you must borrow some tools!
But Tang Zhong directly reached out and grabbed it!

At that moment, the fire spirit stone melted gradually in Tang Zhong's palm, until finally, it turned into juice!
Tang Zhong is a person who awakens the law of fire, and he can control some flames. Things like fire spirit stones cannot be formed in front of the law of fire!

I saw the spiritual energy go directly into Tang Zhong's body!
He felt his blood start to go berserk.

The heart moves with the fire, that's it!
I saw Tang Zhong laughed, this second level was exactly what he thought, that Ye Lang was planning to bluff people!
The people around had always thought that Tang Zhong would definitely be injured by the flames this time, but now, they saw that the Huo Lingshi had been caught in their hands, and Tang Zhong had nothing to do, so they couldn't help being shocked up.

"That's not right, this second level assessment... shouldn't there be assessment content, why did this person get the Fire Spirit Stone so easily? Impossible?"

"That's right, this is definitely not an assessment..."

Sang Kun is also stupid!
I really got the Lingshi in my hands!

And even if they saw Tang Zhong holding the spirit stone in his hand, they didn't dare to advance rashly, for fear of making any mistakes!
Just when everyone was hesitating!

Above the abyss, the electronic voice from before came out again, it was the voice of the female assistant outside!

"Second round of assessment, capture the fire spirit stone, count down to dozens, and directly kick out of the assessment!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was stunned. They never expected that the second round of the assessment would actually be to snatch the Fire Spirit Stone!
No one, dare to believe this is true,
(End of this chapter)

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