Chapter 1551 Besieged!

No one dared to believe that this was actually a real assessment.

To be honest, after going through the first assessment, they were all extremely cautious, for fear of any mistakes, and since this assessment is true, there is no need to think too much, first get the fire spirit stone and then talk.

And the bottom ten will be eliminated directly, so almost no one is waiting at this moment, approaching Huolingshi like a hurricane.

"Get out of the way, the fire stone is mine."

"its mine."

Everyone around is rushing forward.

Sang Kun soon joined the crowd and persisted in seizing the spirit stone until now. If something goes wrong, it will be bad.

And all the people went desperately, next to the magma, in order to snatch the fire stone, there will definitely be a fight.

Next to a fire spirit stone, there are two strong men fighting there.

"Go away, it's mine."

"its mine."

Because the Lingshi fought.

At this time, Tang Zhong had nothing else to do, so he was waiting at the side.

Sang Kun is very powerful and has already hid in Huolingshi. Now he turns to stare at Tang Zhong, thinking how to make friends with Tang Zhong.

He really thought wrong just now, this Tang Zhong had to be said to be too strong, he could tell at a glance that there was nothing wrong with him, he was an absolute strong man, his vision was really too narrow.

"Brother Tang Zhong." Sang Kun smiled and Mimi came over.

But Tang Zhong didn't want to talk to him at all. He talked before, but now he keeps silent, as if there is no such person as Sang Kun.

When Sang Kun saw this, his face was ugly, and he wanted to talk again, but Tang Zhong had already left, and he wanted to continue to get this fire spirit stone. When a spirit stone entered his body just now, the law of fire seemed to be more complete, so There's no harm in absorbing a little more.

Immediately, the body shuttled over the magma like a phantom, absorbing the spirit stone, pinching it in the hand, the stone crackled, and finally turned into fire, completely absorbed.

He felt that the law of fire was perfect, and the domain was restored. This stone is so weird that it can do this, which is really strange.

Outside, the female assistant stared at Tang Zhong: "Commander Ye, that man named Tang Zhong seems to be absorbing domain stones."

"I saw it, this guy must have awakened the fire domain." Ye Lang said.

"He's absorbing these spirit stones now, how can the assessment continue?" said the female assistant.

"Among so many people, there can only be one person left, what do you think? It should be able to announce the end soon." Ye Lang laughed.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was in the middle of the assessment, and he seized the spirit stone very quickly.

Originally, people around were constantly fighting to snatch the spirit stone, but Tang Zhong's move naturally became the object that everyone wanted to destroy.

They didn't care who Tang Zhong was, someone immediately scolded him: "Brother, you have already obtained the Fire Spirit Stone, why do you want to snatch our Fire Spirit Stone?"

"You guys? When did these fire spirit stones belong to you?" Tang Zhong said coldly when he heard them talking.

As soon as this flower came out, the people around all clenched their fists together. They didn't want to be eliminated because they couldn't get the spirit stone. They were all planning to pass the predator test and leave this wilderness.

So the people around looked at each other one after another, as if they had reached a certain formula.

Only one person stood up and said directly to Tang Zhong coldly: "What you... have aroused public outrage. Let me tell you, keep the Fire Spirit Stone, or we won't let you go."

"Yes, I will never let you go."

"If you don't obey, you will bear the wrath of all of us."


The explosion of life came at this time.

In fact, everyone knew that if this person stayed, it would be their biggest obstacle in the assessment.

After all, there is only one person left in this assessment. The strength shown by this person whose name is not known is really strong. Some other people are still thinking about how to face this person if they enter the next level. deal with.

Unexpectedly, this person would start to act stupid and do such outrageous things so soon.

So all the people deal with this person in unison, squeeze him out first.

After seeing this scene, Sang Kun really wanted to make friends with Tang Zhong, but now he has changed his mind. Tang Zhong will definitely be expelled from the current situation. This Tang Zhong is capable, but ability is not strength. Just ask, what is the strength of a person who can manage the forces well?After all, no one is perfect, and in this universe, only real strength is relied on.

This man is too proud.

At this time, Tang Zhong heard the words around him and grinned: "Then...let's start."

Isn't the so-called assessment just leaving one person behind?Isn't it better now?
When the people around heard Tang Zhong's words, their roles changed one by one, and they became extremely sinister. Since the other party wanted to die, they should satisfy him.

A group of people began to gather around Tang Zhong.

Outside, the female assistant saw this scene and hurriedly said: "Mr. Ye, something went wrong, take a look."

Ye Lang kept watching: "Well, I saw it."

"What should I do? I feel like they're going to fight at any moment." The female assistant said anxiously.

"Let's fight." Ye Lang said.

"But that person named Tang Zhong was besieged by others, how could he be the opponent of so many people by himself?" said the female assistant.

"Didn't you see Tang Zhong's face, didn't he feel nervous at all? Since he wasn't nervous at all, he must have a plan in his chest. Why don't you see what he can do?" Ye Lang said.

To be honest, Ye Lang was also very nervous just now Tang Zhong, but seeing the other person's expression, he began to doubt, he was not nervous at all, so he wanted to see if this guy was really as capable as he showed.

The female assistant did not speak.

In the Star Tower, everyone was approaching Tang Zhong, all thinking in their hearts was to eliminate this guy first.

Then attack and kill together.

"If you break the balance of the assessment, you must die."

"Yes, get out of the assessment."

The land of magma is full of pitch-black volcanoes.

A group of people surrounded Tang Zhong.

Ready to attack.

However, no one dared to go forward.

At this time, I didn't know who it was, and yelled to do it, and in an instant, the people around me started to do it.

I saw a person holding a giant axe, and slashed down towards Tang Zhong with one axe.

On the axe, the turbulent light exploded directly.

Suddenly, the huge ax split open.

Others work together, attacking and killing with various attacks.

A dense crowd flocked to Tang Zhong.

They slaughtered Tang Zhong to have the chance to win the first place, so no one held back and they all tried their best.

At this moment, Tang Zhong grinned: "Very good, very good."

He hasn't fought in a long time, and it's just right now.

Immediately reached out and grabbed the magic sword.

(End of this chapter)

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