Chapter 1553 Join the Marauders!
"If you surrender, will I spare you?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

As soon as he spoke, he continued to kill.

Killing people here is just kicking out of the Star Tower.

Immediately, several people were directly killed!

In this world, begging for mercy is impossible and he will be spared!
Whoever violates you must be eliminated!

What are you doing alive?No need at all!

If you can kill it, kill it.

Staying here can only be a future trouble, and begging for mercy in order to keep myself alive does not need to be forgiven at all!

There were screams everywhere, and there were people who wanted to fight Tang Zhong, but they were not opponents at all.

I saw a dozen people being hacked to death directly!

Although in the Star Tower, everyone's cultivation was not as good as outside, but under Tang Zhong's superb martial arts skills, they were directly wiped on the neck.

Later, no one fought Tang Zhong anymore, and started running around.

Because Tang Zhong is really too strong!

Sang Kun was also running away at this time, but Tang Zhong caught up with him, and he couldn't escape. He turned around and stared at Tang Zhong, and said with a panicked smile: ", don't you know me? I am Sang Kun , we had exchanges before, you won't forget me so soon!"

"I remember, you shot at me just now!" Tang Zhong said.

"I just wanted to stay. Everyone is killing you. If I don't stand up, they will definitely kill me too!" Sang Kun argued.

"Then what's the problem if I...kill you?" Tang Zhong said.

"No...don't!" Sang Kun shouted, but it was useless.

Tang Zhong stabbed in the past with a sword, and Sangkun turned into a pile of brilliance and disappeared.

Tang Zhong didn't even look at it, and then continued to chase and kill other people.

Outside, Ye Lang was completely dumbfounded. He really underestimated Tang Zhong. This person is terrible. Such a wise person is actually so bloodthirsty. This... However, in the Predator Union, such a person is the most surviving. long time people.

This person is simply the best candidate to become a predator!

"Mr. Ye, should the assessment continue now?" said the female assistant.

"Of course continue, otherwise how will you explain to those guys who came out?" Ye Lang said.

Outside the examination room, there are many people who have just come out of the examination, and they are all looking for an explanation at the moment.

None of them have gone through such an assessment, so why would someone kill someone directly?

"Predator assessment usually has three levels, but now there are only two levels. Why?"

"Give us a trick, quick!"

"We need an explanation!"

The people who were just killed by Tang Zhong in the Star Tower are now cursing there.

Everyone is very dissatisfied!

But Ye Lang ignored them at all, and was still looking at Tang Zhong.

Finally, after Tang Zhong beheaded the last person in the Star Tower, he let go of the magic sword!
Ye Lang looked at Tang Zhong's strength through the screen, and clenched his fists: "Very good, great!"

"The assessment is over!" he said to the female assistant.

The female assistant nodded and began to close the Star Tower.

The Star Tower was originally an illusory examination place. After the female assistant typed the keyboard, she saw that the Star Tower began to disillusion.

Tang Zhong's body was still in the Star Tower, but soon, the Star Tower began to annihilate.

Seeing the pictures around him shattering, he knew it was time to get out.

Sure enough, at this moment, his body also turned into luster.

When his eyes went dark, he immediately closed his eyes. When he opened them, he had already come out of the Star Tower and arrived at the previous assessment room!
From a distance, I saw Ye Lang and the female assistant, as well as the people who were killed by him in the Star Tower, who are now hostile to him.

Tang Zhong ignored the others, but looked at Ye Lang.

Ye Lang was also looking at Tang Zhong: "First of all, congratulations, you have become No.1 in this assessment. Although there are these three checkpoints in every assessment, but when you are in the second checkpoint, you directly let this Became the third level, and you beat everyone, so now you are the winner!"

Tang nodded emphatically, this was exactly what he needed.

Be the first in this assessment!

And at this time, outside, the people who were killed by Tang Zhong in the Star Pagoda were not convinced at the moment.

"We are not convinced, why? The second level can be regarded as the third level. There is no reason for him to kill people like that. I am not convinced!"

"Yes, we need the third level!"

More and more people shouted.

Ye Lang was originally smiling, staring at everyone coldly, "I want you to know that we, the Predator Union, can let you leave here, and let you die here, don't forget, we have the qualifications to kill people in the wilderness !"

As soon as he spoke, many people shut up, but some people still opened their mouths and said: "But, my lord, we are not convinced by this assessment, and the Predator Union has to be reasonable!"

The person had just finished speaking, and at this moment, Ye Lang made a move directly, and the ronin sword was in his hand, and he slashed at the opponent with a knife.

With a click, the man was cut in half!

Blood burst out from the body!
The people around didn't react at all, and the people who were close to that person had blood splashed all over their faces.

There were still a few people who were going to speak, but at this time, they all shut up, they didn't want to die.

Ye Lang said coldly: "Who? Still questioning our assessment?"

This time, no one spoke, and they all shut their mouths!

"If there is nothing, then the assessment is over now, you can leave!" Ye Lang said.

Immediately, the people around dispersed, and it was useless for them to continue to stay. Now let's keep their names first before talking about anything else.

The crowd dispersed.

At this moment, Ye Lang looked back at Tang Zhong with a calm smile on his face: "Tang Zhong... Congratulations, you became a member of our Predator Union!"

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong said.

He was very excited, now that he has become a predator, he immediately left the Great Wilderness, returned to the regular universe, found the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Country, and he wanted to get Wei Wei back!

"Okay, now that you have become a predator, I can show you some medals for predators!" Ye Lang said.

He doesn't want to talk nonsense now, in short, he just wants Tang Zhong to become a predator immediately, and he can't escape even if he escapes. Such a person must stay and become his person.

"This... isn't this a bit too fast!" Tang Zhong said.

"Is it fast? Not fast at all. In short, you have already won, and you are a member of our Predator Union. It is better to be earlier than later. Alright, don't say more, just follow what I said!" Ye Lang said.

(End of this chapter)

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