Chapter 1554 The source of that mysterious armor!
Among the Predator Union.

Tang Zhong had already changed his clothes.

He was wearing the predator's armor. Tang Zhong had a silver armor before, but now he is wearing a bronze armor. The feeling of wearing it is really different.

"That's right, this dress just matches your figure!" Ye Lang said.

"Since you are now a member of our Predator's Union, now I have to tell you something that the Predator's Union should pay attention to!" Ye Lang said.

"First of all, let's talk about your clothes. You are the armor of the predators, bronze armor. In our predators union, no matter how strong you are, as long as you can improve your ranking among the predators, you can wear the corresponding armor. !"

"And our armor is divided into bronze armor, silver armor, gold armor, platinum armor, sky gold armor... As for the above, you have to discover it yourself, and you have entered the Predator's Union. Too much is useless!"

Tang Zhong had heard of the arrangement of these armors before, but he only heard about the platinum armor, and didn't know that there was a sky gold armor behind it!
However, do the predators have rankings?
He doesn't know how to rank yet.

"In the Predator's Union, what do you need to get more advanced armor?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course we need to fight. Our Predator Union has its own system, which was created by Virtual Universe Company for our Predator Union. Inside, it is full of members of the Predator Union. After you enter, you can challenge anyone. Of course, the premise is that you can challenge it, and you only have one chance to challenge it every week, so before you challenge anyone, you must choose a good person and see if you can challenge it!" Ye Lang said.

"What if the challenge is successful?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's very simple. If the challenge is successful, you can wear the opponent's armor, and your ranking will also rise. Let's take a look at this. This thing can see your ranking in the Predator's Union!" Ye Lang said, He took out something like a watch.

Before Tang Zhong could react, he brought it to him directly.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, looking at something similar to a watch. There was nothing on the watch, but only a ranking!
"Your information, I asked my assistant to register it for you, you can check it now!" Ye Lang said.

Tang Zhong looked down at the ranking table, and saw that he was ranked beyond one billion, not ranked at all.

"Don't worry about your ranking, because you just became a predator and you haven't fought anyone, so you are at the bottom of the ranking now. With your strength, it is possible to enter the top [-] million!" Ye Lang continued.

"After the [-] million people, what kind of armor is it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's still bronze armor..."

Tang Zhong was a little speechless, so there is no difference between the one billion and five hundred million!

Ye Lang saw Tang Zhong's expression: "Listen to me, ranking is very important. The main purpose of the Predator's Union is survival of the fittest. The stronger you are, the more resources you will get. And if you enter the [-] million rank, There will definitely be a lot of resources!"

Tang nodded and understood something.

"How long does it take to become a silver armor?"

Ye Lang continued to explain his doubts: "However, after how many people can you become a silver armor, then you have to be within [-] million people... to be eligible to become a silver armor, and silver armor is different from bronze armor , the bronze armor is exactly the same, and the silver armor is unique, and each armor has a name!"

have a name?
Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback, he now has a silver armor in his evil eyes, does this armor also have a name.

"Do you know the name of that armor?" Tang Zhong continued.

He wanted to find out what the name of the silver armor was.

But he definitely couldn't say it directly, because he didn't know who the owner of the silver armor was.

"You don't need to know the name of this armor. You can find it out. Why do you ask this? Do you want to wear the silver armor just after entering the Predator? Yes, it's okay to have this idea, but it's still a bit of a problem." Difficulty, within ten years, you may be able to wear silver armor, as for gold armor, hundreds of years, platinum armor, too difficult, thousands of years, as for the golden armor of that day... Don't think about it yet!" Ye Lang said.

"Then what kind of armor are you?" Tang Zhong asked.

Ye Lang smiled, and saw that at this moment, an armor suddenly emerged from his body. The armor was made of silver, very strange, as if it came out of thin air.

Soon, the armor appeared and covered Ye Lang's body!

Ye Lang looked at Tang Zhong and said, "This is my armor, I call it Chasing the Sun!"

Tang Zhong carefully looked at the silver armor, it was almost the same as the one on him, he still remembered that the owner of the armor seemed to be called Jian Jiutian, he had to push it from the side, what is the armor?
"Won't you lose such a precious armor?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course it's impossible to lose it. Once you enter the Predator's Union, your body has been transformed and you are very sensitive to these armors. They can stick to your body, get in close contact with you, and protect you all the time!" Ye Lang said. .

"Then what if the person dies? What about the armor? I'm talking about the kind of person who dies outside, and no one knows that he is dead. Wouldn't the armor be lost too?" Tang Zhong said.

"This... this is possible. Once a person dies, the armor is gone... In the history of predators, there have been such problems. That armor has not been found yet!" Ye Lang said. .

"That person?" Tang Zhong asked quickly.

It may have something to do with that Jian Jiutian.

"What is missing is the silver armor and a silver sword. Usually, when the armor is lost, we can all find it, but after the armor was lost, it has never appeared again. Now the looters are still looking for it. In short, you will Wearing your armor, you must look after it!" Ye Lang continued.

He had no idea that Tang Zhong was looking for news.

At this moment, Tang Zhong became thoughtful, so it turned out to be like this... But now he is embarrassed to ask again, if he asks again, the silver armor will definitely be lost.

Let me say goodbye first.

"Didn't you just say that everyone who enters the Predator's Union will be reformed? Why didn't I?" Tang Zhong asked.

"That's because you didn't start, let's go, transform your body, in fact, inject strength into your body, so that you can really release the power of the armor, so as to help you fight, I will take you there now! "Ye Lang said.

(End of this chapter)

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