Chapter 1555 I don't want to apologize!
Ye Lang led the way, while Tang Zhong followed behind.

The two walked into a huge instrument room.

In the instrument room, there are two huge time runners!
The wheel was turning, and there was thunder and lightning.

"This is?" Tang Zhong asked.

"You are already a predator, so I can tell you, this is a tool of muddy gold, which can infuse your body with the power to control muddy gold!" Ye Lang said.

Turbid gold?This is another new term, Tang Zhong has never heard of it.

"The turbid gold is the original metal of the predator's armor. All the armor of the predator is smelted from the turbid gold!" Ye Lang said.

"All armor?" Tang Zhong really didn't expect it.

"Yes, all of them, muddy gold is a kind of metal, only us looters have it, and all armors are made by the predecessors who created the looters union, so, only after joining the looters, can you Use the Predator Armor, because every Predator will be injected with the power of muddy gold, you will be injected now, go up first!" Ye Lang said.

Tang Zhong understood that the Predator Armor can only be used if some kind of power is injected here. No wonder the silver armor he got before couldn't be used like Ye Lang. It turned out to be because of this!

Immediately, he stepped onto the time wheel.

He was about to see an electronic screen appear in front of Ye Lang.

He tapped on it.

Soon, time began to spin.

The speed is very fast, slowly, like a shadow.

In the end, it was invisible to the naked eye.

The speed is so fast that it has surpassed the speed of the second universe!

Brush brush!
Tang Zhong's body turned rapidly, until finally, it was already invisible to the naked eye!

At the same time, from the time wheel, a thunderbolt of thunder surged out, and then poured into Tang Zhong's body!

After he could feel the power entering his body, he began to move around.

This should be the power of muddy gold!
It took a long time for Ye Lang to stop the Spacetime Wheel.

Wait until it comes to a complete stop.

Tang Zhong stopped, he was still wearing clothes when he went up, but now his upper body clothes are gone, showing his strong arms!

When he felt the thunder light entering his body just now, his whole body trembled accordingly, and there was a different feeling, and Tang Zhong couldn't say what was different.

"Put this on!" Ye Lang threw a bronze armor over and handed it to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong received it in his hand and put it on directly.

Just when the armor was all attached to his body, the armor actually shrunk by itself, as if it had become one with him.

"The reason why your body is infused with the power of muddy gold is because the armor is this material, so that the armor can better integrate with you!" Ye Lang explained.

Tang Zhong didn't reply, but lowered his head and squeezed his fist.

There is a crackling feeling, I have to say, that feeling is really comfortable!

The armor seemed to be integrated with him!
I don't know what it feels like after he puts on that silver armor now?
"It's so handsome!" Ye Lang looked at Tang Zhong and couldn't help but praise: "Go back and have a good rest. Since you have become a predator, you can leave the wilderness and return to the normal universe!"

Tang nodded emphatically.

Hearing that we are going back to the regular universe, our fists are clenched together, are we finally going back?

Back in the normal universe, he must rise again!

Find Weiwei!

No one can stop it, not even the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Country!
At this moment, he saw that the bronze armor on Tang Zhong's body had disappeared, as if it had merged with Tang Zhong's body, and Tang Zhong was shocked.

Ye Lang quickly explained: "Don't be afraid, the armor is like this, it will blend with you, and you can't usually see it!"

"En!" Tang Zhong understood.

Just ready to leave here.

He went out and went back to see Mo Lao.

This time, Mo Lao helped him a lot by repairing the magic sword. During the previous battle, Tang Zhong clearly felt the power of the magic sword. That sword cut him out. I have to say that the strength is really too strong.

But just out of the predator's gate.

Tang Zhong felt that he was being watched by someone, and it seemed that he was not alone, but many people together!
It seems that I have provoked a lot of people in it before.

He pretended not to know anything, and continued to move forward, but now it was impossible to return to Mo Lao's territory!

Can only go outside.

Just walked into a no-man's area.

Tang Zhong just stopped.

Sure enough, from behind, several people came out together. If you look carefully, the leader is Sang Kun, and the person next to him is also the person who was won by Tang Zhong before.

After Sang Kun and the others were eliminated, they were really trembling with anger, but in the Predator Union, they naturally had nothing to say, but several people discussed it and wanted to deal with this Tang Zhong.

Although they couldn't fight in the Star Tower, they were not afraid of Tang Zhong here.

"Tang Zhong...didn't think you would dare to come out!"

Sang Kun said coldly.

"It's you!" Tang Zhong recognized Sang Kun at a glance.

"It is indeed me, it seems that you still remember me!" Sang Kun said.

"I think, I have no grievances or enmities with you!" Tang Zhong said.

"It is true that you have no grievances with me, but do you know how abhorrent what you have done!" Sang Kun said: "Originally, I could have left this wilderness this time and returned to the normal universe." Among them, it is because I can't go, do you say I hate you?"

"I think there is only one person to leave the Great Wilderness this time, even if it is given to you, you will not be able to leave!" Tang Zhong said.

"Fart, it's clear that you stole my quota... Tang Zhong, you stole my quota, here, I will kill you, you stole my quota, I want you to pay the price, and I Everyone said they were willing to surrender, but you still wanted to kill me." Sang Kun said.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes: "If you surrender, will I let you go?"

"Yes, you should let me go, you should give me this chance to enter the regular universe!" Sang Kun roared.

Tang Zhong was not talking, and Tang Zhong usually chose to ignore such rude and troublesome requests.

"Well, it's all my fault for letting you fall into such pain!" Tang Zhong said.

"Do you think you are famous for apologizing? You are already a predator now, and what I am telling you now is that you must die!" Sang Kun said.

Tang Zhong smiled, waved his hand and said: "You are wrong, I don't want to apologize, what I want to say is, if I kill you, you won't have to suffer as much as you do now!"

(End of this chapter)

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