Chapter 1560 The Unquenchable Flame!
After Mo Lao's last words came out, in the field, Mo Lao's chest was pierced by the white-haired old man, and he went out from the chest directly through the back!

"No!" Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong wanted to go to rescue Mo Lao, but he couldn't move. He was seriously injured by the blow just now, and it was very difficult to stand up!

He wanted to use the dragon avatar, but he couldn't. A certain force restrained him. When he wanted to transform, the power condensed by the dragon avatar would dissipate automatically, as if it was self-protection!
That's right, the white-haired old man and the people around him are really too strong, too strong!
Even if he becomes a dragon clone, it won't help, but he just wants to try, he doesn't want to see Mo Lao die in front of him!
He roared wildly, the power in his body condensed, and his body glowed with golden light, but he couldn't condense for a long time, and the power dissipated!

"Do not……"

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, in the field, Mo Lao was smiling, and he gave everything to Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong was a nice guy, so he was very satisfied.

But suddenly, Mo Lao's face became ugly, and then he went crazy, his eyes were burning, and he felt a force just now.

A force that makes them all sink.

The Dragon Ancestor once created the Dragon God Palace, and the Dragon God Palace has twelve dragon guards, and the twelve dragon guards all bear the power of the Dragon Ancestor!

And what he felt just now was the power of Long Zu.

He looked along the strength, and immediately, the whole person was stunned. It was Tang Zhong, but he clearly felt the power of the Dragon Ancestor. Could it be that Tang Zhong had the power of the Dragon Ancestor on his body.

He was not mistaken, it was indeed Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong actually possessed the power of the Dragon Ancestor, and he got the inheritance of the Dragon Ancestor.

Before, Mo Lao had always wondered why Tang Zhong was recognized by the Dragon Demon Sword, but now he understood that a person with the power of the Dragon Ancestor, not to mention the Dragon Demon Sword, even the other eleven artifacts, could also recognize him!

This time, he actually chose the right person!

Tang Zhong is a person with the power of the Dragon Ancestor, and a person who bears the will of the Dragon!

Mo Lao, I feel that my death is not wronged!

"Hahahahaha!" Mo Lao laughed loudly.

The white-haired old man saw that Mo Lao was still smiling, and his face became even more ugly: "Laugh, let me see if you can still laugh!"

He grabbed the long knife that had been pierced into Mo Lao's body, and then pressed down.

I saw the long knife crazily cutting Mo Lao's body, and the flesh was cut open.

The painful Mo Lao roared.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the other Dragon God Guards..."

Although Mo Lao was in pain, he was laughing because his mission was over.

Seeing that Tang Zhong has the power of the Dragon Ancestor and is still so good, he is really happy!
"You can go back and tell Emperor Cang... Heaven has reincarnation!"

"Still talking hard!" the white-haired old man roared angrily.

The long knife has completely cut Mo Lao's body open!
Mo Lao, on the other hand, was laughing all the time, not at all unhappy!
At this moment, he is very happy.

After hundreds of millions of years, a person with the will of the dragon finally appeared. He just didn't know what the power of the Dragon Ancestor in Tang Zhong was like. If he got the guidance of the Dragon Ancestor, he was considered a disciple of the Dragon Ancestor. And if you get the body of Longzu, then you will be the future Longzu...

Still, that's good enough!
"Haha... since ancient times, no one has died in life, so keep your loyal heart to reflect the history!"

"Go to hell!" the white-haired old man roared.

This time, the long knife directly cut Mo Lao in half... The powerful blade power forcibly smashed Mo Lao's body into pieces!

"No..." Tang Zhong roared angrily, he didn't expect that he would be here, watching Mo Lao die like this, but he couldn't do anything!
He is really cruel to himself, why is he so weak and can't protect Mo Lao, if he is strong enough, it will be another picture now.

Clenched your fists tightly!
That person called Emperor Cang, and this person called the white-haired old man, I, Tang Zhong, will never bypass you!
At this moment, the white-haired old man waved his hand towards Mo Lao's workshop: "Go down and search!"

The men in black robes behind him fell down one after another, arrived in it and started searching!

But soon he came out of the workshop and came to the side of the white-haired old man: "There is nothing!"

The white-haired old man's face was ugly: "Let's go!"

Turn around immediately, and shake your body straight up!

Those men in black robes followed behind, and a group of people headed towards the spaceship!

Tang Zhong's eyes turned scarlet. Seeing Mo Lao being slaughtered, he clenched his fists and wanted to go up!
He wanted to kill these people and avenge Mo Lao, so he tried his best to stand up and rushed out!
Seeing that Tang Zhong actually stood up, those men in black robes came towards them and slapped them out!
Before Tang Zhong approached, he was directly sent flying, spitting blood, extremely embarrassing!

The black-robed man then asked the white-robed old man: "Kill it? My lord?"

The old man in white robe glanced at Tang Zhong, and waved his hand directly: "No, it's just an ant, don't need to pay attention to it at all!"

"Yes!" The black-robed man ignored Tang Zhong.

Instead keep going!
Following the white-robed old man onto the spaceship, the spaceship was already there, and the time-space rift was also there. I saw the spaceship start and directly entered the time-space rift.

And Tang Zhong was hit by the blow, the whole person lost consciousness, lying on the ground, his eyes slowly closed together, at this moment, he passed out directly, but in his heart, he could only kill... kill soon The other party...he wants to avenge Mo Lao!
The space-time rift passed through with the spacecraft, and then slowly closed together, the sky became clear again, and it seemed as if nothing had happened around.

And the people around also started to rescue, after all, it is the territory of the predators!

Those who were injured before were all sent to the medical department now!
However, the injured people didn't have any complaints. People who can tear apart the void are not simple people. Even if they are injured, they dare not talk too much. After all, they are the most powerful in the universe.

More and more people have been treated!
Tang Zhong fainted all the time, and a rescuer of the predator found him: "There is a person here, come and save him!"

A large group of people came to Tang Zhong, ready to rescue Tang Zhong, but found that Tang Zhong's fists were tightly clenched together, just like a stone.

"Who of you opened his fist!"

Someone tried, but the fists were clenched tightly and did not move at all.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

"I don't know, don't worry about his fist, just take it away!" A group of people helped Tang Zhong onto the electronic stretcher, and then sent him to be treated!

But Tang Zhong's fist was still clenched tightly, like an inextinguishable flame.

(End of this chapter)

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