Chapter 1561 The strong are always strong!
"Molao!" Tang Zhong shouted, waking up suddenly.

His eyes are scarlet!

Only to find that in front of him is not the workshop of Mo Lao, but a nursing home!

Robot nurses are everywhere!
He... Where is this place?

What about Molao?

Tang Zhong was about to stand up and look for Mo Lao, when the door creaked open.

I saw Ye Lang walk in and saw Tang Zhong: "You're awake!"

"Where am I?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Our Predator Nursing Home!" Ye Lang said: "Why are you up, lie down quickly, you are seriously injured and must be healed!"

"I don't want it!" Tang Zhong roared angrily.

He is going to find Mo Lao.

"This is a nursing home, where are you going?" Ye Lang asked.

"You mean, all the patients are here?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes, everyone is here!" Ye Lang said.

Mo Lao was also injured, maybe he was here too.

Thinking so in Tang Zhong's heart, he began to walk through every ward, looking for the whereabouts of Mo Lao, but there was none.

Whenever he opened a door, he hoped that the old man was still alive, but he never saw the old man. He was disappointed again and again. Maybe the old man was really dead. He couldn't believe it was true!

Ye Lang found Tang Zhong: "What are you looking for?"

"I... I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said.

He will not tell anyone about the old man!

"If it's okay, don't think so much!" Ye Lang said: "Tomorrow, you will set off to return to the normal universe. You have to cultivate well, and you will pass through many time and space nodes. I am really afraid that you will not be able to bear it!"

"Is there anything you can't bear?" Tang Zhong shook his head.

"This space-time flight will take 30 years..." Ye Lang said.


Tang Zhong was stupid, if he had to fly in time and space for 30 years, wouldn't that kill him?
Is it that far?
"Don't be shocked, the closest place between Dahuang and the regular universe is this far!" Ye Lang said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more, he had never flown so far before!
"I know, my body has recovered now, I don't need to be here anymore!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then I'll arrange for you to leave the hospital now, pack your things, and follow me!" Ye Lang said.

"Wait a minute!" Tang Zhong shouted.

"What's the matter?" Ye Lang asked.

"Who was the person who attacked this area before?" Tang Zhong only heard Mo Lao say that those people were subordinate to a man called Emperor Cang. As for the others, he didn't know at all.

Predators are so powerful, they should know something!

I only saw Ye Lang's face turn ugly for a moment, as if thinking of something terrible: "Don't ask about this matter, it's a secret!"

After speaking, he left.

Tang Zhong watched Ye Lang leave, is it a secret?

It can only be said that those people are too strong!
Emperor Cang, the person who can be called the emperor, is that the king?

Who is Long Zu?
He doesn't care about the great grievances between Long Zu and Emperor Cang, he only knows that the white-haired old man killed Mo Lao, and he will definitely avenge him!

With that said, Tang Zhong's fists were tightly clenched together.

He had nothing to clean up, changed his clothes, and walked out of the nursing home!
Get ready for the raider base!
He looked back at the city, because the spaceship had arrived, and it had already become ruins. Looking from a distance, it was extremely embarrassing. This is strength.

When in power, completely ignore other people.

The white-robed old man on the spaceship came here, killed so many people, and almost destroyed a city, but, so what, it's not that he has nothing!

This is strength!
Tang Zhong remembered.

When a person has strength, he can control the life and death of another person!
Turning around and heading towards the City of Predators, for Tang Zhong now, the most important thing is to leave here first!
When you arrive at the City of Predators, you just show your identity and you enter.

Ye Lang agreed to meet Tang Zhong, so he sent his female assistant to pick him up.

The female assistant has been waiting here for a long time: "Mr. Tang, you are here!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

"Mr. Ye told me to wait for you here. If you come, just follow me. This time, I will accompany you the whole time!" said the female assistant.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong said.

"This time, in order to reward you, the Predator specially asked me to take you to pick something!" said the female assistant.

"Choose something? Where to go?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"It's in the treasury of our predators, just follow me, and I'll give you a detailed introduction to what the predators are and the rules among the predators!" said the female assistant.

"Please!" After saying that, the female assistant walked ahead.

And Tang Zhong followed behind.

The two of them got on a small Frisbee, which flew at low altitude and didn't have to drive by themselves.

The two walked through the crowd, and finally reached the door of a huge room.

"This is a treasure house. You can choose whatever you want from the exhibits this time, and we, the predators, will pay for everything!" said the female assistant.

Don nodded his head.

Two people walked into the room!
This room is not an ordinary room, after approaching, it is like walking into a starry sky.

Then there are many categories of items that can be selected in front!

"Whatever you want to choose, just choose!" said the female assistant.

Tang Zhong glanced ahead, there are many categories on it, utensils, pills, and tools!

For Tang Zhong now, any equipment is useless.

For example, if you come directly to the ready-made ones, choosing elixir, and choosing others is simply a waste. As for weapons and armor, he doesn't need them at all!

"I'll choose the pill!" Tang Zhong said.

The female assistant next to him was slightly taken aback: "You really want to choose the pill, let me tell you, this time is a good chance, you have everything you want, such as a handy weapon, I think you need these more now! "

"No need, just choose the pill!" Tang Zhong said.

He has a magic sword, do he still need a weapon?

"Okay, since you insist on choosing the pill, you can continue!" the female assistant said.

Tang Zhong chose the pill, and saw the options in front of him start to change, and then hundreds of pills appeared.

This time there was an electronic beep.

"May I ask what kind of elixir you choose?"

"Anything that can improve your strength will do!" Tang Zhong said.

The female assistant next to her was dumbfounded: "You choose a good one, for example, those high-grade pills, how can you do anything!"

Tang Zhong didn't continue to choose, for him now, everything is the same!

After a while, the treasure house sent out a elixir directly!
It's the red one!
Tang Zhong didn't think about it, he just grabbed it!
"Let's go, get out of here!"

The female assistant is stupid. Tang Zhong wasted the opportunity that others wanted but didn't have. There is no way, she has already chosen, and there is no room for regret.

(End of this chapter)

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