Chapter 1562 The sea has changed!
No way, you can't change it if you have already selected it!

The female assistant sighed and left with Tang Zhong.

"I'll take you to the lounge now, and when the spaceship arrives, you can go with them!" the female assistant said.


Tang Zhong was taken aback: "Who are they?"

"It's just like you, who became a predator. Don't you think that you are the only one. In the past ten years, the selected people have been among them. The spaceship that goes to the regular space only opens once in ten years, because The distance is too far, so we will start after all the people are gathered, and you happen to be the last person in this group, so the timing is very good!" said the female assistant.

Tang Zhong understood that it is indeed a long way to travel for 30 years!

However, it has been 30 years!

What will the regular universe look like?

What will happen to Wei Wei?
Tang Zhong really didn't dare to think about it.

However, this is the only way. ,
Starting from the predators, fully integrate into this regular universe.

He followed behind the female assistant. He didn't plan to go to the lounge, but went directly to the training ground, just in time to digest the elixir.

And at the same time, far, far away.

That is the Heaven Destroyer Universe Country!
In the pitch-black castle, there is a gloomy and dark color!

in a room.

Jiang Weiwei sat over there.

And beside her, there was a jet-black figure!
At this time, the pitch-black figure said: "King Mie has 300 years to go out, so prepare yourself and wait for King Mie to go out!"

After speaking, the jet-black figure disappeared.

And Jiang Weiwei sat there alone, lost in thought, 300 years... 300 years, after she came to Tianmiie Universe Kingdom, she realized that the so-called time is nothing at all.

"Brother Tang, you want to marry me, but will you come within 300 years? Brother Tang, I don't want to marry anyone else!"


In the training ground of the city of the Great Desolation Predator.

Tang Zhong had already swallowed the elixir into his body, and now he began to absorb it.

Unexpectedly, the elixir that I searched for at random has a good effect!
It is very comfortable to eat in the stomach!
In addition, the spiritual power of the little sapling that Tang Zhong absorbed before is not scattered now, but intersects with Tang Zhong's meridians to form another pair of meridians!
There are two sets of meridians in his current body, which is really unbelievable.

Tang Zhong can feel that his strength has also become stronger.

He didn't feel surprised that the sudden meridian was strange, and he didn't think it was unexpected, at least this thing could bring him abilities.

This is enough!

Boom boom boom!
Someone knocked on the door outside. The practice field of the Predator is a single room. After entering, you can choose the venue freely, so it is normal for someone to knock on the door outside.

"Tang Zhong... are you okay?" It was Ye Lang's assistant's voice: "Commander Ye asked me to call you, everyone is ready and ready to go!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong got up and opened the door: "Let's go!"

As soon as Tang Zhong came out, the female assistant looked Tang Zhong up and down: "You...your strength, why do I feel that you are different again?"

"Really? It's an illusion!" Tang Zhong laughed.

The female assistant didn't say anything, she led the way ahead, after walking for a while, she finally arrived at the starting point of the spaceship!
Next to the huge platform in the distance, there is a huge spaceship docked. This spaceship looks stronger than the Douluo!
Ye Lang also saw Tang Zhong, and quickly waved: "This way!"

Tang Zhong walked over: "Here we come!"

"Get on the spaceship and get ready to go!" Ye Lang said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more. He saw many people walking towards the spaceship. Looking carefully, these people were all extremely powerful, at least stronger than him.

Line up behind the crowd and get on the spaceship.

But Tang Zhong sent a signal to Douluo, making Douluo transform to follow!

It would be a great disadvantage if others left and left the Douluo here instead.

The Douluo was not far from here, and approached quickly, but it was not a huge spaceship, but a small model. The Douluo could change constantly. When others were not paying attention, it approached Tang Zhong, and was caught by Tang Zhong. In his hand, he stuffed it directly into the evil eye, and when he got to the place, he could release it again!
After boarding the spaceship, it didn't take long before Ye Lang also boarded the spaceship.

"Everyone, you are about to set off soon. It is a long journey from the wilderness to the regular universe, so you all need to be mentally prepared. If you can't adapt to the long-term spaceship ride, you can consider not leaving now..." Ye Lang said.

No one spoke, and they desperately participated in the assessment just to get out of here. Everyone wanted to get out of here. Who would like to stay here?
"Well, I've already said these things, so when I say the journey, I will pass through many places in the dark universe, and sometimes the spaceship will bump, so be careful..." Ye Lang said.

"We will, Commander Ye!"


More and more people are talking.

"During the period, we will give you a practice area. Well, since everyone agrees, you can sail!" Ye Lang said.

With his order, the huge spaceship started to ignite!
Start to start, fly into the sky!

Tang Zhong stood by the window of the spaceship, looking at the picture in the distance, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart. He once suddenly didn't know how he came here, but now he is leaving. Although the time here is short, he has met a lot People, such as Mo Lao and the others!
For Tang Zhong, Mo Lao's death was the most sad thing this time.

If he was strong enough, he would be able to rescue Mo Lao from someone, but unfortunately... he can't.

Tang Zhong tightly held the black dragon jade pendant given to him by Mo Lao, he will definitely fulfill Mo Lao's wish and find someone who knows it!

Who is Long Zu?

And Emperor Cang!

The picture outside the window keeps changing.

Suddenly, Ye Lang came to Tang Zhong's side: "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about it, Commander!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why, do you miss the Great Wilderness?" Ye Lang said with a smile.

"En!" Tang nodded emphatically.

"Don't miss it anymore, you have already left, you should go to a wider place instead of staying in the wilderness!" Ye Lang said.

"I see, Commander Ye!" Tang nodded his head.

"Okay, I have nothing to say, I am more optimistic about you, so, when you get to the Predator base, remember, you are Ye Lang's soldier!" Ye Lang said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

Although Ye Lang has a strange temper, to Tang Zhong, he has the grace of knowing you!

"Okay, stop talking, wait, 30 years!" Ye Lang said with a smile.

"30 years..." Tang Zhong fell into deep thought!
30 years, vicissitudes and vicissitudes!
How will everything become?
The black spaceship is slowly flying in the dark universe.

(End of this chapter)

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