Chapter 1563 Simulation battle!
The black spaceship is slowly driving in the starry sky!

All around are some abandoned planets, which have been completely turned into abandoned stones, and are now suspended in the air!
Between the Great Wilderness and the regular universe, there are mostly abandoned universes.

So there is no life at all, not even monsters, and it is pitch black everywhere!
Tang Zhong has been practicing!
He doesn't know how long time has passed, the flow rate of the dark universe is like this!
Others don't know, just say 30 years away!

Tang Zhong was alone among the practitioners, constantly improving himself.

In this spaceship, good medicine for cultivation will be sent every day for everyone to use, and then improve their cultivation!

Tang Zhong absorbed the good medicine directly, and I don't know how long it will take!
The second set of golden meridians in Tang Zhong's body became more numerous before. It was just one meridian before, but now there are many more branches!

Tang Zhong is still wondering what is going on with this meridian?

But I can't figure it out, but it's a good thing.

Tang Zhong simply ignored it, but kept working hard on the magic sword.

Now Tang Zhong is more proficient in using the magic sword.

All kinds of martial arts can be said to be easy to grasp, extremely proficient!

As for the laws of fire and lightning, they are all mastered very proficiently!

When I was in the practice field a few times, I almost destroyed this place. After all, it is a practice field in the spaceship, and I am not as skilled as other places!
As for the Immortal Domain...

Still no chance to use it!
Moreover, secretly, Tang Zhong took off the bronze predator armor and replaced it with the silver armor that he got a long time ago!

After putting on that pair of silver armor, it was indeed different from the previous one, and it stuck tightly to his body, not bad!
But after wearing it for a while, he took it off. This armor cannot be exposed yet!
Every day, Tang Zhong is improving.

Moreover, the spaceship will conduct a simulated battle in the practice field every year. Because the power on the spaceship is limited, it cannot be said to be held at any time!
Simulated battle means that you can simulate how powerful a person fights if you want.

The current Tang Zhong has not been diligent in his cultivation. After taking those good medicines, he did not use them to improve his strength, but to refine his meridians.

In the practice field!
It was empty.

Tang Zhong, who only wore a pair of underpants, was holding a magic sword.

"Simulation battle... Opponent setting, the opponent of the domain master's eighth rank!"

Soon, a person appeared in front of Tang Zhong. That person was covered in black shadows, which were condensed from data. In the end, he turned into the same person as Tang Zhong, except that the strength of the other party was the eighth level of the domain master, and he also held a magic weapon. sword!

As for the domain, only one was simulated, and it was the flame domain!

It can be said that the simulated person is the same as Tang Zhong, except that two domains are missing, and the power of the simulated magic sword is only half!
That's why he dared to fight against the eighth level of the universe!
He had fought with the sixth-level player of the domain master before, and he could achieve instant kills. In front of him, the sixth-level players had no power to fight back at all!
"Start!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Start fighting.

The simulated battle is a battle. The simulated Tang Zhong, with killing intent in his pupils, rushed forward quickly, and fell down with the magic sword in the air.

That crazy demonic energy burst!

The fighting spirit in Tang Zhong's body was also directly surged at this moment.

"Come on!" Tang Zhong also drew out his magic sword, and fought together.

The two magic swords clashed together, and golden sparks agitated immediately.

The degree of powerful collision is really terrible.

Same as the two mountains.

The simulated Tang Zhong directly drew back the magic sword, and then slashed at a speed as fast as a hurricane.

In a second, hundreds of swords have been cut out!
There are shadows everywhere!

Tang Zhong resisted.

The sword technique is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

"Cut!" mocked Tang Zhong roared.

His eyes seemed to be filled with lightning, slashing, slashing crazily!
Shout out!

Strong crush!

Fortunately, he is a domain master of the eighth rank, so he is really powerful.

Every time the domain master advances, the promotion really isn't just one point or two points!
After ten minutes of hard fighting.

Tang Zhong was hit by the magic sword all at once!
Cut the heart!

But in an instant, the simulated Tang Zhong disappeared, because it was a simulated battle, so when the power was directly resolved, the simulated person disappeared!
Tang Zhong fell to the ground and could still feel the pain. The people in this mock battle are really too strong!
But he absolutely cannot admit defeat, this is the challenge, mock battles are held every year, and this is the first year!
Another 29 years!

Come again next year.

In the second year, Tang Zhong still practiced!

The imitation Tang Zhong in the first year's mock battle, that fast swordsmanship, is something he doesn't have now, but he has always remembered the Tang Zhong in the mock battle.

He can also become so strong!
the second year!
The same imitation of Tang Zhong, the eighth-level domain master, and fast swordsmanship, but in the end Tang Zhong was defeated, and the whole person was directly knocked into the air, but today, he lasted longer under the opponent's hands.

This is progress!
Keep practicing!

Driven by good medicine.

The golden meridian in Tang Zhong's body is now spreading all over his body, it can be said to be about the same size as his original meridian!

He tried whether to use the golden blood, he always felt that using the golden blood would make him stronger!
But the golden blood can't be used. Although it is in my body, I always feel that it is not under my control!
In the third year... Tang Zhong was able to hold on under the simulated Tang Zhong for a longer period of time. Now, although he still can't beat the simulated Tang Zhong, he can survive many moves,

After every battle with the simulated Tang Zhong, he will keep in mind his own weaknesses.

Because the simulated Tang Zhong is very likely to be the appearance of his future enemies. He has suffered losses in the hands of the simulated Tang Zhong now, and he will suffer losses in the hands of the same enemies in the future. Now it is a kind of practice.

It doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you can find a way, that's fine.


It will be the same next year.

The time Tang Zhong can hold on in the opponent's hands has grown even longer.

The thing about time, that's it!
You never know how long it will be!
Finally at No.20 five years.

Tang Zhong finally found a way to defeat the imitation Tang Zhong, and exhausted all methods, finally defeated the opponent.

But that's not enough...

Don't matter is that kind of massacre, and it's a complete massacre!

No.20 six years, a little faster than before!

27 years, faster.

Finally at the age of 29, he started to have no trouble dealing with the imitation Tang Zhong.

No. 30 years.

The simulated battle has just begun, and Tang Zhong, who has been practicing for a year, has entered the simulated battle!
As soon as he entered, he directly chose Tang Zhong, the imitation of the domain master's eighth rank!

Then I saw the imitation Tang Zhong holding the magic sword appearing again.

(End of this chapter)

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